I went to the other extreme. I have a somewhat elaborate fish function which detects any use of -a and refuses to call Git with it.
I had gotten lazy about good commits, basically, `git commit -a` was in my muscle memory. Forcing myself to treat staging as a step before committing, and getting in the habit of using `git add -p` when called for, has made a meaningful difference in the quality of my commit history.
If one is disciplined about making changes in the first place, I suppose this matters less. But I'm not, and also don't want to be: if I spot something else which needs doing while I'm in flow mode, I'm not going to put it off just to keep commits nice, not when there are better options for doing that part.
I make one elaborate commit where I carefully stage things etc. But invariably I miss something, find 3 typos and so on.
that’s when the aliases are handy. The alias for fixing a typo is using all, amend and no-edit. Super useful. But obviously needs to be used with care when you only do such a fix. I’d be perfectly happy for my git oops to refuse running if there is more than one changed line to commit, for example.
My git status is `git s` aliased to `git status -sb`, don't need all the extra clutter.
I also have a few .zshrc aliases, like `gap` which is `git add -p` or `gam` which is `git commit --amend --no-edit`.
But also some typo fixing ones that I end up doing a lot, some because I type in half a command and get distracted / check something, then start over with a partially filled in command:
alias gigit="git"
alias gitgit="git"
alias ggit="git"
alias qgit="git"
alias ght="git"
alias got="git"
alias cleear="clear"
alias gits="git s"
Another trick, in your .gitconfig, add this [alias]:
git = !git
That way, if you accidentally do `git git commit` or whatever (like above) it just works. Also, some typo fixes there:
- `ls` for `ls-files`
- `lo` for `git log --oneline`, then add a variety of letters in multiple combinations like
- `r` for `--reverse`,
- `s` for `--stat`,
- `om` for `origin/master..`,
- `1` for `-n1`, `2` for `-n2`, `3` for `-n3` (maybe up to 5),
- `rbi` for `rebase -i`,
- `rbiom` for `rebase -i origin/master`,
- `rbc` for `rebase --continue`
- `rba` for `rebase --abort`
- `cp` for `cherry-pick`,
- `cpa` for `cherry-pick --abort`,
- `cpc` for `cherry-pick --continue`
I also have _shell_ aliases like `gits` that works out to `git status -uno`, and `gita` that lets me add tracked files. I need a `gitca` for `EDITOR=true git commit --amend`.
Notice I don't have aliases for merging. I use strictly rebase and cherry-pick workflows.
I found these online and added them to my gitconfig at one point... I can't take credit for them. Integrating fzf with git makes working with branches even better (with fuzzy matches for checking out as well as deleting branches)...
It’s strange that git aliases can’t accept multiple git commands. It gives a strange divide between single command aliases which go in your git config and multi command aliases which go in a shell config. Shells vary and some don’t even have aliases (cmd is probably the most used shell of them all and it - almost - doesn’t have aliases at all).
Being able to define an && alias in .gitconfig would be great for being able to share snippets like these across shells and OS:es.
My most used alias is by far “git oops” for git commmit —all —-amend —-no-edit
> But git was written assuming a posix shell and it shows up here and there sadly.
Given that the entire point of POSIX is cross platform compatibility, this is one of the few times when I will say they (Linus/git) got it 100% right.
> Should be possible for git to simply interpret sequentially.
Simply? What should it do if the first command fails? Should it exit early? What if you want it to run the second only if the first returns error? What if you want to pipe the first to the second? Or use it as an argument?
Aliases have a "simple" mode where they call exactly one thing. Anything beyond that can't be simple, without also being useless.
If Microsoft can't ship a POSIX compatible shell that's on them, and if you insist on using an OS that doesn't have a POSIX compatible shell, that's on you.
I don't start Linux and ask why it doesn't run whatever people use Windows for... malware I assume?
> Simply? What should it do if the first command fails? Should it exit early? What if you want it to run the second only if the first returns error?
You’d eventually reinvent a shell. But for just these 2 cases you’d just need 2 separators analogous to the & and && of the shell. But yeah it gets messy if you wanted to run a non git command in the middle.
The thing is, all those !a && b are perfectly valid in both posix and cmd. It just refuses to do the whole “if it starts with ! call the shell”. I guess all that’s missing is that it just needs to execute it. That would probably be the less complicated change. That at least doesn’t seem like a big controversial addition (maybe this is already done now it was a couple of years since I tried and hit a brick wall with aliases under cmd)
Nothing about the content of the site, but please stop determining the language of the user based on geolocation. If the browser says he wants English, serve English.
That just doesn't seem to follow for me. Aren't most browsers auto-configured to request the language they were configured in? And don't most browser installs / setups default to the language of the user's system?
I feel like if the browser requests English, odds are overwhelming that the user wants English. Assuming otherwise strikes me as someone trying to get a bit too clever with their heuristics. (And ending up in a worse place than if they hadn't bothered - location is a terrible, terrible heuristic for language.)
I think the real issue here, though, is that the language button at the bottom of this page isn't interactive until several dialogues have been clicked though. Dialogues that are likely totally incomprehensible to the person trying to change language.
Tig looks like a wonderful tool for all kinds of git interaction.
I'm not too familiar with tig, but it looks like it does a lot of what Emacs' magit does.
AFAICT, there are some things I find useful in magit that tig doesn't have:
e.g. magit allows for committing/amending/rewording with just a few strokes; afaict, tig doesn't support the equivalent out of the box.
e.g. in magit's status view, you'll get to see the diff for each change alongside the status entry. (Whereas tig limits itself to one view at a time; and viewing the diff is a different view than the status view).
I'm one of those "I don't want to read the manual" people and have long used git. However, this was very helpful to easily understand some cargo-cult things I was doing. Shame on me! And thank you!
It seems whenever I show someone this site, they're like "oh this is cool!" and never look at it again.
I wonder if there's something about it that makes it forgettable? I don't know if I can present it any differently, maybe there's a better way of presenting it to make it more appealing.
Mostly solo dev. I only use branches when working with some colleagues who are "branchists". It's not that I don't understand branches, but they always look unnecessarily cumbersome to me. The worst offenders are "feature branches"... I want my tests to try the program with/without the new feature and compare the results. Thus any feature is better implemented in the master branch, and activated using a flag. No need for a branch. If your feature is hidden in another branch, how can you test it? Does your test suite run git commands?
Do you push your code to a repository where you have some CI set up? Or is it just local? If it's the latter and you just run tests on the command line then yea maybe you don't need branches. On the other hand I find branches can be useful if I have a larger refactor going on and I'm not too sure what it's going to look like in the end. Then I can keep it on a branch and compare it to "last known stable commit," and if something else comes up that needs to be fixed right away I can put my larger refactor on hold and fix it, and come back to the larger refactor.
Them: "I really want to be proficient in git."
Me: "Here's the tutorial site that I used that helped me grasp concepts and be more adept."
Them: "Cool thanks."
And of course they never put in the time or bother with the site ever again, repeat ad-nauseum.
For me, git is a prime example which shows that theoretical understanding of some problems is absolute beneficial. If you just keep in mind that it's (basically) just a directed graph, it makes the usage a lot easier.
I dunno - for me git doesn't really have branches. What it calls "branches" could more accurately be called version/commit pointers.
A "branch" traditionally in SCM was a sequence of versions/commits. In those SCMs, the "main" (or master) branch was an identifiable sequence of versions/commits.
There isn't a "main" branch in git, there's a current "main" version/commit. If your history is fully linear, a pointer to the "main" commit allows you, via parent following, to discern a "main" branch. But if you've been using merge, for example, there isn't a unique path from the current main commit to the root.
Understanding refs is key to understanding Git. It’s not really difficult and a lot of mystifying cargo cult stuff suddenly becomes intuitive once you realizing you’re pretty much just manipulating pointers into a directed acyclic graph
where each node has between 0 and 2 parents.
A proper branch in Git is just a name for a commit with the rule that when you commit to a branch you move the name to point to the new commit, and similar rules on push.
This does sometimes cause problems when trying to understand history. Would love if git recorded the current branch name (if any) somewhere in the commit
And now I'm on my computer, here is the modified version. Put this in:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
BRANCH=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD 2> /dev/null)
# fail gracefully if we don't have a branch
if [ -z "$BRANCH" ]; then
exit 0
# add a git trailer with the branch
git interpret-trailers --in-place --where before --if-exists addIfDifferent --trailer Branch="$BRANCH" "$1"
And if you add the following alias to your ~/.gitconfig you'll be able to see the branch names in the logs by typing git lb (for log branch):
I'm thinking of writing a commit hook to make sure that every commit has the following metadata in trailers:
- original parent commit
Between this and the synopsis it
should then be possible to find all
evolutions of this commit.
- original upstream URI and branch (if
known) or upstream URI and branch
targeted for integration (prompting
if necessary)
- commit type and optional tracker ID
When a commit has these metadata already, leave it.
Meh getting too reductionist doesn’t necessarily help anything. Branching is a concept, not an implementation detail. There is a “main” branch in git because that’s how people talk about it, and what they usually mean when they refer to “main” or another branch; people are not usually referring to a singular tip-of-the-branch commit, but the whole branch and it’s history. A branch is different from a tag or a commit because the branch is expected to move frequently (point to different commits) and tags/commits aren’t. The implementation isn’t different, but the usage and meaning is. Branches in other SCMs are really no different conceptually. Perforce doesn’t identify any unique path from the tip of the branch to the root it came from, you can merge both directions. Same is true in other SCMs.
Without changing the DAG, I can arbitrarily move "main" to point at any commit I like in git. This isn't some esoteric action - this is done constantly as part of normal git workflow.
While what people understand as a branch in traditional SCM discussions can only grow by the addition of new versions. Commits/versions belong to a specific and unique branch and once added to the version tree, cannot "move" branches.
While in git, a commit can belong to any number of (git) "branches" which makes presenting a true branch based history (if the DAG contains merges) impossible. Which is why we all end up using a workflow based on rebase instead of one based branch-and-merge.
I've observed how much confusion using the name "branch" for what is a version pointer in git causes to those starting with git. The easiest way I've found to help people is to tell them forget about the word "branch" and think in terms of the DAG and pointers to elements in the DAG.
Sure git is a bit different than P4 or Svn or whatever; they all have unique implementation details. I don’t disagree that git confusion sometimes exists nor that you’ve seen it, but it might make your point clearer to give a specific example, one that knowing a branch is a pointer fixes. I’m not sure if it’s useful to think of commits as immovable; they can be rebased and cherry picked, the “version” (SHA) is another implementation detail. Moving the content of commits around is common standard practice with git. That’s a different type of move than a branch move, not what I was referring to above, but I guess I’m arguing that branching is more about workflows, conventions, and conceptual understanding than how it works technically. You’re right that it’s sometimes useful to know that a git branch is a pointer and super lightweight, but that doesn’t help you differentiate branches and tags, for example. Git has a bunch of features that are ‘just’ a pointer. Knowing that is good for advanced workflows, but not really necessary for basic version control.
For a specific example of where choosing a name ("branch") which obfuscates the fact that you are actually manipulating a pointer, maybe consider what it means to delete a branch? Or create one for that matter.
Same in general programming, being clear on the difference between a reference and referee is vital to proper conceptualize what the operations actually do.
But I'm not sure even that's convincing as after using git for a while it becomes completely instinctual which is why it may not seem important to clearly identify a pointer to a commit and an actual sequence of commits related by the parent/child relationship.
I’m not following. Creating and deleting branches is easy in git without knowing it’s a pointer. What exactly is confusing about it, and how does knowing it’s a pointer help? Creating and deleting branches in Perforce is also easy, and they’re not pointers.
I never got deep enough into the legacy VCSs like Subversion to do things like branching. Or even the peer Mercurial. So I have no other VCS concept of so-called branching.
I don’t get what is the problem with Git’s concept of branching. It is mutable, yes, and commits aren’t somehow marked with the information about what branch it was made on. I can understand that some might expect it to. But why is Git’s “branch” so strange that it doesn’t deserve to call itself that? All technical names are in the end synthetic.
> Without changing the DAG, I can arbitrarily move "main" to point at any commit I like in git. This isn't some esoteric action - this is done constantly as part of normal git workflow.
You can reset to whatever in general. But this is typically not done for the main branch. People who pull it will get an error if you rewrite it completely. Only fast-forward updates are the normal ones (when you go from an ancestor commit to a descendant).
> While in git, a commit can belong to any number of (git) "branches" which makes presenting a true branch based history (if the DAG contains merges) impossible.
A true branch history? When does this matter? You can see that main has commits and things are merged into it. That’s typical. Of course people can make a mess of that (too easy really). But usually you have a few immortal histories (we can call them histories if you want) and things eventually end up in them.
> Which is why we all end up using a workflow based on rebase instead of one based branch-and-merge.
Plenty of people use only merges. Some hate rebase. Even though they shouldn’t.
> I've observed how much confusion using the name "branch" for what is a version pointer in git causes to those starting with git. The easiest way I've found to help people is to tell them forget about the word "branch" and think in terms of the DAG and pointers to elements in the DAG.
In other words you explain to them concretely what it is. Yes? “Branch” is just a name.
> I don’t get what is the problem with Git’s concept of branching. It is mutable, yes,
Exactly like a branch on a tree: It's a living thing, that keeps on growing. The word "branch" refers to the whole thing, regardless of where the tip of it has grown to. Utterly intuitive.
And just like branches on trees grow at their tips, the "branch" pointer in git, where you add stuff, is the latest commit. Of course; where else should it grow?
> and commits aren’t somehow marked with the information about what branch it was made on.
Again, exactly like a branch on a tree: Pluck a leaf from it, and there is no sign on it to say which branch it came from. But you can look at any twig or leaf and see what it's attached to, all the way to the trunk, and where it forks off from the trunk is where the branch begins.
(Somewhere along the length of it, you could score the branch name into the bark of the tree... Nah, analogy getting a bit too literal there. But still, totally intuitive.)
Opinionated branching is super obnoxious. It's much better to let you see the truth with a thin traditional branching veneer, and you can choose to enforce "fast-forwards"ness or not.
Why do the arrows point backwards? (I get it points to the parent, but I'd rather point forward chronologically, any commit history viewers that allow this?)
In theory one could amend the parent commit such that its timestamp is after its child commit. In practice I do occasionally edit one of the commits in my branch if a particular change fits better with that commit (most often typos).
As such pointing to the parent is more stable than pointing to when the parent.
Same here, tried clicking near the prompt, nothing. Maybe I'm bad at git, can't even perform a simple commit.
edit: right after typing this, I clicked the title of the MacOS styled window to the left and somehow it worked, even though clicking everywhere inside it didn't.
This is really great resource for someone getting started to understand what's going on. I see many have issues and try out different git commands without understanding the outcome.
One of my biggest pet peeves about modern development is just how many people don't know jack about git even though they use it every day. It really annoys me when I see a pull request with 20 random commits (with messages like "temp" or "checkpoint") or when people merge main into their personal feature branch instead of just rebasing their branch (yes, sometimes that's not right, but I'm not talking about the corner cases).
I always think about using "clean up a pull request" as a fizzbuzz-ish screen in interviews. It just seems like a decent proxy for "do you care at all?".
Just to be clear, and you probably won't disagree with this, there's nothing wrong with commits like "temp" or "checkpoint" or "WIP" (Work In Progress). I often make these sorts of commits as I'm working on stuff.
The issue is in submitting an MR/PR with those commits. There's an expectation among professionals that you make your work presentable before submitting it for review, although those who are new to the profession don't realize that this cleanup step is necessary (how could they? the intro courses don't teach this and they're usually struggling enough with the code).
I just wanted to throw this comment in here in case some newbie sees this and comes away thinking "oh, I can't have 'temp' or 'checkpoint' in my commit messages"
I encourage developers to clean up their commits but so often they're either unduly nervous about breaking things or have a fascination with "preserving the history" (of their branch, which is not yet merged in anywhere).
I partly blame the excessive fear mongering around rebasing, where the strict Never Rebase a Pushed Branch rule is drilled into them and they never learn why or when they can break the rule safely.
So it's an uphill fight but I just try to teach by demonstrating, frequently, exactly how they can tidy up for the merge request.
I couldn't care less about the commit messages on a PR, I care about the diff. as long as the messages are cleaned up in the squash and merge with main
If it's large I want to be able to look at the commits in isolation and understand the work in the logical chunks that made sense to the author.
If what made sense to them is temp, checkpoint, temp, temp, undo the temp, fix test, try this, that didn't work try other thing, maybe?, temp, fix test - then I don't stand a chance. Recently I reviewed one that had multiple 'rebase' commits, I have no idea.
- But sometimes I want to have a few distinct (isolated commits for my PR)
- Then make the PR small
- But I have several changes
- Then make several small PRs
We keep coming back to “just make more PRs”. Which is curious, given that GitHub doesn’t even support dependent PRs. The thing you need immediately when your PRs start depending on each other (like refactor X before implementing Y, where both touch the same code).
But I can’t come to any other conclusion than that this is because of the over-focus on PR as the one and only reviewable unit. Thanks to GitHub.
I can’t really get on the small PR train. A PR has overhead and I often want to do small changes that I only happen to notice are necessary when I am in the middle of doing that one PR.
That begs other questions. The relevant reviewer isn’t available until Wednesday. Do I start on the next tasks in dependent branches? The act of making all those branches is a large part of the inherent busywork. And then I need to remember to get back to them when the reviewer gets back.
The benefit of all these small PRs is yet to be revealed.
Is the dialogue here that you ask questions that makes the workflow more and more constrained and then when X factors are fixed it becomes obvious that the workflow works great?
Of course I start on work that I (not the reviewer) can work on right now.
3. I'd rather the PR were whatever size it needs to be to entirely do the thing it's supposed to do (and nothing else) than conform to some arbitrary size requirement.
But that's the thing, in most cases there's no review step anymore after the squash/merge has been made; while it's in a branch / MR, you can still edit the commit messages and content, but in most cases the squash and merge is an atomic, unreviewed step. Of course, maybe the merge commit should be generated, or should be filled in and reviewed as part of the main code review.
Yeah, I’ve noticed that many around the Internet just comment with “the squash and merge” as if it’s a given that that’s the strategy that is used (even mandated).
Git rebase aka People rewriting history to make it LOOK like the commit was a compilable, working work result at a point in time even though the real history was something completely different, then f*cking up the rewriting of said history, then whining "please mighty Senior SWE heeeelp I don't know what happened please help my work is gone".
It all has trade-offs.I prefer seeing the dirty laundry.
I don't; once the feature has been merged, how you got to that point is no longer relevant; it's noise. Git is a log of code changes, if you use it as a work log you're using it wrong.
That the code is “compilable, runnable” is never a given even if you never use rebase.
We can sling around stereotypes of people failing and doing a bad job with their strategy. Then going to cry to someone (presumably you?). But I don’t think that advances the conversation.
True. And I don't think I ever claimed that never using rebase is a guarantee for anything.
I rather wanted to point out the following:
Using a commit strategy based on git rebase is neither right nor wrong. It is not even best practice IMO. It has its own footguns.
Since the parent comment was very opinionated and cast judgement, I responded in kind.
I have been the person crying as well as the one who solved the mess, let's not kid ourselves.
It's a mindset problem; people use git commits as the equivalent of hitting save in their editor, and they feel like they should use it as a work log, justifying their time spent or feeling like they have to demonstrate how they got to a certain solution. It's not relevant. Ego is not important. You don't need to justify your time.
I agree with you in spirit (people need to learn their tools more) but your examples...not so much. Merging main into the feature branch was the original intent on how to do it. PRs are sent the way you describe because GitHub literally offers the maintainer a squash option and it's a lot easier to review a pull request when history is unedited.
PR should be sent to review in a state that author considers ready to merge. Assuming it will be squashed and taking that as a reason for submitting dirty history is just sloppy and unrespectful.
Merging is for keeping track of a group of commits that has been taken from a feature branch and included in the mainline. Why would you clutter the feature branch with periodic main merges when you can cleanly rebase it and keep it tidy?
> Merging is for keeping track of a group of commits that has been taken from a feature branch and included in the mainline.
Merging is for bringing a group of commits from branch A into branch B. It is, quite literally, the original way to perform this operation. It's not "clutter", it's a correct picture of how the code was developed.
It's clutter because it adds no information value on a short lived branch. If it's a branch that periodically syncs with another it's ok, if you're just basing off current master for a feature branch rebase is the way to go.
I've developed branches against a moving target all the time where the moving target introduced a problem in my code that wouldn't have been found by a simple merge conflict resolution. It's much much easier to find the source of the problem when you have the real history (a merge) instead of a rewritten history (a rebase).
> it's a lot easier to review a pull request when history is unedited.
Ist it really? If you would See my uncleaned history, it would take you days to understand what I was even trying to do.
Your statement seems based on the assumption that someone knows how to achieve a particular thing right from the start. But that isn't always the case and there might be a lot of different approaches until the correct or best one is found.
Do you really want to review dead code that's somewhere in the commits of a feature branch?
Yes, I'd much rather review a PR with the full unedited history, not the history that the submitter thinks is good or pretty. You often don't know what information you need until you need it. I'll take the entire, dirty history, and once I'm done with it it can be squashed.
Can we take a step back here and ask what point you are trying to make?
A user (who wasn't you) called me out for talking about GitHub instead of git, and I said it was perfectly fair because the original discussion was specifically about sending pull requests, which is a term we only talk about in 2024 because GitHub made it a thing. Therefore, it's entirely fair to discuss it in the context of GitHub and not git.
Now we are five posts down into this bizarre tangent and I am unsure what point, if any, you are trying to raise here. That people now use the term pull requests when not using GitHub? I don't think I've seen it anywhere except for hosted services, but my experience is not universal.
We don’t have to rehash things. Let’s chalk it up to me getting some wires crossed. (It took me until writing half of the original reply to realize. Hah!)
Linus Torvalds needs the merge operation as an integrator.
Considering the email workflow of the kernel I can’t really make sense of “intended way to do it”. For individual commits people send out patches. I’ve never seen an email thread where some merge topology is recorded: it’s just a list of patches. A straight line.
I’m pretty sure that people used patch queues before Git (and even now with quilt). Restacking a bunch of commits on top of the mainline is the same operation as a rebase.
I’ve certainly seen Linus get mad at another maintainer for allowing a back-merge into his history (merge main back into feature branch).
It seems there are no best practices here. I remember senior devs working with a gui for git that didn’t have rebase in it. I worked on the cli, whenever I mentioned that I rebased people looked at me with raised eyebrows since I was not a senior and new.
> It just seems like a decent proxy for "do you care at all?"
Because the reality is, when it comes to Git history, no, I don't care in the slightest. I get all the information I need by:
- Reading previous PRs (the final diff)
- Checking the name on a git diff of a line
- The ticket reference
Git commits are a tool to help me write code and reverting to a "known-good" state. Once it's merged into master/main, I don't care how messy it is because 99.999999% of the time, I'll just go back to the merge commit.
One of the nice things about Git is that it is a fast (not just local but fast—these people care about speed) lookup program for all things relating to the code.
I want all immediately useful code information inside Git. Because then I look it up quickly. Unlike having to go to at least two different web applications (PRs and issue tracker) and find the info there, often in an inferior and more convoluted format.
But it takes surprisingly little to sell back centralization and lock-in to developers, even when working on top of a decentralized tool.
> But it takes surprisingly little to sell back centralization and lock-in to developers, even when working on top of a decentralized tool.
I don't care about centralisation / decentralisation in my work. What I care about is that I have the information I need to do my job.
> Unlike having to go to at least two different web applications (PRs and issue tracker)
PR descriptions can be part of your merge commit message so I don't know why you need to go to a web application if you don't want to. You can also read the full diff in git diff so I don't really see what you're upset about.
From my experience, nobody teaches you Git properly in school. And once you get your first job, it is too late.
We had various lectures on languages models, math, algorithms, networking... absolutely nothing on git (I did my classes between 2008 and 2013, things might have changed now)
same case here. almost new guy on my team we need to train them because basically just know to use what vs code exposes as git interface and some of them can replicate the same flow on terminal. rebase? that's a forbidden command for them, while our entire company use this as daily basis.
It's so frustrating. We had a reasonably okay process going on, but then another team started working in our repository on their feature completely ignoring the fairly lightweight commit message format we ask them to uphold, and they were like "doesn't matter, we'll squash merge it". But it's not even about the commit messages; it's about the workflow they have behind it, where they commit and push as often as they hit ctrl+s, which to me communicates they're just hacking around until it works.
A commit should be atomic; it should be a complete change with code and tests all adjusted, and ideally a message explaining what and why it changes. (In practice / in my line of work this doesn't happen because it's all front-end code implementing some poorly documented user story in jira, but hey).
If I'm ever involved in hiring again I'll add git usage to my list of criteria. Along with whether they can actually touch type. I can't believe that the standards have dropped so far that basic computer skills are no longer necessary apparently.
I share your frustration, personally. But unfortunately Git is more user-unfriendly than it needs to be, and doing things the proper way tends to get you into a rabbithole.
Like merging main back into your feature branch: just rebase. But then you often need to re-do conflict resolution. You have git-rerere but, eh, it’s not discoverable at all. But let’s say you get over that hurdle. Now the next obstacle is the “never rewrite shared history”. And if you’re in a “corporate” environment chances are that you publicize your branch when you make a PR. And it can take a few days to get approval.
Now I care. But sometimes I have doubts about whether the caring is well-founded. Exactly because sometimes people around me seem to care not one bit.
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4298960/git-add-a-git-co...
git config --global alias.ac '!git add -A && git commit'
git config --global alias.acm '!git add -A && git commit -m'
git config --global alias.ll '!git log --graph --full-history --all --color --pretty=format:"%x1b[31m%h%x09%x1b[32m%d%x1b[0m%x20%s"'
git config --global alias.gst '!git status'
git config --global alias.gca '!git commit -a --amend'
git config --global alias.gp '!git push origin HEAD'
git config --global alias.bd '!git branch -d'
git config --global alias.bdd '!git branch -D'
git config --global alias.mc '!git diff --name-only --diff-filter=U'
git config --global alias.co '!git checkout'
git config --global alias.po '!git push origin'
git config --global alias.cp '!git add -A && git commit -m "Content" && git push'
Out of those, I only – but often – use `git acm` and `git co` and `git po`.
Edit: formatting (oh dear).