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Nice game 👍

It's Time To Go To Bed But Did You Remember To Lock Up?


Good game, was fun.


Thank YOu Super Fun Could Be Longer!

So simple yet so fun, thank you! <3



How do I change my sensitivity?


That's the neat part, you don't! Sorry. I made the game in a short period of time and didn't have time to add settings such as sensitivity. You will probably have to change it on your pc settings.

But worry not! My future games will have these settings. The game I am currently working on does!


Fun game with a cool twist

Great concept! loved the game, leave my gameplay 


Loved it! Here's my playthrough.


I really enjoyed playing!


Glad you enjoyed it!


We really enjoyed the game!!

Thank you!!

Kumichan & Keichan


I'm glad you enjoyed! Thank you so much for playing and making a video!


A little short but a great twist ending!


pretty cool game, gave me the chills :)


i failed


A pretty cool game, keep up the awesome work!


OMG got good ending         how to get good ending: get pass house A, in house B DONT LOCK DOOR get to the end of the game and you can escape 


great game! Here’s my gameplay 


You will NEVER Sleep AGAIN! S04 | 3rd Game


so funny game.  Thanks

That was terrifying, oh my god?? Very short, but very fun. I shouldn't have played this at one in the morning though :')

Looks like you should have...gone to bed B)


Sehr gut gemachtes Horrorspiel! Das Ende war total unerwartet! Hat echt spaß gemacht!




was a fun  game to play something a bit diffrent what i did like.


I played this game on stream and when I realized what happened I was visibly unsettled. FANTASTIC job with this game. 


Setup and punchline were executed flawlessly. 

The last jumpscare gave me goosebumps.

 Whole game design is highly immersive, i am impressed.

Thank you, Joe!


I really appreciate it! Thanks for the kind words! 

hey Idk if its the right place to ask but I have to ask, would you be against me remaking that game on Roblox? I would give you all the credits n stuff and I would not make any money out of it or even try to add my own lore, just straight up put it on roblox (so aditionally mobile players could play). Would that be fine with you?

Hey! I normally prefer it not be the exact same (like add your own unique take on it), but as long as you give me the credit and do not profit from it that should be fine.

I think someone may have beaten you to it though. I feel like I've seen Roblox copies already made. 

hey thanks for permission and ofc I would change and credit you and disable any way of earning. Also I do not think any copies are out there so far because I have tried to find any for a long time and nothing so I thought of possibly being first, anyways glad that you have gave me permission, I will not copy everything and I will make sure to credit you everywhere possible. All profits will be disabled, have a great day!

Let me know whenever it's done so I can take a look!


(Spoilers for the game below)

DUDE omg the reveal that we were under subject b’s house was awesome!!! I was struck and awed when I saw the underneath of the trapdoor!

Also lol the dead body that disappeared when we collected the key. Headcanoning that that was some supernatural phenomenon completely unrelated to sb. They just go about kidnapping people and are occasionally affected by the paranormal. An entit(ies) which doesn’t really do much (maybe appear in the corner of your eye, or move objects), so they just get so so confused sometimes and. Scared. And they never realise it’s anything supernatural. Funny to me <3.

Anyway man I was so scared during that entire 3rd scenario ToT. I had to resort to loudly speaking about how scared I was and how I was about to get jumpscared. Makes me less scared than if I’m quiet. The power of complaining <3. Even the “Is the house secure? Are you sure?” at the end of the second segment unnerved me.

The way s2 ended also made me think that we didn't necessarily succeed in guarding the house, despite fading to black without any jumpscares. It never said you succeeded like it did in s1, after all. So I thought there'd be another section later where we're either sb again, or another subject, and that's when we'll see if we succeeded or not. Either by being jumpscared if we're sb (if we failed ofc), or finding out sb was murdered (or seeing their remains) if we were another subject. A delayed answer.

Given the naming scheme of the 'levels' (situation 1 - subject a, etc), I thought these people were unknowingly being researched and experimented on. So when "GO TO BED" was flashing on-screen at the start of s3, I was like "Dude 😭. You can't just tell sc to go to bed, or expect them to go through the whole rigmarole of securing their space 😭.

They are not securing their space to prevent intruders from getting in, they have been taken to the intruder's space (or let's be real, kidnapped by the researchers). There's nothing they could do to make this space safe for them, it's inherently unsafe.

These researchers are so victim-blame-y 😭. 'Ohh go to bed, secure the house, make sure no one can get in! 😊'. THEY'RE IN THEIR KIDNAPPER'S HOUSE! Rip all the subjects </3."

That's not what was happening of course, but I thought it was interesting so I wanted to share :). I really like how it actually went, though. The reveal that we were kidnapped by the previous subject was so cool! :)

Brb let me replay GTB to see what else could’ve happened.

Okay in retrospect it’s really smart to have the first section go through a sequential order of someone’s attempts to break in, so we the player know what things do what, and how they can help us get out. Like, I wouldn’t have considered using the knives to disarm the security system otherwise, because I haven’t encountered one before, and so didn’t think knives would do anything to them.

I wasn’t even sure what the armed security system did here. I was like “Armed? Is it gonna. Shoot the trespasser? That doesn’t seem right…”.

That whole sequence was also really satisfying to me. I kept failing steps before moving on and getting it right in the next run, just see how the sequence would end this time.

Y’know, I half-expected that we wouldn’t be able to escape no matter what we did, so I’m glad we were able to get out :).

I have two questions about the game (you don’t have to answer):

1) Is there any particular reason behind the naming scheme of the sections (Situation 1, Subject A)? Even though that initially made me think the characters were being studied, after finishing the game, I’m guessing there wasn’t a deeper meaning behind it. Is that right?

2) I have not made games, so excuse the lack of knowledge, but how did you get your game to look like it does? It looks very nice, btw.

I really liked your game!! I’m glad I got to play it :).


Wow! I'm so happy you liked the game and I enjoyed all the theories and overview of your experience!

To answer your questions:

1. In early versions of the game I only had the sections called "Situation 1, 2, & 3)" (no lines about subject A,B, or C used). I added the lines about the subjects to better distinguish each situation as being a different person. Some people were playing the game and thinking that the person from situation 3 was the same as situation 2, and that lead to a lot of confusion during the "reveal". However, it DOES set up the nice potential for future lore haha.

2. If you mean the "pixel-y" look to the game there are many ways to accomplish it. I used a trick with the camera to display a lower resolution image to the player than is typical. Most of my assets are low-poly too so it adds to the effect. 


Yooooo loved this gameeee, i highkey want a sequal, or else...
Besides that Loved this gameee and it's twists, so I made a video on this!!!


A sequel isn't out of the question ;)

Thanks for playing! I enjoyed your video and the fun edits!


OMG! best twist eveeer~


Best COMMENT ever~


Short game, but really good concept! I like the twist at the end!


Don't you think about continuing with this project? I see great potential in it.


As for this exact version I don't have any plans to extend it. HOWEVER, I have heard lots of people wanting more so a future extended sequel is definitely possible! I am working on some other special horror projects at the moment, but do not give up hope for more content like this ;)


Go To Bed | Full Horror games. No commentary



9/10 game really well done you play as the killer at one point and you dont even know it i recommend.


I actually liked this

I actually like that you liked it


I liked that the game had multiple endings. Nice game

Loved the game! 
And for Mac users, just follow the steps he wrote lol it worked fine for me


no it doesn't....

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