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logo-test is down
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


As reported in T363057, logo-test is down.

2024-04-23T19:59:54+00:00 [logo-test-765c84f5c6-p2ksr] Error: Rocket failed to launch due to the following route collisions:
2024-04-23T19:59:54+00:00 [logo-test-765c84f5c6-p2ksr]    >> (healthz) GET /healthz collides with (healthz) GET /healthz
2024-04-23T19:59:54+00:00 [logo-test-765c84f5c6-p2ksr]    >> Note: Route collisions can usually be resolved by ranking routes.

This seems to be caused by which missed that there already is a /healthz route.