A list of official and third party content for Wanderhome, by Possum Creek Games.
This supplement's goal is to offer more in-depth mechanics within character creation as well as facilitate overarching narrative threads. It also focuses on the journeying aspect of Wanderhome.
The Story calls to you and it needs to be shared. To tell it, you seek more of the Story. You investigate and interview, journey and journal. You’ll share when you know all the Story.
You are alive. Your care is observant, shrewd, and invested in the Truth.
Celestial Journeys is a Wanderhome Supplement that introduces new playbooks, natures and the season of Gleam, a whimsical time that only comes about every few decades. Fully and lovingly illustrated, explore Haeth in a new light as you experience the months and holidays of Gleam. This 40- page supplement contains:
A wellspring is a place of bounty and sparkling inspiration, a birthplace of streams and ideas. Wishing wells, hidden fountains, woodland springs, ancient fonts, they are places of refreshing wonder.
Choose from three new original homebrew playbooks for your Wanderhome game!
Choose from the Gourmand, a wanderer who connects with others through meals; the Naturalist, a wanderer seeking the deep hidden history of Haeth; and the Youngin', a young adult still trying to establish themselves as independent.
Within the glimmer at the corner of someone's eye... Some kith may call you a god, but you consider yourself a traveller above all else. You've seen a hundred lifetimes and will experience a thousand more.
You are alive. Your care is delicate, multifaceted, and hand-me-down.
This is a draft, but I adore the idea of it, and I hope to revisit it in the future. It was originally written in July 2021.
Wetlands are wonderful places of mystery, holiness, and secrets.
In this packet of Wanderhome independent content is 6 different wetland natures:
Swamp (Alternate)
Mangrove Forest
Geothermal Wetland
Ephemeral Wetland
Underground Wetland
Enter, marsh traveller, and choose the wetland you'll explore.
You see things that many cannot and fewer can understand. It is a burden at times, but a blessing at others. How will you use this wonderful gift to aid those around you, or is the path laid before us set in stone?
You are alive. Your care is intuitive, interpretive, and honest.
This is a new playbook for Wanderhome by Possum Creek Games. It is about constantly seeking something new while holding onto the past.
Let Us Nest Below The Hill is a supplement for the game Wanderhome which aims to incorporate themes of sexual intimacy and kink. Inside you will find
1 new playbook, The Lead
1 new nature, Darling's Grove
5 new traits
By Moth or Moonlight (or '1derhome') is a 1-page tabletop roleplaying game about a group of travelling animals in a bittersweet world of magic and mystery. It was designed as a tiny alternative and tribute to my favourite game, Wanderhome.
Some of the Hæth’s many small and forgotten gods have walked as animal-folk for a time—perhaps just to see or be something different.
A playbook and three Natures.
The official full PDF by Possum Creek Games, originally published April 2021
The official playkit by Possum Creek Games, originally published July 2020
Two expansion PDFs for Wanderhome, including:
A fan-translation in French of the official playkit
A fan-translation in Spanish of the official playkit
A 7 page document intended to help you introduce and run Wanderhome, and shows one way the game and play sessions could be run.
Based on playing weekly since July 2020 when the playkit was released!
A business card-size version of Wanderhome, for when you are travelling on the road.
The set currently includes:
The photos show what the set looks like printed on laminated business cards for use with non-permanent markers! (Individual files included to print your own or send to a production company.)
Wanderhome Printouts: Traits & Natures are printable reference cards with summaries of each Trait and Nature found in Wanderhome
STARS ABOVE is a collection of supplemental content for Wanderhome themed around the night sky and the vast mysterious it holds. It includes:
2 playbooks: the Astronomer and the Astrologer
6 traits: Analytical, Contemplative, Prescriptive, Intuitive, Dismissive, and Embarrassed
3 natures: Void, Observatory, and Ritual
2 holidays: Aeora’s Comet and Starfall
10 star signs: constellations and descriptions for every month of the year
STAR SIGNS are a new way to create and explore your character. By choosing a birth month and a corresponding star sign, you learn a bit more about their personality, both through what they are and what they are not.
This is a 42-page digital book that comes in color and B&W versions.
Astral Sea is a supplement for Wanderhome, offering a new Nature that invites the player to explore themes of overcoming struggle and embracing hope.
Above the Hæth, the night sky shimmers with unimaginable wonders, calling you impossibly far from home. You will fly to places cold and dark and distant, but you need not fly alone.
Above the Floating Mountain is an independently written and illustrated addon for Possum Creek Games' Wanderhome, focused on journeys out among the stars. It's inspired by worlds like The Little Prince and Super Mario Galaxy, and is filled with miniature stars and tiny planets, moonbeam bridges and lantern-lit starships, spacefaring moths, miraculous comets, and flowering gardens on the sun.
After many long years drifting in space, you were found. Where you came from or how you were made has never been explained. Everything around you is so small, and yet some things, you will never outgrow. Are you alive? You need care that is patient, understanding, and longer lasting than anyone can give.
The Iron Giant is a set piece from the World of Wanderhome, inspired by The Iron Man by Ted Hughes.
It is part Playbook, and part Nature — a place as well as a being. The Iron Giant exists, in more ways than one.
Sunsets Untold is a collection of rules to add The End, a looming but unseen apocalypse, as a motif to Wanderhome.
In this little pdf, you'll find:
Tone setting questions to tailor The End to your game.
New Moves for all characters.
New Relationship Questions to weave The End into your shared histories.
A New Ritual for saying goodbye to places you've created.