Approved by FIDE Council on 25/11/2022
Applied from 25/11/2022
1. General provisions
1.1 Non-Elected Commissions created by FIDE are following:
1.1.1 Arbiters’ Commission (ARB)
1.1.2 Athletes Commission (ATH)
1.1.3 Chess in Education Commission (EDU)
1.1.4 Commission for Women’s Chess (WOM)
1.1.5 Events Commission (EVE)
1.1.6 Fair Play Commission (FPL)
1.1.7 Global Strategy Commission (GSC)
1.1.8 Medical Commission (MED)
1.1.9 Planning and Development Commission (PDC)
1.1.10 Players with Disabilities Commission (DIS)
1.1.11 Qualification Commission (QC)
1.1.12 Rules Commission (RC)
1.1.13 Social Commission (SC)
1.1.14 Technical Commission (TEC)
1.1.15 Trainers’ Commission (TRG)
1.2 A majority vote of FIDE Council, or the FIDE President, has the power to:
1.2.1 Institute a new Non-Elected Commission
1.2.2 Change the name, mandate or powers of a Non-Elected Commission
1.2.3 Close a Non-Elected Commission
1.3 With the exception of ATH, Commissioners (Articles 1.4 to 1.8) will be appointed within 3 months of the end of the General Assembly in which an election for FIDE President took place. Each appointment will be for a term which lasts until the next Commission appointments are made in accordance with this article. Commissioners will be appointed to ATH in accordance with Article 2 of their Internal Rules (FIDE Handbook, A12).
1.4 The President will appoint a Chairman to each Non-Elected Commission, who will be a voting member.
1.5 The President will appoint the following voting members to each Non-Elected Commission, having first consulted the appointed Chairman:
1.5.1 A Secretary
1.5.2 Either three or four Councillors
1.6 The President may optionally appoint the following voting members to each Non-Elected Commission:
1.6.1 A Deputy Chairman
1.7 The President may optionally appoint the following non-voting members to each Non-Elected Commission:
1.7.1 An Honorary Chairman
1.7.2 Unlimited Senior Advisors
1.7.3 Unlimited Advisors
1.7.4 Unlimited Members
1.8 Each Continent has the right to nominate one non-voting member to each Non-Elected Commission. The President has the right to approve or decline this nomination.
1.9 The Honorary Chairman must be a former longstanding Chairman of that Commission. An Honorary Chairman can only be appointed as Honorary Chairman of that Commission for one term in total.
1.10 No more than 75% of the number of people appointed to all Non-Elected Commissions in total shall be of the same gender.
1.11 Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 1.3, during a term of appointment:
1.11.1 The President reserves the right to appoint new Commissioners where appointments were not initially made (Articles 1.5.2, 1.6 and 1.7).
1.11.2 The President reserves the right to appoint a new Commissioner to a position that becomes vacant for any reason (Article 1.12), with the exception of a Continental nomination, where the process in Article 1.8 will apply.
1.12 An appointed Commissioner will be removed from their position if:
1.12.1 The Commissioner is under investigation, or sanctioned by, the Arbiters Commission Disciplinary Committee, the Ethics & Disciplinary Commission, or the Fair Play Commission.
1.12.2 The Commissioner has written to the FIDE President to resign.
1.12.3 The President decides to remove them upon receiving a recommendation to that effect from the Chairman of that Commission, on account of the Commissioner’s inactivity.
1.13 The Chairman of each Non-Elected Commission shall report twice per year to FIDE Council.
1.14 Non-Elected Commissions shall make recommendations for updating FIDE regulations within their competence to FIDE Council.
1.15 Chairmen of Commissions shall prepare their budget for approval by the FIDE Treasurer.
2. Commissions’ Responsibilities
All Non-Elected Commissions have the following responsibilities:
2.1 Arbiters’ Commission (ARB)
The Arbiters Commission (ARB) shall be responsible for all matters related to chess arbiters in FIDE.
ARB has the following ongoing responsibilities:
ARB is responsible for suggesting amendments for the following regulations to Council, and applying them in their ongoing responsibilities:
2.2 Athletes’ Commission (ATH)
ATH’s advises Council (and other Commissions within FIDE) on various topics from an athlete’s perspective.
ATH has the following ongoing responsibilities:
2.3 Chess in Education Commission (EDU)
EDU acts to promote chess as a tool for education:
EDU has the following ongoing responsibilities:
EDU is responsible for suggesting amendments for the following regulations to Council, and applying them in their ongoing responsibilities:
2.4 Commission for Women’s Chess (WOM)
WOM acts to facilitate women’s chess initiatives.
WOM has the following ongoing responsibilities:
2.5 Events Commission (EVE)
EVE is responsible for FIDE Competitions outside the aegis of GSC, and administering the International Organiser title process.
EVE has the following ongoing responsibilities:
EVE is responsible for suggesting amendments for the following regulations to Council, and applying them in their ongoing responsibilities:
2.6 Fair Play Commission (FPL)
FPL leads the fight against cheating in all its manifestations, and dedicates itself to ensuring that in chess the spirit of Fair Play prevails.
FPL has the following ongoing responsibilities:
FPL is responsible for suggesting amendments for the following regulations to Council, and applying them in their ongoing responsibilities:
2.7 Global Strategy Commission (GSC)
GSC develops a long-term strategy of worldwide chess development, and ensures that events in the World Championship cycle are organised.
GSC has the following ongoing responsibilities:
GSC is responsible for suggesting amendments for the following regulations to Council, and applying them in their ongoing responsibilities:
2.8 Medical Commission (MED)
MED organises Anti-Doping controls in FIDE Top-Level Competitions, and other FIDE Competitions at the request of Council.
MED has the following ongoing responsibilities:
MED is responsible for suggesting amendments for the following regulations to Council, and applying them in their ongoing responsibilities:
2.9 Planning and Development Commission (PDC)
PDC seeks to develop Federations through the provision of technical and financial assistance with the ultimate aim of institutional strengthening of the Federations, Continents and FIDE.
PDC has the following ongoing responsibilities:
PDC is responsible for suggesting amendments for the following regulations to Council, and applying them in their ongoing responsibilities:
2.10 Players with Disabilities Commission (DIS)
DIS shall promote chess as an inclusive sport and shall oversee fair opportunities for disabled chess players.
DIS has the following ongoing responsibilities:
DIS is responsible for suggesting amendments for the following regulations to Council, and applying them in their ongoing responsibilities:
2.11 Qualification Commission (QC)
QC provides processes for Federations to:
QC has the following ongoing responsibilities:
QC is responsible for suggesting amendments for the following regulations to Council, and applying them in their ongoing responsibilities:
2.12 Rules Commission (RC)
RC defines and updates the Laws of Chess and Online Chess Regulations, in consultation with players, event organisers and other Commissions, to provide a standard set of rules for chess to be played worldwide.
RC has the following ongoing responsibilities:
RC is responsible for suggesting amendments for the following regulations to Council, and applying them in their ongoing responsibilities:
2.13 Social Commission (SC)
SC acts to promote chess as a tool for the benefit of good social causes.
SC has the following ongoing responsibilities:
2.14 Technical Commission (TEC)
TEC provides information for organisers to prepare their tournaments, and tests electronic devices to ensure they are compliant with FIDE standards.
TEC has the following ongoing responsibilities:
TEC is responsible for suggesting amendments for the following regulations to Council, and applying them in their ongoing responsibilities:
2.15 Trainers’ Commission (TRG)
TRG provides processes for Federations and trainers to:
TRG has the following ongoing responsibilities:
TRG is responsible for suggesting amendments for the following regulations to Council, and applying them in their ongoing responsibilities:
3. Working Groups
3.1 The responsibilities of each Commission are set out in Article 2, however there are some areas within their portfolio that are either of interest to, or directly impact the work of, other Commissions. In this case, the Lead Commission (i.e. the Commission that has the primary responsibility for those regulations) must form a Working Group, by inviting other Commissions to contribute to the proposals.
3.2 When forming the Working Group, the Lead Commission Chairman will define the scope of the Working Group, and having identified which other Commissions have an interest, invite the Chairmen of those other Commissions to nominate up to two members of their Commission to take part. The nominated members should be people with a specific interest and expertise in the field.
3.3 At the conclusion of the work, the members of each Working Group will report back to their own Commissions with the outputs from the Working Group. The Commission may approve or propose amendments to each output. The proposals will be taken back to the Working Group.
3.4 The Working Group shall continue to work until such time as each of the Commissions approves their outputs.
3.5 The Lead Commission will send the outputs to the FIDE Management Board for approval.
3.6 The FIDE Management Board may, from time-to-time, set up a Working Group. They will appoint someone to assume the responsibilities of the Lead Commission Chairman in 3.2. These Working Groups will report directly to the FIDE Management Board, rather than to their own Commissions, and thus Articles 3.3 and 3.4 do not apply.
01. Non-Elected Commissions
02. Financial Regulations
03. Electoral Rules
08. FIDE Ethics
01. International Title Regulations (Qualification Commission)
02. FIDE Rating Regulations (Qualification Commission)
03. Regulations on Registration & Licensing of Players
04. Registration, Transfer & Rules of Eligibility for Player
06. Regulations for the Titles of Arbiters
07. Regulations for the Titles of Trainers / FIDE Endorsed Academies
08. Regulations for Accreditation in Chess in Education
09. Regulations on Seminars & Title Award for Organizers
11. FIDE Online Arena Regulations
02. Chess Equipment
04. FIDE Swiss Rules
C.04.1 Basic rules for Swiss Systems
C.04.2 General handling rules for Swiss Tournaments
C.04.3 FIDE (Dutch) System
C.04.4 Other FIDE-approved Pairing Systems
C.04.5 FIDE-approved Accelerated Systems
07. Tie-Break Regulations
08. FIDE Chess Calendar
01. FIDE Individual World Championship Cycles
02. Chess Olympiad
02. Olympiad Pairing Rules
03. Cycle for Competitions for Men`s and Women`s National Teams
04. Other FIDE Competitions
01. General Regulations for FIDE Competitions
14. Bids Evaluation Criteria
19. FIDE World Corporate Chess Championship
07. Regulations for the FIDE World Rapid & Blitz Championships
01. Laws of Chess