Надеюсь вас не смутит что по вашей игре снято юморное видео. Ваша игра в этом видео начинается на 5:33
Мне в игре прям очень понравилась графика. Она как бы пиксельная и низкополигональная, но всё же она прям проработанная. Мне кажется если показать человеку скрин из этой игры, то с первых секунд он подумает что это фото. Сюжет, нуу, не сказать что шедевр, но он хорош. По сравнению с другими хоррорами на Itch, он очень оригинален. Хоррор составляющая у игры не сказать что сильна, но атмосфера очень завораживающая. 9.2/10
Icons and a poster of an anime girl in a bikini one room apart is crazy, lol. Honestly though, this was a great game. The way the environment was used made me feel on edge the entire time, and the scare at the end actually made me jump. Good work.
It was a little buggy but I really enjoyed it, I loved that the environment looked like a real place and how you took your time to set the scene and create some tension. It wasn’t just stuff happening, it was a proper story and I always love that. Wish I could have interacted with the cat, though ;)
Was you seething about me seething also necessary?
The only reason I point it out is because it's a decent game but having a blatantly AI generated pic in it makes you wonder how much the creator actually values what they're making
Se amate immergervi in atmosfere che combinano suspense horror con un pizzico di mistero inquietante, non perdetevi il mio nuovo video sul gioco Salt. È un mix perfetto di chill vibes e funk grooves che vi terrà incollati allo schermo. Preparatevi a scoprire enigmi oscuri con un ritmo che non vi farà mai sentire troppo al sicuro… ma neanche troppo inquieti!
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Absolutely amazing game, blew my expectations coming into it, Can't wait for more.
это очень талантливо, спасибо!
The best horror game !!!
i farted
this is one of the better horror games that I've played, good story, good gameplay and a lot of content worthy stuff, keep up the good work :)
This is so nostalgic for me! Классная игра!
is it supposed to take this long to download?
Played your game!
Надеюсь вас не смутит что по вашей игре снято юморное видео. Ваша игра в этом видео начинается на 5:33
Мне в игре прям очень понравилась графика. Она как бы пиксельная и низкополигональная, но всё же она прям проработанная. Мне кажется если показать человеку скрин из этой игры, то с первых секунд он подумает что это фото.Сюжет, нуу, не сказать что шедевр, но он хорош. По сравнению с другими хоррорами на Itch, он очень оригинален. Хоррор составляющая у игры не сказать что сильна, но атмосфера очень завораживающая. 9.2/10
I might have enjoyed the game a little bit more than I expecte, great work!
Icons and a poster of an anime girl in a bikini one room apart is crazy, lol. Honestly though, this was a great game. The way the environment was used made me feel on edge the entire time, and the scare at the end actually made me jump. Good work.
Enjoyed your game, the colors/lighting and vibe were relaxing, though the story remained unsettling. Nice little horror story!
Fun, short, and to the point. Builds up the scare factor well. I enjoyed it
It was a little buggy but I really enjoyed it, I loved that the environment looked like a real place and how you took your time to set the scene and create some tension. It wasn’t just stuff happening, it was a proper story and I always love that. Wish I could have interacted with the cat, though ;)
Now I have to check out your other game!
Absolutely love the graphics
i had one moment where it was kinda glitchy but this was still good 7/10.
just a pinch
Even though it was short, this was a fun and scary game. Keep making more games like this.
really liked the soviet vibe! very cool game
me and my friends shidded all over our collective pantaloons
This game is AMAZING and scared the SHIT out of me. I LOVE horror games like this
Any support on my video is GREATLY appreciated!! :)
cool short game nice vibes and it had me on edge not knowing what will happen next
cool game, really like the idea of using thoughts instead of overused journal (also was the anime girl necessary)
Was the AI generated anime girl poster really necessary?
that poster saved my life ill let you know
You can do better brother, plenty of real art around to have your life be saved by AI slop
Just a joke my guy. Not that serious lol
Was seething about it any more necessary?
Was you seething about me seething also necessary?
The only reason I point it out is because it's a decent game but having a blatantly AI generated pic in it makes you wonder how much the creator actually values what they're making
Жизненный сценарий для российских районов, все такое родное, даже маньяки
I found it interesting and enjoyed it, i would like to have more jumpscares and not only through the end. 4/6
Good Game! Some great spooks.
Se amate immergervi in atmosfere che combinano suspense horror con un pizzico di mistero inquietante, non perdetevi il mio nuovo video sul gioco Salt. È un mix perfetto di chill vibes e funk grooves che vi terrà incollati allo schermo. Preparatevi a scoprire enigmi oscuri con un ritmo che non vi farà mai sentire troppo al sicuro… ma neanche troppo inquieti!
nice short horror, grats!
Full Play NO Commentary
Pretty cool, aside from the walking speed at the start. Otherwise I had fun! Good job!