Chess Federation

A. ADMINISTRATIVE SUBJECTS / 01. Non-Elected Commissions / Non-Elected Commissions (effective till 30 June 2021) /

Non-Elected Commissions (effective till 30 June 2021)

1.       General provisions

1.1     Non-Elected Commissions created by FIDE are following:

1) Global Strategy Commission (GSC)

2) Events Commission (EVE)

3) Planning and Development Commission (PDC)

4) Chess in Education Commission (EDU)

5) Media Commission (MSM)

6) Commission for Women’s Chess (WOM)

7) Commission for the Disabled (DIS)

8) Rules Commission (RC)

9) Arbiters’ Commission (ARB)

10) Systems of Pairings and Programs Commission (SPP)

11) Fair Play Commission (FPL)

12) Qualification Commission (QC)

13) Technical Commission (TEC)

14) Trainers’ Commission (TRG)

15) Medical Commission (MED)

16) Chess Data and History Commission (CDH)

17) Social Commission (SC)

1.2    The list of Non-Elected Commissions specified in this paragraph is exhaustive.

1.3    Any change relating to the Non-Elected Commissions referred to in paragraph 1.1 (including the decision to change the name, mandate, or powers of the commission, its composition, or to liquidate a commission) shall be included in Chapter 02 Non-Elected Commissions of Section A of the Handbook FIDE. In all other cases, the change is null and void.

1.4    Membership

The following membership conditions and proceedings shall apply to all Commissions with the exception of the Fair Play Commission and Global Strategy Commission.

1.4.1       Each Commission shall consist of:

a)       A Chairman appointed by the FIDE President

Appointing the Chairman of the commission, the FIDE President takes into account the opinion of the Federation to which the relevant candidate belongs

b)       Council consisting of a Secretary and 3 members appointed by the FIDE President

c)       8 members with consultative status: 4 to be appointed by the FIDE President and 1 each nominated by the Continental Presidents.

1.4.2      The secretary of the commission, members and members with consultative status are appointed by the FIDE President upon the proposal of the Chairman of the commission. This rule does not infringe on the right of each Continental Presidents to nominate one member with consultative status.

1.4.3      Upon a proposal from the Chairman of the Commission, the FIDE President has the right to appoint any numbers of members of the commission and members with consultative status at any time.

1.4.4      Members should be appointed on the basis of experience and expertise in the area of competence of the respective Commissions and Committees. Where possible, all Continents should be represented in Commissions. When approving the composition of the commissions, if possible, there should be at least two women in the final composition of each commission.

1.4.5      The FIDE President has the right to appoint an Honorary Commission Chairman. The Honorary Commission Chairman has consultative status.

1.4.6      The period of appointments shall be 4 years commencing right after the session of the General Assembly (GA) devoted to the election of FIDE Officials.

1.4.7      Upon a proposal from the Chairman of the Commission, the FIDE President has the right to terminate with the motivated decision the authority of any commission member, member with consultative status or secretary at any time, and to appoint a replacement simultaneously, except for those that have been nominated by Continental Presidents. Upon a proposal from the Chairman of the Commission, the Continental President has a right to terminate with the motivated decision the authority of member with consultative status who was nominated by the relevant Continental President and to appoint a replacement simultaneously.

1.5    Proceedings

1.5.1       Agenda of meeti1ngs shall be prepared by the Chairman and shall be sent, together with working documents, to all Members at least 1 month before a meeting is scheduled to take place. Council members have the right to include items; proposals from members with consultative status’ to be included subject to the approval of a Chairman

1.5.2       Minutes of meetings are the responsibility of the Secretary of the Commission.

1.5.3       Commissions shall report and make recommendations once a year to the GA or to the Executive Board (EB) in odd years.

1.5.4       Chairmen of Commissions shall report on their activities to the Presidential Board (PB) whenever a need arises.

1.5.5       Chairmen of Commissions shall prepare their budget for approval by the GA or EB. The budget proposals shall be sent to the Treasurer at least one month before the GA or the EB meetings.

1.6     FIDE Honorary Commission Chairman

1.6.1       FIDE President awards the title of Honorary Commission Chairman (HCC) to former long-serving Commission Chairmen who played a significant role in the creation and/or development of key FIDE Commissions.

1.6.2       The primary role of the HCC is to advise the new Commission Chairman on all matters related to the functions of the Commission and to assist in the smooth running of the Commission during the transition period.

1.6.3       The HCC shall serve a maximum period of 4 years and shall continue to perform his/her duties regardless of whether the respective Commission Chairman is replaced throughout the period hereof. If there is a significant reason, the FIDE President, with the consent of the Presidential Board, may early terminate the powers of the HCC.

1.6.4       The HCC has a right to:

participate in Commission meetings without vote;

make recommendations and express opinion with respect to the agenda of Commission meetings;

receive copies of official documents and other materials related to the Commission activities;

engage in promotion and advocacy efforts in various campaigns, social events and chess-related activities;

establish and maintain relationships with organizations that support the Commission’s objectives.

1.6.5       The HCC shall upon the request of the Chairman of the Commission:

take the lead in certain important projects of the Commission;

represent FIDE in an official capacity at designated events;

perform any other related functions and assist the Chairman of the Commission in whatever tasks are assigned to him.

1.6.6       The HCC shall not speak publicly on behalf of FIDE without prior approval of FIDE President or other authorized FIDE official.

1.6.7       FIDE President may recognize the longstanding service of the HCC to chess and his/her willingness to continue service to FIDE by the award of a stipend subject of the HCC activity in commission. The amount of a stipend is determined solely by FIDE President.

1.6.8       The HCC may be provided with the one return ticket per year to the important FIDE event upon Treasurer’s approval.

2      Commissions’ Objectives

2.1     Rules Commission (RC)

2.1.1       The Rules Commission shall create and maintain an abstract framework for the chess realm by defining its objects and relationships.

2.1.2       The principal objectives of the Rules Commission are:

To identify actors and things in the chess ecosystem

To define their roles.

To establish requirements for each of these entities and regulations for interactions among them.

2.1.3       The Rules Commission shall define the structure and shall create contents of the FIDE Laws of Chess (first edition 1929, current structure 1997, current version 2018).

2.1.4       The Rules Commission shall define the structure and, in collaboration with other commissions, shall create contents of the FIDE General Regulations for Competitions (first edition 1986, current version 2018).

2.1.5       The Rules Commission shall define the structure of the FIDE General Rules and Technical Regulations for Tournaments (first edition 2016, current version 2017).

2.1.6       The Rules Commission shall merge the FIDE General Regulations for Competitions and the FIDE General Rules and Technical Regulations for Tournaments into a single comprehensive document that has no repetitions or contradictions.

2.1.7       The Rules Commission shall propose amendments to rules and regulations as necessary.

2.1.8       Therefore, some specific areas of responsibility of the Rules Commission include but are not limited to: General Online Tournament Regulations, General Regulations on Rating of Online Games.

2.2     Technical Commission (TEC)

2.2.1       The Technical Commission shall deal with all objects of the physical world, such as equipment and devices, that are abstracted in the chess realm framework.

2.2.2       The principal objectives of the Technical Commission are:

To develop standards and minimum specifications for the physical implementation of all objects defined in the framework.

To establish testing procedures that determine whether a certain physical object meets the requirements.

2.2.3       The Technical Commission shall develop standards for any and all chess equipment in compliance with the Laws of Chess / General Regulations for Competitions.

2.2.4       The Technical Commission shall develop the standards necessary for electronic devices to be compliant with the Laws of Chess / General Regulations for Competitions and to provide added value for participants and spectators.

2.2.5       The Technical Commission shall develop test criteria and test suites to assess the extent of compliance of equipment and devices.

2.2.6       The Technical Commission shall certify equipment and devices that meet the established criteria, pending final approval by the FIDE Council.

2.2.7       The Technical Commission shall maintain a panel of experts who can test equipment and devices as well as train and assist FIDE staff in such testing.

2.2.8       The Technical Commission shall create the contents for the FIDE General Rules and Technical Regulations for Tournaments (first edition 2016, current version 2017).

2.3     Systems of Pairings and Programs Commission (SPP)

2.3.1       The Systems of Pairings and Programs Commission shall deal with objects of the virtual world, such as algorithms and software, that implement the elements of the chess realm framework.

2.3.2       The principal objectives of SPP are:

To design algorithms that implement certain features required by the framework.

To develop standards and minimum specifications for software used in any framework objects or their interactions.

To establish testing procedures that would determine whether a piece of software meets the requirements.

2.3.3       The SPP shall develop and verify algorithms that implement pairing rules set by the Laws of Chess / General Regulations for Competitions.

2.3.4       The SPP shall develop and verify algorithms to calculate tiebreak criteria established by the General Regulations for Competitions.

2.3.5       The SPP shall develop test criteria and test suites to assess whether a software program provides a correct implementation of a certain algorithm.

2.3.6       The SPP shall develop minimum usability guidelines, UX / UI / traceability recommendations for tournament software.

2.3.7       The SPP shall certify software programs that meet the established criteria, pending a final approval by the FIDE Council.

2.3.8       The SPP shall develop standards to ensure adoption of Chess ID by all tournament software.

2.3.9       The SPP shall develop open protocols for data exchange between electronic chess devices. Test and certify software implementations of such protocols.

2.3.10       Therefore, some specific areas of responsibility of the Systems of Pairings and Programs Commission include but are not limited to: Dutch, Dubov and Burstein Swiss pairing systems; accelerated pairings; tournament software and online portals; protocols to connect electronic chess boards and clocks; players’ avatars for VR play.

2.4     Arbiters Commission (ARB)

2.4.1       The ARB shall be responsible for regulating the titles for Arbiters in over- the- board competitions.

2.4.2       The ARB shall vet arbiter title applications and examination results and recommend such awards to the GA, EB and/or the PB.

2.4.3       The ARB shall be responsible for the curriculum for Seminars and Examinations.

2.4.4       The ARB shall nominate experts to the Panel of Arbiters to conduct Seminars and Examinations (ASEP).

2.4.5       The ARB shall make recommendations and propose amendments, as it sees fit, regarding its field of competence.

2.5     Qualification Commission (QC)

2.5.1       The QC shall be responsible for regulating the FIDE Rating System and the FIDE titles for over-the-board competitions.

2.5.2       The QC shall recommend title applications and registration and recommend such awards to the GA, EB and/or PB.

2.5.3       The QC shall make recommendations and propose amendments, as it sees fit, regarding its field of competence.

2.6     Chess in Education Commission (EDU)

2.6.1       EDU shall promote the use of chess in education.

2.6.2       EDU shall promote the importance of chess in education based on the results of scientific research activities.

2.6.3       EDU shall help countries to promote chess as an educational tool in education systems (in collaboration with national federations and ministries of education).

2.6.4       EDU shall promote and operate a program of online courses for preparing teachers.

2.6.5       EDU shall prepare, review, certify, promote teaching materials for different educational institutions.

2.6.6       EDU shall organize research on the positive impact of chess on different age groups.

2.6.7       EDU shall have an informational centre for materials.

2.6.8       EDU shall organize different chess events in educational systems to promote the importance of chess in education.

2.6.9       EDU shall cooperate with different institutions and individuals which show interest in chess in education.

2.7     Event’s Commission (EVE)

2.7.1       The EVE shall be responsible for the Bidding Process for all FIDE events, except the World Championship and the Women’s World Championship.

2.7.2       The EVE shallbe responsible for regulating the titles for Organisers.

2.7.3       The EVE shall be responsible for the curriculum for Seminars and Examinations for Organisers.

2.7.4       The EVE shall nominate experts to the Panel of Organisers to conduct seminars and examinations.

2.7.5       The EVE shall examine organizer title applications and examination results and recommend awards to the GA, EB and/or PB.

2.7.6       The EVE shall recommend nominations for the annual President’s Award for chess events (non FIDE/Continental) and organise the Award ceremony for all FIDE Awards during the Olympiads in even-numbered years.

2.7.7       The EVE shall make recommendations and propose amendments, as it sees fit, in its field of competence.

2.8     Trainer’s Commission (TRG)

2.8.1       The TRG shall be responsible for regulating titles for trainers.

2.8.2       The TRG shall recommend title applications and examination results and propose such awards to the GA, the EB and/or the PB.

2.8.3       The TRG shall prepare curricula and courseware for Seminars and Examinations.

2.8.4       The TRG shall nominate experts for the Panel of Trainers to conduct Seminars and Examinations (PTSE).

2.8.5       The TRG shall work in cooperation with FIDE-endorsed Academies.

2.8.6       The TRG shall also work in cooperation with the Development Commission and the Chess in Education Commission in aspects related to training at all levels.

2.8.7       The TRG shall make recommendations and propose amendments, as it sees it fit, in its field of competence.

2.9     Development Commission (DEV)

2.9.1       The DEV shall develop and promote Chess activities in Federations that are in need of technical, financial and chess skills assistance.

2.9.2       The DEV shall propose, draw up and maintain a list of Federations requiring technical, financial and chess skills assistance.

The list of countries will be divided into five levels (see annex) based on the Top Countries Ranking List published after each Olympiad:

Level 1 - an elo average of 2500 and above

Level 2 - an elo average of below 2500

Level 3 - an elo average of below 2300

Level 4 - an elo average of below 2100

Level 5 - an elo average of below 1800 and unrated

Download FIDE Development List in PDF format.

2.9.3       The DEV shall assist by providing Chess material and training.

2.9.4       The DEV shall prepare a long term program for the benefit of such Federations, aimed at creating and developing Chess activities.

2.9.5       The DEV shall aim at achieving the following objectives for developing Federations:

organisation of National Youth and Junior Championships every year

organisation of a FIDE-rated National Championship every year

participation in Chess Olympiads

each such Federation to have at least five active rated players, five certified and active trainers and five certified and active arbiters

2.9.6       The DEV shall ensure that such a program results in Federations graduating, step by step, out of the list of Federations in need. This graduation shall take place within a reasonable time to be decided by the GA. A graduated Federation should no more appeal for such assistance from FIDE.

2.10   Medical Commission (MED)

2.10.1       The MED shall organize anti-doping control in the major FIDE Events, at the request of the Events Commission, the Commission for World Championships & Olympiads and after consultation with the PB.

2.10.2       The MED shall prepare anti-doping regulations for the approval by the GA and shall enforce them when duly approved.

Download FIDE Anti-Doping Rules in PDF format

2.10.3       The MED shall advise and inform the PB on anti-doping matters.

2.10.4       The MED shall appoint a representative to be present at all events where anti-doping control is carried out.

2.10.5       The MED shall make recommendations and propose amendments, as it sees fit, in its field of competence.

2.11   Commission for Women’s Chess (WOM)

2.11.1       The WOM shall promote and develop chess activities for women.

2.11 2       The WOM shall prepare a program aiming, progressively, at a better representation of Women in all aspects of Chess activities.

2.11.3       The WOM shall assist and cooperate with all Commissions with regards to Women’s Chess.

2.12   Social Projects Commission (SPC)

2.12.1       The SPC shall promote chess as a powerful tool for prevention, including areas such as: drug prevention, disease control and prison chess.

2.12.2       The SPC shall develop and distribute strategies, guidance, metrics, standards, education and information on how to increase sustainability in connection with social projects

2.12.3       The SPC shall promote the use of chess for peace throughout the world.

2.12.4       The SPC shall liaise with other organisations with similar objectives.

2.13   Social Action Commission (SAC)

2.13.1       The SAC shall promote the use of chess as an aid for persons at risk from dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and other mental illnesses particularly among seniors. Overall this Commission should deal with issues related to brain aging.

2.13.2       The SAC shall promote the use of chess as an equalizer, especially in the areas of women’s equality and bridging the gap between the social and economic differences that impact people across the world.

2.13.3       The SAC shall promote measures to use chess to help children at risk.

2.13.4       The SAC shall liaise with other organisations with similar objectives.

3      Global Strategy Commission (GSC)

3.1     Aims

3.1.1       The GSC shall prepare and update regulations for the Olympiads and the World Championships, including their cycles

3.1.2       The GSC shall prepare the bidding procedures and negotiate bids for the above Events.

3.1.3       The GSC shall inspect venues regarding these events.

3.1.4       The GSC shall report on the bids and make recommendations to the relevant FIDE bodies (GA, Executive Board or/ and PB).

3.1.5       The GSC shall follow up and supervise the preparations of such events.

3.1.6       The GSC shall recommend to the President the appointment of the principals for World Championships and the Olympiads.

3.1.7       The GSC shall liaise with the Continental Presidents regarding the appointment by the President of the foreign Arbiters who officiate at the Olympiad.

3.1.8       The GSC shall develop a long-term strategy of promotion of chess.

3.1.9       The GSC shall devise proposals on various changes of format for the official FIDE events.

3.1.10       The GSC shall liaise with commercial partners and sponsors. 

3.2     Membership

3.2.1       The Chairman of the Commission is appointed by the FIDE President

3.2.2       The Commission consists of up to 6 members (including the Chairman of the Commission and the Secretary) appointed by the FIDE President. Upon a proposal from the Chairman of the Commission, the FIDE President has the right to appoint any numbers of members of the commission at any time.

3.2.3       The period of appointment shall be 4 years commencing right after the session of the GA devoted also to the elections of FIDE Officials.

3.2.4       If a member of the Commission retires or is inactive, he may be replaced for the remaining period of his assignment. Upon a proposal from the Chairman of the Commission, the FIDE President has a right to terminate with the motivated decision the authority of any commission member, member with consultative status or secretary at any time, and to appoint a replacement simultaneously

3.2.5       The FIDE President shall appoint one of the members as Secretary.

3.3     Proceedings

3.3.1       The Chairman of the Commission shall report to the GA, the EB and to the PB.

3.3.2       A budget of the Commission shall be prepared for submission to the Treasurer.

4      Fair Play Commission (FPL)


4.1     The FPL shall be responsible for analysing and designing measures and tools aimed to prevent cheating in chess.

4.2     The FPL shall oversee the general implementation of anti-cheating related provisions. The FPL, FIDE officials, FIDE members, arbiters, organisers and players are required to co-operate together.

4.3     The FPL shall make recommendations to other FIDE organs and members on topics related to anti-cheating measures.

4.4     The FPL shall act as a permanent Investigatory Chamber of the Ethics and Disciplinary Commission, in accordance with Chapter A-01/08/2.5 of the Statutes.

4.5     The FPL shall carry out independent investigations on violations of the Code of Ethics concerning cheating and shall have the possibility to submit motivated reports to the Ethics and Disciplinary Commission or to national competent bodies, when relevant. Motivated reports must include factual disclosures, technical expertise and all results of the instigated investigations.

4.6     The FPL shall contribute in the training of relevant officials on anti-cheating measures. 


4.7     The FPC shall consist of full members (with full voting rights) and consultative members (in a consultative capacity only). The total amount of the FPC members shall be decided by the Presidential Board.

4.8     The Chairperson and the Secretary of the FPC shall be appointed by the President.

4.9     The other members are appointed by the Presidential Board and should preferably not belong to the same Federation of the Ethics and Disciplinary Commission members: at least one of them has to be a technical expert in the area of computer-assisted cheating and at least one of them has to have a legal background.

4.10   The Chairman of the FPL, following a rotation system, select three of the other members, except the Secretary, which would constitute the Investigatory Chamber of the Ethics and Disciplinary Commission, case by case.

4.11   The period of appointment shall be 4 years commencing right after the session of the GA devoted also to the elections of FIDE Officials. Upon a proposal from the Chairperson of the Commission the Presidential Board has the right to terminate powers of or substitute a consultative or full member (other than the Secretary) at any time 


4.12   The Chairman of the FPL shall report and make recommendations to the GA, the EB and, whenever a need arises, to the PB.

4.13   The decision to submit a motivated report to the Ethics and Disciplinary Commission must be approved by the majority of the members of the FPL.

4.14   When acting as an Investigatory Chamber of the Ethics and Disciplinary Commission, the relevant members of the FPL will be subject to the directions of the Chairman of the Ethics and Disciplinary Commission.

4.15   A budget of the Commission shall be prepared for submission to the Treasurer.

4.16   Should there be any discrepancies between the general rules and regulations specified in any FIDE rules and regulations (except for the Statutes) regarding the Fair Play Commission, the specific rules on the FPC prevail. 

5.0     Special Projects:

Chess Art and Exhibition

Chess for the Disabled

Computer and Internet Chess

Chess Composition

International Organisations

Chess Media 

5.1     Appointment

5.1.1       The FIDE President shall appoint an Adviser for a 4-year period starting from the election of the President.

5.1.2       If an Adviser can no longer act because of resignation or otherwise, or does not carry out his duties, he shall be replaced by the PB for the remaining period of his mandate.

5.1.3       The FIDE President may appoint a PB Member to coordinate work with one, or more Advisors.

5.2     Proceedings

5.2.1       The Adviser shall report yearly, after consultation with the relevant PB Member, to the GA, EB and/or to PB.

5.2.2       The Adviser shall prepare a budget for the approval by the PB. After consultation with the relevant PB Member, the budget proposals shall be sent to the FIDE Treasurer at least one month before a GA or an EB meeting.

5.3     Objectives

5.3.1       Chess Art and exhibition       The Adviser shall be responsible for all matters related to Chess Art and Exhibition.       The Adviser shall prepare documents and material needed in his field of competence and make recommendations to the GA, the EB or the PB, after consultation with the PB Member concerned.

5.3.2       Chess for the Disabled       The Adviser shall be responsible for all matters related to Chess for the Disabled.       The Adviser shall prepare documents and material needed in his field of competence and make recommendations to the GA, the EB or the PB, after consultation with the PB Member concerned.       Guidelines on treatment of disabled chess players in PDF format.

5.3.3       Computer and Internet Chess       The Adviser shall be responsible for all matters related to this field of competence.       The Adviser shall prepare documents and material needed in his field of competence and make recommendations to the GA, the EB or the PB, after consultation with the PB Member concerned.

5.3.4       International Organisations       The Adviser shall advise the PB on policies and relationship matters regarding various International Organisations.       The Adviser shall submit regular Activities Report to the FIDE General Secretary and/or FIDE Executive Director.

5.3.5       Chess Composition       The Adviser shall coordinate with the “Permanent Commission for Chess Composition” and advise the PB on policies and relationship matters regarding Composition Chess.       The Adviser shall prepare documents and material needed in his field of competence and make recommendations to the GA, the EB or the PB, after consultation with the PB Member concerned.

5.3.6       Chess Media       The Adviser shall advise the PB on policies and relationship matters regarding the co-operation among media and event organisers.       The Adviser shall coordinate with Federations’ officers on information and media.       The Adviser shall cooperate with the media to attain a higher level of public image for FIDE.