Hey, I’m Lazar Nikolov
I’m a software engineer and content creator. I publish videos and live stream on YouTube, and also run a Discord community called creatures.sh. I live in Toronto, Canada.
I currently work at Sentry as a Developer Advocate, focused on web performance, debugging, and good software engineering practices in general.
Before Sentry, I lived in Skopje, North Macedonia, which is where I’m from, and worked as a software engineer since 2015.
I’m curious by nature, and love to tinker with different frameworks and languages.
Debugging complicated apps Learn With Jason
Clean Architecture in Next.js: A Complete Implementation Guide 55.9k views • personal YouTube channel
Neovim Setup for Web Dev (JavaScript, Next.js) 62.6k views • personal YouTube channel
🐱 Kitty Terminal - change profiles and transparency 15.2k views • personal YouTube channel
RSCs and Performance Tracking Smashing Meets Performance
The Forensics of React Server Components Smashing Magazine
Setup VSCode Like Neovim 32.3k views • personal YouTube channel
How I configured nvim-dap to Debug Node.js Apps 21.9k views • personal YouTube channel
End-to-end monitoring for web and mobile applications with Sentry Google Cloud's blog
Build Your Own Design System with Chakra UI GitHub Open Source Friday
Next.js-like routing in TanStack Start 1.6k views • personal YouTube channel
Chapter 3 - Fundamentals of Software Architecture | Book Club 1.3k views • personal YouTube channel
Chapter 2 - Fundamentals of Software Architecture | Book Club 736 views • personal YouTube channel
Chapter 1 - Fundamentals of Software Architecture | Book Club 5.8k views • personal YouTube channel
Why I am switching from Kitty to WezTerm? (How to setup WezTerm) 13.2k views • personal YouTube channel
The Perfect Monitor for Coding!! The BenQ RD280UA 6.8k views • personal YouTube channel
How to reduce TTFB Sentry's blog
Debugging complicated apps Learn With Jason
Desk Setup for 2025 & Room Tour | Software Engineer Workspace in Toronto 5.1k views • personal YouTube channel
The Vercel Edge Runtime issue that made me ditch Inversify and switch to Ioctopus 2.7k views • personal YouTube channel
What's the diff between API Latency and Response Time? Sentry's blog
How to identify and fix Render-Blocking Resources Sentry's blog
Atomic Repositories in Clean Architecture and TypeScript Sentry's blog
Clean Architecture & Repository Pattern in JavaScript 5.7k views • personal YouTube channel
What is atomicity in databases? #database #db #atomic #atomicity #sql #postgresql #ecommerce 1.1k views • personal YouTube channel
Why Clean Architecture makes debugging easier Sentry's blog
Where do you put libraries in a Clean Architecture project? #softwarearchitecture #cleanarchitecture 1.4k views • personal YouTube channel
Is Clean Architecture overengineering? #softwarearchitecture #overengineering 1.8k views • personal YouTube channel
TRPC in Clean Architecture #trpc #nextjs #softwarearchitecture #javascript 1.6k views • personal YouTube channel
Is Clean Architecture for every project? #softwarearchitecture #javascript 1.5k views • personal YouTube channel
When to implement Clean Architecture? #softwarearchitecture #javascript #mvp 1.3k views • personal YouTube channel
Functions vs Classes in JavaScript Clean Architecture #javascript #softwarearchitecture 1.3k views • personal YouTube channel
Clean Architecture in Next.js: A Complete Implementation Guide 55.9k views • personal YouTube channel
Neovim Setup for Web Dev (JavaScript, Next.js) 62.6k views • personal YouTube channel
what I do after installing Shadcn UI in Next.js #nextjs #shadcn 4.8k views • personal YouTube channel
How to mock an npm package with Vitest/Jest 2.6k views • personal YouTube channel
Clean Architecture made simple: My version of the dartboard diagram 6k views • personal YouTube channel
The missing piece for Clean Architecture in Next.js: What Inversify is & how to use it (Quick guide) 5k views • personal YouTube channel
Clean Architecture in Next.js Live Stream! 1.3k views • personal YouTube channel
Best way to write Next.js Server Actions ✨ 7k views • personal YouTube channel
One of my coolest Neovim plugins 2.6k views • personal YouTube channel
Challenge: Build a full stack app in 8 hours 💪 885 views • personal YouTube channel
The biggest mistake with Next.js Server Actions (And how to fix It) 3.1k views • personal YouTube channel
🐱 Kitty Terminal - change profiles and transparency 15.2k views • personal YouTube channel
RSCs and Performance Tracking Smashing Meets Performance
The Forensics of React Server Components Smashing Magazine
Setup VSCode Like Neovim 32.3k views • personal YouTube channel
Validate your environment variables with Zod 2.2k views • personal YouTube channel
A must-have VSCode feature for Next.js developers 5.8k views • personal YouTube channel
Quick and easy way to auto sort your imports in TypeScript 3.6k views • personal YouTube channel
How to Maximize Application Performance and Monitoring ConTejas Code Podcast
Low effort image optimization tips Sentry's blog
The easiest way to write blogs in Astro without VS Code 2.6k views • personal YouTube channel
Simple way to integrate Astro with Obsidian 6.6k views • personal YouTube channel
Environment variables type safety and validation with Zod creatures.sh blog
Fetch Waterfall in React Sentry's blog
Fixing memoization-breaking re-renders in React Sentry's blog
How I configured nvim-dap to Debug Node.js Apps 21.9k views • personal YouTube channel
Neovim Plugin: Best way to update npm packages 2.6k views • personal YouTube channel
Build a Full Stack Blog with Astro Egghead.io
CSS Container Queries in 5 minutes 3.3k views • personal YouTube channel
CSS Nesting in 5 minutes 2.4k views • personal YouTube channel
CSS Container Queries creatures.sh blog
CSS Style Queries creatures.sh blog
Getting started with CSS Nesting creatures.sh blog
End-to-end monitoring for web and mobile applications with Sentry Google Cloud's blog
Maximize App Performance by Optimizing Web Fonts Vue.JS Live
Web Fonts and the Dreaded Cumulative Layout Shift Sentry's blog
Build better Jetpack Compose apps with Sentry Infoworld's blog
Rødecaster Pro Review - Is it worth the investment? creatures.sh blog
Distributed Tracing in Next.js creatures.sh blog
Getting Started with Jetpack Compose Sentry's blog
Mobile Application Monitoring 101 Android Worldwide
Mobile: The Future is Declarative Sentry's blog
Build Your Own Design System with Chakra UI GitHub Open Source Friday
Fundamental Next.js API and Patterns Egghead.io
Creating and using API Routes in Next.js creatures.sh blog
Creating custom layouts in Next.js creatures.sh blog
Using Next.js's Static Generation method creatures.sh blog
Using Next.js's Server-side Rendering method creatures.sh blog
Generating blurDataURL for remote images in Next.js creatures.sh blog
A simple change improved Chakra UI's PageSpeed significantly creatures.sh blog
Building Layouts Fast with Chakra UI FrontendHorse
Build a Modern User Interface with Chakra UI Egghead.io