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Beneath The Blood Moon - One Page One Shot for Pirate Borg
An adventure to a dangerous island home to a blood thirsty cult said to hold great treasures!
The Lighthouse At The End Of The World
A short adventure for Pirate Borg.
Adrian Daine
Ancient Mariner - Pirate Borg Class
The sea hasn't claimed you yet... A grizzled sea dog class for Pirate Borg.
Ded Plant Studios
Vortex Isles
Seek the lost treasure of Captain Lolligo in a dangerous ever-spiraling vortex!
Brooklet Games
Sea of Dead Men
Piracy and Adventure, Forged in the Dark
Whalefall - A One-Page Dungeon compatible with Pirate Borg
A one-page dungeon across the remains of a dead whale, ending in a fight between two leviathans
Thomas Zitkevitz
Sail, Swab, Scurvy - Naval Combat for Block, Dodge, Parry & Cairn
Set sail, maneuver & board ships on the great blue open
Dice Goblin Games
Misery's Keep
A short adventure for Pirate Borg
Adrian Daine
Bone Construct Dice Drop Boss Generator
A BORG compatible Dice Drop Monster Generator
GNAW Guild
Hooks of Tortuga
Tables of random sights and faces! For no one drinks alone in Tortuga.
Fort Dread
An adventure module for Pirate Borg set on a prison that happens to be built on the back of a whale.
Silent Cove - The Isle of Tortured Dead
Adventure location for pnp rpg Pirate Borg
Krakenhund Studios
Children of Yurata. Baltic & Slavic Folk Nightmares for Pirate Borg
Monsters for Pirate Borg inspired by baltic and slavic folklore.
Heltung Storytelling
Meanwhile... Somewhere, Deep in the Dark Caribbean.
Solo Micro-Dungeon Crawl, Submitted for the Cabin Fever Pirate Borg Game Jam.
Aaron Best
Barnacle Betsy
Something's aboard the Barnacle Betsy, and you're going to want to be the first to find it.
The Jailors Ghost
A downloadable set of ships and crew to add into your pirating adventures.
Dnd Lord
Die In Six Directions
An island map generator and hex crawl sandbox for Pirate Borg
Man the OSR!
OSR and sandbox open world rules for Pirate Borg
Dead Crab for Booty
an adventure for Pirate Borg
Adrian Daine
The Quartermaster and The Card Shark
2 Player Classes for Pirate Borg
Advanced Armadas
Monster Bestiary for the Pirate Borg Role-Playing Game
The Jewel
Boat Heistventure! Steal a boat! Make it your base or not! Devolve it into The Abyss!
So Many Ways to Die music video
An original sea shanty inspired by the world of Pirate Borg
Silverbarn Productions (Matt Rose)
The Isle of Sin (Pirate Borg)
A low prep, one-shot for a ship full of sinners
The Pirate Lord
A dreaded, maniacal master of the high seas.
One Night in Tortuga
City-based adventure | Made for the PIRATE BORG RPG.
Red Bart's Navalary: Legendary Ships and Crews
A collection of 5 unique ships and their crews, use as an in-game item/ player handout
Burial Wrongs
A city crawl for Pirate Borg - An island choked by an eaten god. Sorcerers flee to their godflesh submarine
Matthew Andre
Back to the Ship!
Escape the dangerous isle in this Pirate Borg one-shot
Bobby Swanson
Shrine of the Slithering Slumber
A PIRATE-BORG island crawl.
JVC Parry
Role Playing
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