Hi everyone! If you're looking for our dev logs, they've moved over to our website . You can find FAQs, the latest dev logs, and other fun stuff there. If you'd like notifications for dev logs, then I...
]]>Hi Crewmates! Oops I totally forgot to write a July dev log, sorry about that, please forgive. It’s been busy! You’re probably wondering what we’re working on, and I can confidently tell you tha...
]]>Hi Crewmates! Quick post to let you know about the changes in the latest patch for version 2021.6.30. New additions: Added vent cleaning task. Cleaning the vent will prevent any impostors from using t...
]]>IT’S AMONG US’ BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYYYY! On June 15th 2018, we released Among Us... as a local, mobile only game with just a few players. And now in 2021, not only is the game out on PC, Nintendo Switc...
]]>Hey Crewmates! Just a quick update, but as part of the Summer Games Fest, we revealed a roadmap for Among Us' future. Here's what we have planned: The next big update will be 15 player support with ne...
]]>Hey Crewmates! The latest update (Version 2021.5.10) is focused on mobile integrations and bug fixes, so feel free to skip if you're on a different platform. Or keep reading, I dunno, I don't run your...
]]>Hey Crewmates! Not a lot of super exciting news for this dev log as we work on fixing bugs and getting everything ready for our next update. But here’s a quick run down of what we’ve been working...
]]>Update: Here's a running list of bug fixes currently happening! --- Welcome recruits! Hop onto the newest Among Us map – the Airship! Out now on all platforms, work together on this airship to carry...
]]>One more week until the new map drops, Crewmates! I wanted to jump in and quickly explain the account system that'll be launching with the map, since I'm going to assume once the update launches very...
]]>Hi Crewmates! We know people have been excited and waiting for the map – thank you to those who have been SO sup p ortive and understanding. It’s really helped us out mentally these past few month...
]]>Hellllo Crewmates (...and Impostors...)! Whew, it’s been awhile since our last dev log huh? Happy 2021! Here’s a giant dev log update, a wrap up, and mini roadmap for the time ahead. All strapp...
]]>Hey all, Victoria here! As a quick introduction, I’m the new Community Director at Innersloth (bringing us to a grand total of 4 people on the team), which means you’ll probably be hearing from me...