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So people who got this in the indie bundle only ever get a demo?


That's right— there are several free games and demos included in the 2000+ items bundle, such as this one!
Demos were specifically allowed and THK is still in development, so I decided to add the demo to the bundle as a gesture to show support to the cause other than my own donation.

None of us are benefiting from the aid money we are raising through the bundle in any way either, so rest assured that your purchase is 100% going to the UNRWA.


Hello, there will be more chapters in Steam or the game is already completed?


There's a total planned of 4 chapters and an epilogue! The full version on Steam includes up to chapter 3 so far, which is a total of 10 hours of content already! Future releases will be free for those who buy the game 

Nice, thank you for the answear :)


I remember watching this game in one of the furnions I went, I recently found the card I got from the stand and decided to check it out, is amazing and I love it!


Muchísimas gracias! Me alegro mucho de que te haya gustado, la siguiente versión y capítulo deberían estar para antes de noviembre si todo va bien!

Hey, I only happened to find this game thanks to Twitter 2 days ago. And I have to say I loved this game from start to finish. I go so immersed into this game and I can't wait to see more from you!

Thank you so much! That feature sure helped a lot, haha. The next version + chapter 3 shouldn't take long!


I'm here and I'm waiting a Android version. I'm so excited


There's no plans for an android version in the foreseeable future, I've got my hands full developing the game right now.

Hi SandraMJ, your game is not only beautiful it is fantastic, as well as for the fact that the characters have a voice but also for the story that now seems really nice to follow, I hope the next update will arrive as soon as possible, I absolutely want to know what turns on.

Thank you very much! I'm working hard so the next chapter arrives as soon as possible!

Android please this look veryyyyyy fun I think I'm going to enjoy

i finished both chapter and the ending of the second one made me feel sick but in like a scared way lol, cant wait till chapter 3 is out

also just a question when do you think you'll be done the next  chapter

If everything goes well, it should be out in late June/July :) For now, you can get access to a chapter 3 preview for 5$ or more on patreon!

Yep I already subscribed ^^

And thank you for the reply

I liked it a lot

cant wait for the rest haha

as for the fighting system you could make it kind of like a point and click minigame were u can kind of interact with the enviorment a bit
or a beatemup style thing hahah

that's honestly the two options I can imagine xP


I'm glad you liked it!

As for the battle system, it's not that I don't know what I wanted it to look like, it's just that I don't have enough resources to make it. At this point, the hype for it has been way bigger than anything I could deliver, so I'll probably scrap it altogether.

that's understandable, though I could totally see some interactible scenes being fun to add


I like how broken's search system is. Searching the game's name? Nope, not found. Searching the NSFW's recent tag? There it is. 


It's specifically SFW. Just checked and it didn't show up there for me.

Deleted 329 days ago

Merci beaucoup! I'm really glad to hear you liked it so much!

The translator for the French version is Benjamin Beziat and he writes his own books and game reviews too if you want to check out his work!


Well, I'm bowled over already! That's really great quality!

A momentary note that's not spoilery: well-done work on the foreshadowing. You can kinda see what's coming waaaay at the end, but have no idea how it gets there or the actual context, nicely done! I will be closely following this one...

Also, precious, precious Eina

(1 edit)

Uh, question. Is there/will there be romance in this, gay straight and everything else?

And didn't Ader used to be buff..?

There is romance, but this is not a dating sim.

Ader's sprite update happened exactly last year, haha.

I don't mind it not being a dating sim. Was just asking so I wouldn't end up getting my hopes up, haha.

Anyways, looks interesting enough to try out.


Greetings. I have been following the story in there not too long ago and I must say, I am very impressed by the amount of artwork done and the animatic cut scenes in dialogues. They give the story a good amount of life, especially that you animated the characters in a way accordingly to what they do in the narration in a simple yet effective way.

Also, I like the idea of adding choices of certain things and, to be honest, they can be grueling to me as I barely know its outcomes, but they are well-considered. The most favourite choice is the one where Eina has to curse Sep about something (which I took the butt-insult, which has been the most genius one for me) and I can tell that it is both filled with seriousness and humour. A great combination from my point of view.

Also, the characters are also well-made. They represent their gender and their age well and the choices of species are also good. Even their behaviour is pretty much well-distinguishable, like Ilegard being so big and strong yet so kind and respective and father-like, The Merchant being so loud, cranky and picky and Ader being so over-dimensioned, full of doubt, trying to be optimistic and yet very humourous and a would-be happy-go-around. Even Sep's design and behaviour is nice. Curious, a bit alluring and also: very persuasive whenever she's in a picky situation. And I didn't forget Eina of course; also, she is well-made and even that she cannot speak, her emotions and gesture can tell big stories, just like the dog named 'Gromit' from the popular claymation originated from the UK. I first thought is that she is evil, but since she is mute (except at her insult part), she isn't that bad and also, she is very caring to her friends, even if she is a bit mischievous.

Even the way of narrating is well-made. It's not just like in a book and they remind me heavily of those narrations in older games like Space Quest and King's Quest, adding a sense of surprise and curiosity in the entire demo. And the voice-acting is just spot-on; they represent emotions well, like anger, sadness, tempt and bossiness.

Even the encyclopedia of characters and places is well-bundled and easy to follow. And updating them from certain moments of stories is also a nice touch. However, I found an odd bug that makes the arrow show up in the gallery whenever I go to the encyclopedia. But, I think it get's straightened out sooner or later.

All in all, The Hayseed Knight is a well-written, beautifully drawn and exceptionally carefully considered visual novel that I can't wait to continue when new chapters show up, even if it's not entirely done. Keep up the good work there and I look forward to its continuation. ^^


This game is adorable, incredibly polished, and the dialogue and voice acting is superb. I love every character. I love Ader's adorable goofy self the most. What a joy. What a wonderful boy. I want to sit and have a conversation about farm tools with him. 

I can't open the second page of the gallery after obtaining the kiss scene

it always says this when go on the second page 

exception occurred.

While loading <'Crop' <'FactorScale' <'Image' u'CG/ch2 kiss/kiss 1.jpg'> 0.2375 0.2375 True> 0 0 500 250>:
  File "renpy/common/00gamemenu.rpy", line 173, in script
    $ ui.interact()
  File "renpy/common/00gamemenu.rpy", line 173, in <module>
    $ ui.interact()
error: subsurface rectangle outside surface area.

I don't what happened :I 

It's a common bug since the gallery code I found and used wasn't very complete, haven't found a way to fix it permanently yet, but rolling back generally fixes it :(

I'll be switching to a different thing once Chapter 3 rolls out, sorry for the inconvenience!

Will there be a mobile version ?

I have a bit too much on my hands now to think about ports, but maybe later down the road :)


This looks delightful! If you're looking for reports of specific issues with the encyclopedia, clicking "Dawnsoon" shortly after the introduction of Eina causes an exception "ValueError: <store.EncEntry object at 0x7CD76B0> is not in list" at line 1866 of script.rpyc...

Thank you for spotting it!! I must have typoed something in the hyperlink that takes you directly to the encyclopaedia there!


Love this so far! Gyof's sing-song voice is the best.


Thank you! I'll make sure to pass the compliments to his VA!

can you make a android version

I remember this game! What happened to the original art style? Not saying it's bad but the last one gave off a disney type of feel.

Can you specify which one you're referring to, please? I've remade the whole art 4 times now in the two years I've been developing it :,>

The one where Ader was bulky and built! But I'm not complaining Im just shocked but wow you changed the art 4 times? That's crazy


Ahaha, yeah! I've always wanted this game to reflect my progression as an artist, and to use it as an excuse to improve too! It's one of the best things of making it all on my own, I get to experiment with the game

Ader was bulky for the first three versions, but he was changed back in mid 2018 for a veeeeeeeeeeeery long list of reasons. You can read a very quick TL;DR about it here: His VA changed too, by the way!


Really great game! The voice acting and art is great, and everyone really does a great job with their characters. The story was fun to read and the world-building is very detailed.  In my experience there's enough explained so that everything's not confusing, without over-explaining anything. The gallery is pretty buggy as you mentioned; the first time I clicked a picture it worked fine, but then it would crash everytime I tried again. Definitely a good experience all around though, and I definitely want to see what happens next.


Thank you so much for your kind words, I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

And WHOA I haven't run into that crash! So sorry to hear! Did it happen upon entering the gallery in general, or after clicking? (Apparently the image size I used for the thumbnails caused glitches so it'd be two very different bugs, haha)

After testing it a bit just now it seems to only happen on certain saves, and only when clicking the wall picture. I don't have any explanation for that, but I can get a video of it if you want.

Then I know exactly what it is, haha. The wall picture displays the last picture of her you stumbled upon (depending on the choice you made, it's one expression or another). I probably forgot to make some pic the right size to fit in the gallery :I

in order to fix the multiple entry problem there are a few options you could take:

1. instead of adding a given entry have a dialogue option merely switch a (readable/hidden) i/o trigger to possitive.  basically all entries are in your book from the start, you just cant read them. with this a per save file and a as it is lived through option would both be easy to do.

2. when you have the go back option have a bit of code search for the entry triggers and remove said entries

3. make a given "add entry" command check for a file by that name first

4. have the encyclopedia check for and remove duplicates wheneveer it is opened up

5. have the game remove the entry summon command after it has been done once

6. have the reverse thing actually not reverse but instead create an identicle scenario that happened after what you already did but that wont trigger one time things again

I did the first, but the problem is that renpy rolls back save-dependent variables and the encyclopaedia I'm using is save-dependent, rendering that option unfeasible.

The rest relies on actually figuring out code, but I'm using this encyclopaedia framework .

The safest option would be simply to use hidden entries that get "unlocked", but I'm trying to keep the actual number of entries hidden :)

(1 edit)

ah, that makes good sense for you reasons.  

1: hmm yeah, that does make it rather tough, probably not possible to fix unless the encyclopedia was also linked in the same way entirely.

2: lol, yeah, code can be a pain to create, fair enough, and ill read that file in a sec

3: if you make each entry and its page itself hide then it would basically just skip the page and stuff.  or you could have mixes of text and art and stuff so that even if it shows pages the actual amount of knowlege and stuff are hidden well behind blur and mystic moving stuff.  you could even have it so that the "missing" pages kinda flit in and out of screen in the background with just lots of torn pages gaps in the spine of the book to say "well there is at the least a bit more to find" or something, or even just the flitting pages, to kind of give an idea of "you are not done yet" but it could be closer than they think or farther

p.s. read through the program, what about making the reverse time button trigger a re-locking of the hidden files? just have each chapter have a specific "key" in it that will call the re-lock function for all things in that chapter?

(1 edit)

Really like the new update, but I think the music  could use a little more variaton. Sometimes the tone of the music doesn't match the pace of the story.

Hey! Thanks a lot for your thoughts, I'll try to get a few more songs in future updates :)

Either that or just go through what's happening and make sure the music fits the tone of the scene. Where did the music come from, by the way? It's really interesting music for a VN.

Some are commissioned, some come from

They're all listed in the credits in-game if you're interested!


Oh my, the new artstyle is so gorgeous - haven't seen it before because for some reasons I forgot to subscribe! Now I have to replay it!

Thank you!! Ader's dialogue and voice acting are completely new as well, hope you like it!

Was Wondering where all the Furry based games where located. Good to find some. And not sure if this is NSFW or not. Most i ran into are NSFW So why i am curious.


It's 100% safe for work :)


Not sure what I'm getting myself into here, but I think I wanna follow this along for its ride.

This is probably the prettiest VN I have ever seen.


Why, thank you! You're getting into a comedy with multiple POVs (and all of them are a bunch of dorks!)

I'm a bit curious though, are you advertising this at all? Or at least getting the word around? I'm surprised I've never heard anything about this even though you've been working on it for a while. In my opinion your first two chapters are easily good enough to show off a little bit and maybe get some more people following.


I've got my twitter account and I've gone to a few cons but that's it, I don't really have the funds to pay the voice actors and market, sadly, so I rely on people telling others about it for now :/

Your game has enchanted me, it is very well done and designed!

I want to see how your story continues.

But I have noticed a failure, if I keep skip for a long time, the game closes automatically.

And all the data I get about the world, including the characters, is erased, and they automatically go back to the beginning of the game, and they don´t collect anymore.

That is all.

I hope I have helped.


Oh wow, that's really weird, never heard of it happening before! Could it be that you skipped all the way to the credits, or just left the game skipping for a while and a bug happened?

It'd be really helpful if you could let me know your system specifications so I can look into it either way!
Thank you so much!


Nice game! I tried it at the Movistar flagship just yesterday, and I wanted more!!

It's a little tricky, people can download it on Linux but there's no instructions so I'll leave the way I used to run the file on the shell.

1) Download the files (haha, maybe obvious but YOU NEVER KNOW)

2) Extract your files in some folder. Remember the place where you extracted them. You can do this mannually or with the "unzip" command before step 4.

3) Open your console. Write "cmd" on the search bar on the Menu.

4) Now go to the place you have in mind. Where the file is. You can do this using "ls" to see where you are and "cd /writeheretheplace"  to move between directorys.

5) Then type chmod +x to make the file an executable

6) And finally type sh ./ to execute it

And that's it!! :D everytime you want to run the game just go 3, 4 and then 7

Thank you so much for the info!! I'll add it right away to the description!

(1 edit) (+1)

This is a very pretty game! I didn't have the chance to play it yet, but man it is gorgeous! I'm also very curious about the voice acting, since it seems you're pretty proud of it! Not to mention the story seems compelling!

I'll try to play soon, but I wanted to ask a couple of questions beforehand.

First, I wanted to know if it's an interactive visual novel or a kinetic one? I'd tend to say it has some choices, but it's hard to tell, and I like to know before starting.

Also, I see it includes romance, but (if it has choices and multiple endings) is it straight or gay romance (or both)? I'm fine with both - again, it's for the sake of knowing what I'm getting into haha!

On a side note, I'd suggest you actually put that on the game page. I mean, about if it's kinetic or interactive, and about the kind of romances included.  Sometimes players decide if they're interested enough in the game based on that. Heck I do that too if I'm not sure about a game from the story, characters and art alone!

Oh yeah, and also, I love to play games in their "original" language, if I understand it. But in this case, I speak and understand english, french AND spanish, sooo... which one is the original one? The one you're writing the story in?

Thank you and sorry for the amount of questions before even starting!

Hey there! Thanks a lot for your kind words and for reaching out, here are the answers!

-It's meant to be interactive, though I'll be the first to admit that the first chapter gives off the impression of quite a linear VN. From the second chapter on, there are bigger changes in the plot, and I intend for a genre shift in chapter 4 with bigger chances for a non-linear plot (aka node-based exploration and stat rasing, but don't take my word for it yet, that's months ahead in development, haha)

-Romance isn't the main focus, so that's why I'm abstaining from commenting on it :,D I'd rather players discover the protagonists' sexuality as they (both the characters and the player) get to know themselves better. The first chapter focuses on straight romance option, though it doesn't quite count as such in-universe (can't explain without getting into spoilery territory, sorry! It's all addressed in-game :>)

-Waiting to have more tangible info on everything ever to make a proper page, with a cool trailer and everything, another of those chores that piles up on my development list. But yeah, it'd be lacking a romance list since the game is a lot more about meeting every character and learning their stories than romancing them per se.

-I'm Spanish, but it was written in English from the start! I did give it quite a flowery, XVIIth century-esque tone in Castilian Spanish, so if your vocabulary is advanced enough there (Spanish players thought some words were made-up, beware!) I'd recommend playing it that way. The only voice acting available is the English one for now, so it shouldn't be a problem either way!

Let me know if you have any more questions, hope you enjoy the game! <3

Oh, I see! Well, I get your point, about romance not being the main focus, then it's allright I guess - having the surprise isn't bad either haha! 

And yeah, often the first chapter of a visual novel is less interactive than the following ones, as it's the introduction. 

As for my spanish, yeah, I'm totally fluent in spanish and I've read books written in that kind of old tone - I love it! So I guess I'll play both the english and the spanish versions haha!

I'm really excited to play! I should have time this saturday, so I'll probably comment more once I'll be done - and I'll surely have more questions at that point!

Awesome! Looking forward to your reply then! <3

when next update 0w0

In a month and something, I'll spend February moving so I had to push back the deadline ;w;


All good I just love game so much and the animation so much 


love the story and the art style.

(2 edits)

hi i cant download well it keeps stop downloading idk whats happening pls help me

after 1 hour its done thx game :D

and the audio so clear this is cool man you have voice audios thats freaking cool the other like i read theres no voice audios i getting bored like that novels :/ but this is cool thou

I'm glad you like it!

And that sounds like it may have been a connection issue ^^

hi there! OMG okay it's the first time I do something like this 

I'm a gameplay youtuber and I specially love supportting projects and furry. So I'm going to do a gameplay of this game after I finish Nekojishi and I was wondering if you would like me to put some page you could have or something for giving you the best support for your project ^^

I didn'te play it yet, but your art is amazing and I can't wait for the story!

Really my Best wishes for you we need more things like this in the furry community.

Farewell ^^

(1 edit)

Hey there! Thank you so much, I love watching gameplays!

If you would like to support me, please add a link to my patreon and my twitter account in the video or video description.

Hope you'll like it! And just one last recommendation — play with voices on, I'm more proud about the voice acting than the art <3

Thanks again!

Oh! All of the art in this is lovely, and I loved the music!

Woot! Will play asap! :D 

(also congrats on releasing the demo! :D)

(1 edit) (-4)

To be honest...I don't think this is even worth all the time, considering I get bored by reading a lot, Yeah I understand it's a "Visual novel" but seriously, I think this has just came as generic and boring as most Furry "Visual novels" available on furaffinity, I do wish to see more Furry projects and games, but honestly, if you want to make something more relatable and less boring, try to NOT make another Furry visual novel, it's already oversaturated with Harem games and even so, it doesn't offers a big incentive for players to get engaged, I'm not telling you to stop being a game developer, but you should probably try something else that is not a visual novel to keep your players engaged on it, otherwise it will become yet another generic  visual novel, Story in games is important, but so is gameplay, and the gameplay here is and choose, you should Aim for something more interactive for players

Let me stop you for a bit there: this is not a harem. The aim of this game is to meet every character and learn their stories, from your boss to the guard who hangs out around the market, not to collect girls.

My intention isn't really amusing anyone but myself, hence why it's free, and sharing a story with all of you which I personally enjoy. The highlight of this game for me is its superb voice acting, for I couldn't be prouder of them, and anything else I can offer with my art and writing being a single person taking care of everything.

My story is just that, a story. And very focused on being a story from minute 1. If you wish for more interactive visual novels, there's a huge range from something more novel-like such as Telltale's work, or something more heavy on gameplay such as Bioware's games. If you want it to be specifically furry, may I suggest Stories: The Path of Destinies? It was really good and imaginative!

But basing most of your review on "I get bored reading, make it more amusing" is complaining about something that simply isn't suited to your tastes nor targeted at you as a potential demographic.

Have a good day, and thanks for the review!

(1 edit) (-3)

Okay Let me reply to all your points

"Let me stop you for a bit there: this is not a harem" Never said it was, just said, it's oversaturated and if you wish to keep going there, go ahead but you're going to need to make it MORE engaging, other than just putting animations and expecting people to play it like that.

"My intention isn't really amusing anyone but myself" that's great, it's definitely nice to be a developer who also amuses himself, but think about your possible target audience, you think they will think about that? remember what's amusing to you, it's not neccessarily amusing to anyone else.

"The highlight of this game for me is its superb voice acting" Good, that's great and nice to be proud of it, but don't just have ONE thing be the highlight, specially something like voice acting, in order for voice acting to matter even more is to make the story engaging and gameplay engaging to in the case of Games. "My story is just that, a story. And very focused on being a story from minute 1. If you wish for more interactive visual novels, there's a huge range from something more novel-like such as Telltale's work, or something more heavy on gameplay such as Bioware's games. If you want it to be specifically furry, may I suggest Stories: Path of Destinies? It was really good and imaginative!" Aaaand here is your problem, I know, your game it's free, that's cool, but still you need criticism, like everyone else, you're a game developer like me, or like a lot of people around this web, saying

"My story is good for 1 minute" just makes me think you're very sensitive to criticism, even if it's a 1 minute story, put all of your effort to make it matter and impact the player, again, just make a visual novel with voice acting and random expressions, isn't engaging enough, you need to put a little more effort into it.

"But basing most of your review on "I get bored reading, make it more amusing" is complaining about something that simply isn't suited to your tastes nor targeted at you as a potential demographic."

Here is an Advice Marketing wise, don't ever scare your customers away like that or tell them "it's not for you", NO, Criticism Matters a lot, again, you're a game developer, you need to learn to listen to complaints and see what you can do next time, otherwise, scaring away potential customers will make it hard for you to sell games when you actually need to sell a game, maybe you're a hobby developer, and that's great but even if you're a hobby developer, you still need to apply this to you, there is a Difference between a Hater and a Customer who tried the product and it's trying to help you to make it better.

In Short: What I meant was, you've got potential, but DO IT better, ever heard the saying "execution matters" ? here it is, you need better execution, you want to make a visual novel? Great, but make it more engaging, don't throw me the "It's just for me" because, that's a mentality that kills Game development, you need to develop for YOU and YOUR CUSTOMERS, if a Customer tells you something, try to listen, don't shield yourself like that, sorry for the big response, but really, I love the Furry fandom, and when I meet Furry game developers, you gonna bet I do my best to criticize them, so they can make a GREAT job, you have a potential as seen by the story and VA, all you need, it's to execute it better and don't go into "Klace mode" of "It's because i made it for myself, i'm great" go for a much better aim, sorry if I sounded rude at first, but yeah, that's what I meant.

Good afternoon, thank you for your extended review. Here are my thoughts in exchange. I want to make sure that this doesn't come off as arguing; I think that your thoughts are valid, but I'm trying to share my own view about the project.

My intended audience, thankfully, has shown great interest in the game as is. I always think of my audience, of course, and what my intended demographic IS composed of: "16-30, likely male, most likely a fantasy and comedy reader (ideally a discworld fan), enjoys comics and/or animation and isn't bothered by furry art or is furry. Would enjoy text-rich novels and heavy lore as a byproduct of the fantasy reader part." I seek criticism from these people all the time, and make adjustments based on their reactions.

If you get tired by reading a lot and look for something more dynamic, you're objectively outside of the part of the audience that I intend to reach, and there's nothing wrong with that! But what it means is that this game is made with someone different in mind. You're the first person to bring up any of this, but there will surely be more in years to come. In this case, you're a very small fraction of the playing base.

The point is, what you require isn't the same as what most of my audience requires and the game isn't tailored to suit your likes for that reason, hence my previous post. Changing the gameplay would alienate the people that I make the game for, and I honestly wouldn't care for it either. I suggested the games I suggested because I enjoyed them, but I wanted to make a point that I didn't want my game to look anything close to either of them at the end of the day.

On another tangent, I never said my story is "good for one minute" but that it is meant to be a story —a novel— from minute one. And it's written to be obvious in its way of tarting with a narrator that presents a text heavy introduction. This is meant to be a book with complements, not a story heavy game. "Effort", as you mentioned, has been put into making it so; three months, just me, taking care of everything day by day. And I honestly love the result, it's all I ever wanted it to be.

If after this you still think that I'm being selfish or shielding myself, I do apologize. If not, I'd be thankful for having you around in future developments.

Once more, thank you very much!


Well I hope we do keep contact after this, if you have any other projects in mind, I hope to see them soon, I think you really have potential, but you also could expand your horizons a little, if you can make a visual novel, you could always try more genres, after all, the furry fandom seems to be stagnant on visual novels only, maybe you can make the difference later, but who knows, c: also I think your characters are indeed cute, lol. 

Thanks! I hope I can make something in the future that you'll enjoy to the fullest too! :D

Really loving the story so far, and the characters really make the game, they all have such unique personalities. Did a little LP for my channel for the demo, and can't wait for the full thing!

(1 edit)

Hey, watching it right now! In the meantime, it'd be awesome if you could link to my twitter account and patreon :D


Can, and will do for the new video, which just came out! Like I said, I love the demo, and there should be one more video after this one, so I can't wait for the full game!


Here is the final part. Can't wait for the full game. I just loved all the characters, and really love the art style! Keep up the amazing work!

Hey, that's cute! I didn't have patience to play all the demo, but cute it certainly is.


Ahaha, honoring your username I see!

Any screenshots?

Just added them :)

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