Chess Federation



B. PERMANENT COMMISSIONS / 05. FIDE Database Enhancements /

05. FIDE Database Enhancements


FIDE launches a targeted database enhancements for Arbiters, Organisers and Trainers to be held starting from 2021/01/01 and 2021/10/31.


The program consists of a review of the data actually included in FIDE databases to be conducted through a webform integrated in the FIDE website.


Starting from 2021/01/01 Arbiters, Organisers and Trainers will have to fill and submit the form in order to confirm their activity status. The correct submission of the form will trigger a confirmation email which confirms the correct completion of the process.


Starting from 2021/01/01 only Arbiters, Organisers and Trainers who had confirmed their activity status in the abovementioned way will be appointed to FIDE events as Arbiters, or Organisers or will be able to attend FIDE official events as official coaches or heads of delegations. The activity status will not be confirmed unless the form was completed and submitted.


This targeted database enhancement will end 2021/10/31.


Starting from 2021/11/01 Arbiters, Organisers and Trainers who didn’t confirm their license will be considered inactive.


The Commissions will work closely with the Data Protection Committee to ensure a continuous update of their databases and to secure collection of the necessary data.


The Commissions will provide to the Arbiters, Organisers and Trainers licensed under their jurisdiction all relevant information and will endeavour to make the necessary announcements.