DEVELOPMENT INDEX REGULATIONS (Approved by 2022 1st FIDE Council on 28/04/2022)
1.1 The average rating (Elo) of the top 10 players at the beginning of the calendar year is used to determine the federation's development level as follows:
Level 1 An Elo average of 2500 and above
Level 2 An Elo average of below 2500
Level 3 An Elo average of below 2300
Level 4 An Elo average of below 2100
Level 5 An Elo average of below 1800 and unrated
1.2 PDC will maintain a development level list of countries on its Commission website.
01. Non-Elected Commissions
02. Financial Regulations
03. Electoral Rules
08. FIDE Ethics
01. International Title Regulations (Qualification Commission)
02. FIDE Rating Regulations (Qualification Commission)
03. Regulations on Registration & Licensing of Players
04. Registration, Transfer & Rules of Eligibility for Player
06. Regulations for the Titles of Arbiters
07. Regulations for the Titles of Trainers / FIDE Endorsed Academies
08. Regulations for Accreditation in Chess in Education
09. Regulations on Seminars & Title Award for Organizers
11. FIDE Online Arena Regulations
02. Chess Equipment
04. FIDE Swiss Rules
C.04.1 Basic rules for Swiss Systems
C.04.2 General handling rules for Swiss Tournaments
C.04.3 FIDE (Dutch) System
C.04.4 Other FIDE-approved Pairing Systems
C.04.5 FIDE-approved Accelerated Systems
07. Tie-Break Regulations
08. FIDE Chess Calendar
01. FIDE Individual World Championship Cycles
02. Chess Olympiad
02. Olympiad Pairing Rules
03. Cycle for Competitions for Men`s and Women`s National Teams
04. Other FIDE Competitions
01. General Regulations for FIDE Competitions
14. Bids Evaluation Criteria
19. FIDE World Corporate Chess Championship
07. Regulations for the FIDE World Rapid & Blitz Championships
01. Laws of Chess