Wanted to wait for my bday to write one of these too but yea 2024 was a ride.
I got to work on and work with some many talented individuals and make alot growth in life and in art.
got to work on some games with the lovely crowseeds crew .
got to be in a few collabs hosted by Dannygoodshirt
animate some of my own OG stuff.
Got to have alot of amazing guest on my funny lil youtube art podcast .
and FINALLY release the Dreamcast collab
With help hosting by @shlepboi and @RGPAnims and programming by @Amni3D
without them and everyone who helped worked on it we couldn't had casted that dream.
and to top it off the fulpware gold by Rgp funny Anims
Special Thanks
@shleptboi @KittyhawkMontrose TeffyD Amni3D ARAMort RGPAnims popperr
crow-seeds MarimosGoldfish ninjamuffin99 Obsqured SoftDrinks Wandaboy Broly
DenshaVA tofokyo HenryEYES Hibachi arkoirisangel Speedo ookiyo Snackers
Stradomyre milkyace Jack MatthewLopz Grizzace Senranx
Erm yea that's about it.