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Cleyn, Franz, 1590?-1658

LC control no.n 85088919
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingCleyn, Franz, 1590?-1658
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Variant(s)Clein, Francis, 1590?-1658
Kleyn, Franz, 1590?-1658
Cleyn, F. (Franz), 1590?-1658
Clein, Franciscus, 1590?-1658
Birth date1590?
Death date1658
Profession or occupationPainters
Found inVirgil. The works of Publius Virgilius Maro, 1654: prelim. p. 10 (F. Cleyn)
DNB (Clein or Cleyn, Francis, 1590?-1658; draughtsman)
Slater, J. Engravings and their value, 1921: p. 262 (Cleyn or Kleyn, Franz; b. end of 16th cent.; d. 1658)
Ovid's Metamorphosis, 1632: add. t.p. (Francisco Clein inv.)
Wikipedia, Nov. 2, 2021 (Francis Cleyn (or Francesco Cleyn or Clein; also Frantz or Franz Klein) (c. 1582-1658) was a German-born painter and tapestry designer who lived and worked in England.)
Associated languageeng ger