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Per poter corteggiare Porzia, il nobile Bassanio chiede un prestito al suo amico Antonio che, avendo investito tutte le sue ricchezze in traffici marittimi, deve a sua volta farsi prestare il denaro dall'usuraio ebreo Shylock. Il pegno è sconvolgente: se il denaro non sarà restituito il giorno fissato, Shylock potrà prelevare una libbra di carne dal corpo di Antonio. E questo l'inizio di uno dei drammi shakespeariani più rappresentati e letti, dove amicizia, amore, avidità, odio, ambiguità dei personaggi concorrono a caricare il testo di una straordinaria forza emotiva. La presente edizione viene proposta nella nuova traduzione e con il puntuale corredo di note a cura di Chiara Lombardi.
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Drama, Jews, Moneylenders, Shylock (Fictitious character), Juvenile drama, Plays, English literature, History and criticism, History, Problems, exercises, Criticism and interpretation, Sources, Bibliography, Promptbooks, English Young adult drama, Quartos, Study and teaching, Outlines, syllabi, Fiction, Study guides, Examinations, Jews in literature, English drama, English drama (Comedy), Drama in English Shakespeare, William - Texts, English literature: Shakespeare criticism, English literature: Shakespeare texts, Plays / Drama, Literary Criticism, Shakespeare, For National Curriculum Key Stage 3, Venice (Italy), Juvenile literature, Concordances, Venecia (Italia), Prestamistas, Teatro, Judíos, Nonfiction, British and irish drama (dramatic works by one author), Shakespeare, william, 1564-1616, merchant of venice, Shakespeare, william, 1564-1616, juvenile literature, Shakespeare, william, 1564-1616, adaptations, Merchant of Venice (Shakespeare, William), Education, English literature, study and teaching, Shakespeare, william, 1564-1616, criticism and interpretation, Drama (dramatic works by one author), English literature, outlines, syllabi, etc., Shakespeare, william, 1564-1616, outlines, syllabi, etc., Outlines, syllabi, Problems, exercises, Dramatic production, Stage history, Comedies, Humorous plays, Study and teaching (Secondary), Secondary Education, Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616, Criticism, Jewish merchants, Readers for new literates, Shakespeare, william, 1564-1616, study and teaching, Mathematics, study and teaching, Shakespeare, william, 1564-1616, criticism, textual, English literature, history and criticism, early modern, 1500-1700, Theater, Production and direction, Stage management, Théâtre, Production et mise en scène, Régie (Théâtre), English drama, history and criticism, Merchants, In literature, Comedy, Readers, Portia (Fictitious character : Shakespeare), Shakespeare, william , 1564-1616, Moneylenders--drama, Jews--italy--venice--drama, Shylock (fictitious character)--drama, Pr2825.a2 d75 2010, 822.33, TextbooksPlaces
Venice (Italy), Italy, Venice, Italia, VeneciaShowing 20 featured editions. View all 771 editions?
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The merchant of Venice: Il mercante di Venezia
2014, Einaudi
in English and Italian
8806218220 9788806218225
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Nlss: Merchant of Venice Paper
2000, Pearson Education Australia
in English
0582427134 9780582427136
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In this lively comedy of love and money in sixteenth-century Venice, Bassanio wants to impress the wealthy heiress Portia but lacks the necessary funds. He turns to his merchant friend, Antonio, who is forced to borrow from Shylock, a Jewish moneylender. When Antonio's business falters, repayment becomes impossible--and by the terms of the loan agreement, Shylock is able to demand a pound of Antonio's flesh. Portia cleverly intervenes, and all ends well (except of course for Shylock).
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