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1 - 10 von 18
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Ihre Aktion:
Suchen (GND-Nummer, Suche nach verknüpften Titeln [GND]) 117696803
1. |
Büchner, borders and the converging of 'crowds' : Jack Thorne's "Woyzeck" (2017)  / Prestwich, Joseph. - In: German life and letters. - Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, ISSN 0016-8777. - Bd. 76 (2023), 4 (Oktober), S. 547-563
2. |
[Rezension von: Clive Gamble, Making deep history]  / Sasse-Kunst, Barbara. - In: Archäologische Informationen. - Bonn : Ges., ISSN 2197-7429. - Bd. 45 (2022), S. 241-250 Link zum Volltext: Elektronische Ressource: Zugang beim Produzenten (Lizenzangabe: Kostenfrei ohne Registrierung)
3. |
Letters  Prestwich, Joseph. - 1899
4. |
Collected papers on some controversed questions of geology  Prestwich, Joseph. - London, 1895
5. |
On the Evidences of a submergence of Western Europe, and of the mediterranean coasts, at the close of the glacial or so-called postglacial period, and immediately preceding the neolithic or recent period  Prestwich, Joseph. - London : Royal Society, 1893
6. |
Geology, chemical, physical and stratigraphical ;in 2 volumes Vol.2: Stratigraphical and physical  / Prestwich, Joseph. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1888
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Geology, chemical, physical and stratigraphical; in 2 volumes Vol. 1: Chemical and physical  / Prestwich, Joseph. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1886
8. |
Geology, chemical, physical and stratigraphical ; in 2 volumes  Prestwich, Joseph. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1886- ->Bände
9. |
On the Origin of the Parallel Roads of Lochaber and their Bearing an other Phenomena of the Glacial Period  Prestwich, Joseph. - (London), (1880)
10. |
Tables of Temperatures of the Sea at different Depths beneath the Surface, reduced and collated from the various observations made between the years 1749 and 1808, discussed : with Map and Sections ; received May 14, Read June 18, 1874  Prestwich, Joseph. - [London], [ca. 1875]
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