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Silver Blaze
Adventure of the Speckled Band
Sign of Four
Scandal in Bohemia
Adventure of the Naval Treaty
Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle
Adventure of the Greek Interpreter
Red-Headed League
Adventure of the Empty House
Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter
His Last Bow
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Crime & Mystery, classic fiction, Andamanese, arrow poisons, bloguns, convicts, crime & mystery fiction, crocodiles, Detective and mystery fiction, Fiction, Fiction Classics, Indian Rebellion of 1857, launches, Literary Fiction, Mystery & Suspense, Mystery fiction, novel, private investigators, substance abuse, tea plantations, treasure, waylaying, British and irish fiction (fictional works by one author), English language, study and teaching, Children's stories, English children's stories, English Detective and mystery stories, horse racing, Mystery and detective stories, opium, race horses, scalpels, Children's fiction, amorality, Anglo-Saxons, aristocracy, detective fiction, Juvenile audience, locked-room mysteries, Drama, cabinet cards, Honourable Society of the Inner Temple, prima donnas, smoke bombs, coffee, Detective and mystery stories, police, stock market, treaties, carbuncles, Christmas dinners, commissionaires, Private investigators in fiction, banks, Encyclopædia Britannica, pawnbrokers, police inspectors, red hair, air guns, anonymity, attempted murder, baritsu, coal tar, deformities, soft-point bullets, wax sculptures, whist, anise, broughams, butlers, consumption, cottages, dogs, extortion, kidnapping, rugby unions, telegraphy, Sherlock Holmes (Fictitious character), Private investigatorsPeople
Sherlock Holmes, John H. Watson, Mary Morstan, John Sholto, Jonathan Small, Mahomet Singh, Abdullah Khan, Dost Akbar, Toby, Tonga, Rajah, Mr. Sherman, Baker Street Irregulars, Bartholomew, Thaddeus Sholto, Captain Morstan, Fitzroy Simpson, Silver Blaze, Colonel Ross, John Straker, Ned Hunter, William Derbyshire, Silas Brown, Inspector Gregory, Stroke Moran, Helen Stoner, Grimesby Roylott, Wilhelm Gottsreich Sigismond von Ormstein, Clotilde Lothman von Saxe-Meiningen, Irene Adler, Godfrey Norton, Percy Phelps, Charles Gorot, Annie Harrison, Countess of Morcar, John Horner, Peterson, Henry Baker, Breckinridge, Mrs Oakshott, Catherine Cusack, James Ryder, Mrs. Oakshott, Jabez Wilson, Vincent Spaulding, Duncan Ross, Police Inspector Jones, Mr. Merryweather, John Clay, Archie, Ronald Adair, Earl of Maynooth, Sebastian Moran, James Moriarty, Mycroft Holmes, Inspector G. Lestrade, Cyril Overton, Godfrey Staunton, Lord Mount-James, Leslie Armstrong, PompeyPlaces
England, Inglaterra, India, Langham Hotel, London, Agra Fort, Buffs, Andaman Islands, Dartmoor Prison, Wessex, Dartmoor, King's Pyland, Calcutta, Surrey, Bohemia, Scandinavia, Warsaw, 221B Baker Street, Church of St. Monica, Edgware Road, Charing Cross railway station, Working, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Briarbrae, Alpha Inn, British Museum, Covent Garden, Brixton, Baker Street, Maynooth, Australia, 427 Park Lane, Kensington, Reichenbach Falls, Florence, Tibet, Lhasa, Persia, Mecca, Khartoum, Camden House, Montpellier, France, Trinity College, Cambridge, University of Oxford, StrandShowing 4 featured editions. View all 16 editions?
Edition | Availability |
福尔摩斯探案集: Sherlock Holmes: Selected Stories
1995-06, Foreign Language Teaching & Research Pr.
in English and Chinese
7560009832 9787560009834
Sherlock Holmes: Selected Stories
1993, Oxford University Press
in English
- Borders Books edition
0192510525 9780192510525
3 |
Sherlock Holmes: Selected Stories
1954, Oxford University Press
in English
- The World's Classics edition, reprint
Book Details
Table of Contents
Introduction by S.C. Roberts --
Silver Blaze --
The speckled band --
The sign of four --
A scandal in Bohemia --
The naval treaty --
The blue carbuncle --
The Greek interpreter --
The Red-headed league --
The empty house --
The missing three-quarter --
His last bow.
Edition Notes
The Physical Object
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November 28, 2023 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
March 5, 2023 | Edited by Lisa | merge authors |
November 27, 2022 | Edited by mheimanbot | Fixed author redirect |
November 11, 2022 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
December 10, 2009 | Created by WorkBot | add works page |