Among Us Devlog - itch.io online and local party game of teamwork and betrayal for 4-15 players logs have moved!, 05 Nov 2021 00:20:10 GMTdevlog

Hi everyone! If you're looking for our dev logs, they've moved over to our website . You can find FAQs, the latest dev logs, and other fun stuff there. If you'd like notifications for dev logs, then I...

]]> little dev log, as a treat, 16 Aug 2021 20:11:40 GMTdevlog

Hi Crewmates! Oops I totally forgot to write a July dev log, sorry about that, please forgive. It’s been busy! You’re probably wondering what we’re working on, and I can confidently tell you tha...

]]> cleaning - Version 2021.6.30 Patch Notes, 07 Jul 2021 16:16:47 GMTdevlog

Hi Crewmates! Quick post to let you know about the changes in the latest patch for version 2021.6.30. New additions: Added vent cleaning task. Cleaning the vent will prevent any impostors from using t...

]]> Us’ 3rd Birthday & 15 Player Lobbies!, 15 Jun 2021 19:04:27 GMTdevlog

IT’S AMONG US’ BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYYYY! On June 15th 2018, we released Among Us... as a local, mobile only game with just a few players. And now in 2021, not only is the game out on PC, Nintendo Switc...

]]> Us Roadmap, 10 Jun 2021 18:39:39 GMTdevlog

Hey Crewmates! Just a quick update, but as part of the Summer Games Fest, we revealed a roadmap for Among Us' future. Here's what we have planned: The next big update will be 15 player support with ne...

]]> & Discord mobile integrations, 10 May 2021 20:14:49 GMTdevlog

Hey Crewmates! The latest update (Version 2021.5.10) is focused on mobile integrations and bug fixes, so feel free to skip if you're on a different platform. Or keep reading, I dunno, I don't run your...

]]> and interesting dev log title, 27 Apr 2021 18:26:29 GMTdevlog

Hey Crewmates! Not a lot of super exciting news for this dev log as we work on fixing bugs and getting everything ready for our next update. But here’s a quick run down of what we’ve been working...

]]>’S GO AIRSHIP 🎉 New update out now!, 31 Mar 2021 18:05:23 GMTdevlog

Update: Here's a running list of bug fixes currently happening! --- Welcome recruits! Hop onto the newest Among Us map – the Airship! Out now on all platforms, work together on this airship to carry...

]]> on Accounts, 24 Mar 2021 17:22:37 GMTdevlog

One more week until the new map drops, Crewmates! I wanted to jump in and quickly explain the account system that'll be launching with the map, since I'm going to assume once the update launches very...

]]>📣 March 31 - The Airship Releases!, 18 Mar 2021 19:01:34 GMTdevlog

Hi Crewmates! We know people have been excited and waiting for the map – thank you to those who have been SO sup p ortive and understanding. It’s really helped us out mentally these past few month...

]]> upcoming Airship map, consoles, and what's next 🎈, 19 Jan 2021 20:24:37 GMTdevlog

Hellllo Crewmates (...and Impostors...)! Whew, it’s been awhile since our last dev log huh? Happy 2021! Here’s a giant dev log update, a wrap up, and mini roadmap for the time ahead. All strapp...

]]> and a peek at the new map!, 24 Nov 2020 00:07:45 GMTdevlog

Hey all, Victoria here! As a quick introduction, I’m the new Community Director at Innersloth (bringing us to a grand total of 4 people on the team), which means you’ll probably be hearing from me...

]]> Patch and Small Roadmap, 03 Nov 2020 01:35:51 GMTdevlogHello! It’s been pretty crazy for us here at Innersloth. Lots of things happening behind the scenes. We’ve got a small update here for you all. Firstly, we want to be sure to talk about the cheat...

]]> Future of Among Us, 23 Sep 2020 21:50:42 GMTdevlogHey everyone, PuffballsUnited here! It’s been a very exciting time for us the past few months! We’ve absolutely loved seeing everyone enjoying Among Us! Forte has been working hard to get the serv...

]]> Us 2, 18 Aug 2020 00:07:39 GMTdevlogHi everyone! Time for a big post! First of all, thanks so much for playing and enjoying Among Us. It's been crazy to see how much more popular Among Us could be than we ever imagined. Second of all, y...

]]> Us and Innersloth in 2020, 06 Jan 2020 23:29:46 GMTdevlogHello everyone! Sorry for the long silence. We tend to get very busy with friends and family near the end of the year, so it's tough to get updates and news out. But we hope everyone had a safe and ha...

]]> Map Launched!, 12 Nov 2019 18:03:06 GMTdevlogFeatures A spacious planet base larger than either previous map. 12 new tasks! A unique type of security system! New door mechanics! A bathroom! (Out of order) You must update to Among Us version 2019...

]]> now easier to play and more hack-resistant!, 05 Nov 2019 21:53:34 GMTdevlogHey all! Sorry it's been so long since our last update, we've been really hard at work on Polus which is coming out in one week! Check out the trailer for that, if you missed it. Just before that, we...

]]> Map Trailer: Polus, 01 Nov 2019 20:47:21 GMTdevlogHey all! Here's the trailer for our upcoming map! Polus releases on November 12 and will cost $4. It'll have new tasks and sabotages as well as a ton of new fixes and improved anti-hacks. Hope you're...

]]> HQ Launched!, 08 Aug 2019 19:27:14 GMTdevlogHey all! MIRA is ready to play! We created a new trailer to show it off! Features A tightly packed headquarters roughly the size of The Skeld. 8 new tasks! A unique type of security system! A new sabo...

]]> Map + Henry Update!, 03 Aug 2019 02:13:37 GMTdevlogHey everyone! Sorry for being so quiet lately, but we've been working really hard on some stuff! Firstly, we're less than one week from a new map! Features A tightly packed headquarters roughly the s...

]]> Fixes for Among Us 2019.7.4, 07 Jul 2019 17:29:57 GMTdevlogHey all! I'm gonna make this quick since this is a quick update, but we're working very hard on bugs, maps, and translations. Here's how things are going! Bugs are always top priority, especially serv...

]]> fixes in Among Us 2019.6.12, 13 Jun 2019 22:02:37 GMTdevlogHey all! This will be a short post since this update is very focused on bug fixes, but we are happy you all are liking the pets update so much! Our next focus is very much the two maps. One of which i...

]]> in Among Us 2019.6.7!, 07 Jun 2019 19:29:15 GMTdevlogHey all! We're super excited to see what you guys think of the crewmates' pets! There are 5 pairs of pets, each 3 USD on all platforms. We also want to remind everyone that we're still working on two...

]]> Hats in Among Us 2019.5.28!, 30 May 2019 04:40:53 GMTdevlogHey all! Before I get to it, I just wanted to re-announce how excited we are for passing 1 million total downloads on PC, Android and iOS. This update has some bug fixes, but it also adds a new round...

]]> Meetings in Among Us 2019.5.7!, 08 May 2019 21:56:01 GMTdevlogHey all! First of all, we hit 1 million downloads! Thanks so much for enjoying Among Us enough to download it a million times! It kind of snuck up on us, so this update doesn't have anything in partic...

]]> colors in 2019.4.24!, 24 Apr 2019 21:17:40 GMTdevlogNew Colors: Cyan and Lime We spent a little extra time on this update to add some extra things we've been interested in for a while now. Many people have noticed the wallet picture with Cyan, who was...

]]> few fixes for 2019.4.10!, 10 Apr 2019 22:24:30 GMTdevlogHey all! Another quick, weekly update. Here's what's been fixed! Fix crash after disconnect caused by app suspend Leaving a disconnect popup open caused players to spawn outside map. Reduced likelihoo...

]]> fixes still rolling in with Among Us 2019.4.2, 03 Apr 2019 20:36:42 GMTdevlogHey all! Hopefully Among Us will be able to update less after this update, but some bugs are really hard to fix, so we've been holding a weekly release cadence until things settle down. No move bug sh...

]]> fixes in Among Us 2019.3.26, 27 Mar 2019 23:02:03 GMTdevlogHey all! Another quick release to fix some of the most annoying bugs! Added ghost chat all the time Added limit to kicks/bans during the game. Lobby is still infinite. Fix iOS freeplay and local modes...

]]> Patch for 2019.3.15!, 15 Mar 2019 21:40:34 GMTdevlogHey all! Another quick update! We are still hard at work on the new map. Translation of Among Us into Korean, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian is mostly complete, but I haven't had much time to start p...

]]> quick update: Skins!, 15 Feb 2019 21:47:23 GMTdevlogHey everyone! Back so soon? Well, long story short, we wanted to add skins as a surprise in yesterday's update, but they were a bit buggy, so I pulled them out at the last minute so we could get all t...

]]> in Among Us 2019.2.13, 14 Feb 2019 23:56:55 GMTdevlogHey all! I'll keep this update short and quick, since it's mostly about bug fixes. We have been working hard on the new map, but while we have a general layout, there isn't really much to show. We've...

]]> 2019 Update!, 25 Jan 2019 20:16:25 GMTdevlogHey everyone! Sorry for the month delay, but this update is a pretty big one! Big Changes Translations We have mentioned in several places that translation is something we want to do, but it's huge pr...

]]> Issues and a new update!, 22 Dec 2018 19:45:53 GMTdevlogFirst, the server issues. (Written from the perspective of the sole programmer ForteBass ) It has been a crazy week! On 12/14, YouTuber Kevin Choi posted a new video . He's made a few before and we r...

]]> Holidays From Among Us!, 02 Dec 2018 02:06:25 GMTdevlogHey all! Happy holidays from us at Innersloth! The end of the year is a pretty slow time for updates because of holidays, and we've been working hard on The Henry Stickmin Collection and a new unannou...

]]> Us Out of Beta and Pricing, 08 Nov 2018 19:40:23 GMTdevlogHey all! Pricing Today is Among Us' last free PC release. On 11/16, when we release the Steam version, we will also begin charging $5 on, Kartridge, and Steam. The PC versions will also includ...

]]> fixes for Among Us 2018.10.31, 02 Nov 2018 21:19:34 GMTdevlogHey everyone! Haha, I'm pretty sad there isn't much spooky about our "Halloween release". But I did fix a bunch of bugs that no one saw or reported (like a ghost or a dead body, oooo!) Some of these h...

]]> Tweaks in Among Us 2018.10.29, 29 Oct 2018 22:46:12 GMTdevlogHey all, First, we want to remind everyone that we're releasing to Steam at 9am PST on November 16th. You can wishlist it now and get a notification as soon as it comes out! The Steam version will be...

]]> Bugs in Among Us 2018.10.23, 25 Oct 2018 23:13:43 GMTdevlogHey all, Just another quick update for Among Us with fixes for the bugs causing the most trouble. These are compatible with the previous version of Among Us, but since we're rolling out on all platfor...

]]> more fixes for Among Us 2018.10.19, 19 Oct 2018 21:56:19 GMTdevlogHey all, Another quick update with just bug fixes. This version is compatible with 2018.10.16, so we're rolling it out a little faster this time. Android and PC get it today and iOS will get it as soo...

]]> fixes in Among Us 2018.10.16, 17 Oct 2018 20:18:31 GMTdevlogHey all, This is a smaller update, but still has some big fixes, so here's a quick list of the important fixes. When a player joined a game at the same time the host started, the joined player could g...

]]>! In my version 2018.10.10?, 11 Oct 2018 05:57:05 GMTdevlogWell, kinda. The Bad News It turns out that doesn't have a good way of selling lots of little things, so only mobile players can buy hats* until either we release on Steam (at least a few week...

]]> Data Among Us, 04 Oct 2018 21:57:00 GMTdevlogHey everyone, I ( @forte_bass ) really like doing data analysis, so I wanted to share stuff that I show Innersloth peeps every now and then to get a feel for how Among Us is doing. This isn't quite a...

]]> sounds and kick/ban controls in Among Us!, 30 Sep 2018 01:39:58 GMTdevlogHey all! I'm just going to hop straight into it this time. This update was intended to be entirely bug fixes, but we got a little carried away and added a bunch of new stuff too! Ban Menu After seeing...

]]> a game easier in Among Us 2018.9.20!, 23 Sep 2018 03:11:30 GMTdevlogHey all! We're pretty excited about this update. We added a new "Find Game" view to Among Us so you don't need to post your codes to find players. But don't worry if you want a private game, you can s...

]]> fixes in Among Us 2018.9.6, 11 Sep 2018 18:16:47 GMTdevlogHey all! No new content or features in this update, but it's still an important one. We fixed a lot of bugs that made playing Among Us harder. Here's what we fixed: Sometimes when playing again, playe...

]]> Us 2018.8.24 released!, 25 Aug 2018 19:52:49 GMTdevlogHey, everyone, we just released a new version of Among Us! Big things In game chat + UI We noticed that some mobile users disconnect when switching between Among Us and discord, so we put a chat syste...

]]> and Online Released!, 17 Aug 2018 20:31:19 GMTdevlogWe released Among Us to beta for Android and iOS in June. In the last few months, we have overhauled the netcode for much greater reliability (Still in beta, though. Let us know about them bugs!) and...
