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Krejčí, Iša, 1904-1968

LC control no.n 83172254
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingKrejčí, Iša, 1904-1968
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Variant(s)Krejčí, František, 1904-1968
Krejčí, Frant. (František), 1904-1968
Birth date19040710
Death date19680306
Place of birthPrague (Czech Republic)
Place of deathPrague (Czech Republic)
Field of activityMusic
Profession or occupationComposers
Found inNonets [SR] p1979: label (Iša Krejčí)
LC data base, 9/21/83 (hdg.: Krejčí, Iša, 1904-1968)
New Grove (Krejčí, Iša (František), b. July 10, 1904, Prague; d. Mar. 6, 1968, Prague)
Wranitzky, A. Concerto, si♭ maggiore, violino & piano, 1976, c1954: t.p. (Prof. Frant. Krejčí) p. v (Frantisěk Krejčí)
Invalid LCCNnr 88008172