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Wolf, Johannes, active 1591-1626

LC control 97041800
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWolf, Johannes, active 1591-1626
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Variant(s)Wolf, Johan, active 1591-1626
Wolf, Johannes, fl. 1591-1626
Wolff, Johann, active 1591-1626
Wolph, Johann, active 1591-1626
Wolphius, Iohannes, active 1591-1626
Wolphius, Johannes, active 1591-1626
Other standard no.0000000054775478
Beginning date1591
Ending date1626
LocatedZurich (Switzerland)
Birth date1564-08-11
Death date1627-01-28
Place of birthZurich (Switzerland)
Place of deathZurich (Switzerland)
Profession or occupationPrinters Glass painters
Found inCarolus Magnus rediuiuus, 1592: t.p. (Johann Wolph)
RLIN, 11/21/97 (hdg.: Wolf Johannes; usage:Johanns Wolff, Johans Wolffen, Iohannem Wolphium)
Clavis typographorum librariorumque ... 1992: p. 473 (Wolf, Johannes (1591-1626): Zürich)
Vischer, M. Bibliographie der Zürcher Druckschriften des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts, 1991 p. 465-501 (Johannes Wolf, active 1591-1626)
Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz HLS, viewed May 30, 2022 (Johannes Wolf ; born 11 August 1564 in Zurich, died 28 January 1627 in Zurich ; originally a glass painter and then trained as a printer in Basel, acquired the printing equipment from the former Froschauer shop in 1591 and opened a printing shop with a publishing house and bookshop ; In 1595 he received a printing privilege in Zurich)