test = window.nice.url('test'); jQuery(function($) { subscription_on_page = $('.try_subscription').length; subscription = window.nice.url('subscription'); len = $(`.price_template[num="${subscription}"]`).length; if(subscription_on_page && subscription) { th = $(`.try_subscription[p='${subscription}']:eq(0)`); if(!th.length) { $('body').append(`
`); th = $(`.try_subscription[p='${subscription}']:eq(0)`); } try_subscription(th); } }); var style = { base: { color: "#32325d", fontFamily: '"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif', fontSmoothing: "antialiased", fontSize: "16px", "::placeholder": { color: "#aab7c4" } }, invalid: { color: "#fa755a", iconColor: "#fa755a" } } window.stripe_style = style; cardElement = ''; function mount_card() { var elements = stripe.elements(); var cardElement = elements.create("card", { style: window.stripe_style }); cardElement.mount("#card-element"); cardElement.on('change', showCardError); } len = $('#card-element').length; if(len) mount_card(); function showCardError(event) { loader_remove(); let displayError = document.getElementById('card-errors'); if(event.error) { displayError.textContent = event.error.message; } else { displayError.textContent = ''; } } function showCardError2(event) { loader_remove(); hide_errors(); if(event.error) { error = event.error.message; $('.wan_cheng').closest('.button_block').before("
"); } } function check_cards_table() { len = $('.card_table').length; //console.log(len); if(len) { tr = $('.card_table .card_row').length; //console.log(tr); if(tr) { $('.no_cards_message').hide(); $('.card_table').show(); } else { $('.card_table').hide(); $('.no_cards_message').show(); } } } function try_subscription(th, info = '') { test = window.nice.url('test'); p = th.attr('p'); no_esc = th.attr('no_esc'); next = th.attr('next'); next = myvar(next); if(next == 'this') { //console.log(next); next = window.location.pathname; } else if(next) { first_litera = next.substring(0, 1); if(first_litera == '/') { next2 = next; next2 = next.substring(1); next2 = encodeURIComponent(next2); next = '/' + next2; } } if(next && window.nice.url('next')) { next = window.nice.url('next') window.next_link = next } if(!info) { s = th.attr('s'); s = myvar(s); info = {s}; attributes = ''; if(typeof th.get(0) != 'undefined') attributes = th.get(0).attributes; if(attributes) $.each(attributes, function(i, attrib){ name = attrib.name; value = attrib.value; info[name] = value; }); if(next) { info.next = next; window.next_link = next; } inp = $('.donate_input input'); if(inp.length) info.amount = inp.val(); } //console.log(info); inf = info; $.post(window.homepage + '/ajax/subscription/sf', {p, s, test, inf}).done(function(data) { loader_remove(); if(getpos(data,'error') && getpos(data,'{') && getpos(data, "error:")) { data = JSON.parse(data); error = data.error; showbox('',error); return; } classes = '' if(no_esc) classes += 'no_esc' //console.log('classes', classes) showbox('', data, 'fullwidth no_headline payment_window ' + classes); if(no_esc) { $('.steps_menu .post_tab[type="step_1"]').removeClass('post_tab') } chosen_p = $('.chosen_p').text(); if(chosen_p) { $('.post_tab[num="${chosen_p}"]').trigger('click'); } p = $('.p_type.active').attr('num'); loading = 0; len = $('#card-element').length; if(typeof stripe == 'undefined') return; if(!len) return; var elements = stripe.elements(); var cardElement = elements.create("card", {style: window.stripe_style}); cardElement.mount("#card-element"); cardElement.on('change', showCardError2); $(document).on('click', '.wan_cheng', function(event){ $('#payment-form button').trigger('click'); }); form = document.getElementById('payment-form'); form.addEventListener('submit', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if(loading) return; loading = 1; //$(document).on('click', '.wan_cheng', function(event){ th = $('.wan_cheng'); th.append(" " + fa_spinner); o = $('.step_3').attr('o'); hide_errors(); existing = $('.existing_input').val(); card = $('select[name="cards"]').val(); //console.log(existing); //console.log(card); if(!existing) { //console.log('init stripe'); stripe.createToken(cardElement).then(function(result) { error = result.error; //console.log('try to pay with a new card'); try_to_pay(error, result.token); }).catch((error) => { //console.log(error); loader_remove(); loading = 0; }); } else { //console.log('pay with existing method'); try_to_pay('',''); } }); }); } $(document).on('click', '.wallet_pay', function(){ th = $(this); len = th.find('.fa-spin').length; if(len) return; hide_errors(); th.append(" " + fa_spinner); info = $('.th_info').text(); o = $('.step_3').attr('o'); p = $('.step_3').attr('p'); a = $('.to_pay[num="'+ p + '"]').text(); postto('/api/wallet/pay', {o,a}, 'wallet_pay_'); }); window.wallet_pay_ = function(data){ //loader_remove(); $('.wallet_pay').before(data); } $(document).on('click', '.post_tab[type="step_1"]', function(){ chosen_p = $('.chosen_p').length; no_esc = $('.my_box.no_esc').length //console.log(no_esc) if(no_esc) return; if(chosen_p) del_mybox(); }); $(document).on('click', '.paypal_scheduled', function(){ th = $(this); p = th.attr('p'); d = th.attr('d'); canceling = th.attr('canceling'); next = th.attr('next'); gift_sub = th.attr('gift_sub'); if(!def(gift_sub)) gift_sub = ''; if(!def(canceling)) canceling = ''; if(gift_sub == '0') gift_sub = ''; plan = th.attr('plan'); th.append(""); th.removeClass('paypal_scheduled'); cancel = $("meta[property='og:url']").attr('content'); return_url = ''; test = window.nice.url('test'); len = $('.return_url').length; if(len) return_url = $('.return_url').text(); if(next) return_url = next if(!return_url && window.next_link) return_url = window.next_link; if(return_url && !getpos(return_url, 'https')) return_url = window.homepage + return_url; len = $('.cancel_scheduled').length; if(len) cancel = $('.cancel_scheduled').last().text(); o = $('.step_3').attr('o'); prodvar = $('.step_3').attr('prodvar'); email = $('.my_box [name="friend_email"]').val(); pass = $('.my_box [name="friend_password"]').val(); //console.log(return_url); //console.log(cancel); //if(test) return; if(gift_sub) { email_check = check_mail2(email); val = ''; ps_length = pass.length; if(!email || !pass) val = 'guest_email_pass'; else if(!email_check) val = 'email_incorrect'; else if(ps_length < 7) val = 'ps_length'; if(val) { $.post(window.homepage + "/do/any/tran", {val}).done(function(data) { show_msg(data); loader_remove(); $('.scheduled_button').addClass('paypal_scheduled'); }); return; } } $.post(window.homepage + '/do/any/paypal_scheduled', {o, p, d, prodvar, plan, cancel, return_url, test, email, pass, canceling}).done(function(data) { data = JSON.parse(data); error = data.error; result = data.result; logs = data.logs; if(error) { show_msg(error); loader_remove(); $('.scheduled_button').addClass('paypal_scheduled'); } else if(result) { $('body').append(result); } }); }); $(document).on('click', '.you_already_subscribed', function(){ postto('view/already_subscribed'); }); $(document).on('click', '.remove_payment_method', function(){ th = $(this); i = th.attr('i'); th.append(' ' + fa_spinner); $.post(window.homepage + '/ajax/stripe/rem_card', {i}).done(function(data){ data = JSON.parse(data); error = data.error; table = data.table; success_message = data.success_message; error_message = data.error_message; if(!error) { short_mes(success_message); $('.card_table tbody').html(table); } else { showbox(error_message, error); } }); }); $(document).on('click', '.make_card_default', function(){ th = $(this); i = th.attr('i'); th.append(' ' + fa_spinner); $.post(window.homepage + '/ajax/stripe/make_def', {i}).done(function(data) { data = JSON.parse(data); error = data.error; table = data.table; error_message = data.error_message; success_message = data.success_message; if(!error) { short_mes(success_message); $('.card_table tbody').html(table); } else { showbox(error_message, error); } }); }); $(document).on('click', '.existing_card', function(){ th = $(this); th.hide(); $('.card_container').hide(); $('.another_card').show(); $('.existing_cards').show(); $('.existing_input').val('1'); hide_errors(); }); $(document).on('click', '.another_card', function(){ th = $(this); th.hide(); hide_errors(); $('.card_container').show(); $('.existing_card').show(); $('.existing_cards').hide(); $('.existing_input').val(''); }); $(document).on('click', '.add_pay_method', function(){ $.post(window.homepage + '/ajax/stripe/add_pay', {}).done(function(data) { if(getpos(data,'error') && !getpos(data,'card-errors')) { data = JSON.parse(data); error = data.error; showbox('',error); return; } showme(data); elements = stripe.elements(); cardElement = elements.create("card", { style: window.stripe_style }); cardElement.mount("#card-element"); cardElement.on('change', showCardError); cardElement.on('ready', function(){ $('.button_block').show(300); loader_remove(); }); working = ''; form = document.getElementById('payment-form'); form.addEventListener('submit', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $('.save_card_but').append(" " + fa_spinner); if(working) { loader_remove(); return; } working = 1; stripe.createToken(cardElement).then(function(result) { working = 0; if (result.error) { errorElement = document.getElementById('card-errors'); errorElement.textContent = result.error.message; loader_remove(); } else { make_default = $('input[name="make_default"]').val(); $.post(window.homepage + '/ajax/stripe/savec', {make_default: make_default, info: result.token}).done(function(data) { data = JSON.parse(data); error = data.error; message = data.message; mybox = data.mybox; success_message = data.success_message; loader_remove(); if(error) { $('#card-errors').html(error); } else { table = data.table; $('.card_table tbody').html(table); short_mes(success_message); del_mybox(); } }); } }); }); }); }); $(document).on('click', '.to_step_3', function() { th = $(this); o = $('.step_3').attr('o'); p = th.attr('num'); if(p) { $('.p_type[num="'+p+'"]').addClass('active'); } if(typeof o == 'undefined') { cancel_url = ''; len = $('.cancel_scheduled').length; if(len) cancel_url = $('.cancel_scheduled').last().text(); info = $('.th_info').text(); $.post(window.homepage + '/ajax/invoice/c_i', {test, o, p, cancel_url, info}).done(function(data) { data = JSON.parse(data); o = data.o; payp = data.paypal; info = data.info; error = data.error; success = data.success; if(success) { $('.my_box').html(success); return; } if(error) showbox('', error); else { only_step_2 = $('.step_3').attr('only_step_2'); if(!def(only_step_2)) only_step_2 = ''; if(only_step_2) { current_link = window.location.href; if(window.next_link) current_link = window.next_link; if(getpos(current_link, '?')) current_link += '&'; else current_link += '?'; current_link += 'signed_up=1'; window.location.href = current_link; } } //console.log(payp); if(payp) { $('.my_custom_form .paypal_form').html(payp); } if(o) $('.step_3').attr('o', o); loader_remove(); }); } }); function change_number_of_items() { inp = $('input[name="number_of_items"]'); myinp = $('.my_box input[name="number_of_items"]'); if(myinp.length) inp = myinp; number_of_items = inp.val(); val = number_of_items; info = $('.th_info').text(); val = parseInt(val); o = $('.step_3').attr('o'); p = $('.number_of_items_element').attr('pp'); window.p = p; $.post('/ajax/invoice/number', {o, val, p, info}, function(data){ data = JSON.parse(data); total = data.total; error = data.error; val = data.val; table = data.table; next_payment_on = data.next_payment_on; if(error) show_msg(error); if(total) { $('.total_price_number').text(total); $('.next_payment_on_text').text(next_payment_on); len = $('.my_box .number_of_items_element').length; if(len && table) { $('.number_of_items_element').html(table); } p = window.p; if(p) { $(`.try_subscription[p="${p}"]`).attr('numofi', val); } } //showme(data); }); //total = total.toFixed(2) } $(document).on('click', '.number_of_items_field .select_list_option', function(){ setTimeout(() => { change_number_of_items(); }, 100); }); $(document).on('click', '.try_subscription', function(event){ th = $(this); try_subscription(th); }); function try_to_pay(error, token) { o = $('.step_3').attr('o'); existing = $('.existing_input').val(); card = $('select[name="cards"]').val(); if(existing && card == '-') { select_a_card_phrase = $('.select_a_card_phrase').text(); error = select_a_card_phrase; } //console.log(error); //console.log(existing, card); if(typeof error == 'object') error = error.message ? error.message : ''; nice = new nice_dd89(); test = nice.url('test'); if(error) { loading = 0; loader_remove(); hide_errors(); $('.wan_cheng').closest('.button_block').before("
"); //errorElement = document.getElementById('card-errors'); //errorElement.textContent = error; } //return; if(!error) { go = window.homepage + '/api/stripe/new_s'; $.post(go, {f: 'new_s', card: card, existing: existing, t: token, o: o, test:test}).done(function(data) { loader_remove(); loading = 0; data = JSON.parse(data); error = data.error; subscription = data.val; value = data.value; email = data.email; query = data.query; window.subscription = subscription; //console.log(data); if(!error) { ev = '/sub_charge_' + subscription + '_new_subscription_' + value + '_USD'; next = ''; next_link = window.next_link; if (next_link) { next_link = encodeURIComponent(next_link); next = '&next=' + next_link; } thankyou_link = window.homepage + ev + '?' + query + next; window.location.href = thankyou_link; return; } else { $('.wan_cheng').closest('.button_block').before(error); } }); } }