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Releases: vercel/swr


18 Jan 17:36
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In this patch release, we majorly improved typing support and SWR can infer the types based on the configuration.

  • When the suspense option is true, the returned data will exclude undefined and the isLoading will always be false.
  • When the fallbackData option is provided, the returned data will be the same type of fallbackData, and the isLoading will always be false.

Here's a demo for it:


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Full Changelog: 2.0.0...v2.0.1


09 Dec 21:28
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Announcing SWR 2.0

We are excited to announce the release of SWR 2.0! The new version comes with a lot of improvements:

  • New useSWRMutation hook
  • Enhanced mutation and optimistic UI capabilities
  • SWR DevTools
  • Preload resource
  • Improved React 18 support

And more!

Read our blog post and migration guide:

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28 Nov 15:41
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2.0.0-rc.3 Pre-release

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Full Changelog: 2.0.0-rc.1...2.0.0-rc.3


25 Nov 16:30
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2.0.0-rc.1 Pre-release

The last RC before SWR 2.0. This release includes several small fixes with one breaking change.


In this release, we are dropping IE 11 support, and using ES2018 as the build target. However, when using SWR in a framework or using a bundler (esbuild, Webpack, etc.), you can still target ES5 or using a browserlist configuration to customize this.

The benefit of this change is, we can now use faster native APIs to make SWR more performant, instead of using old alternatives. A benchmark shows a 4.7x speed improvement of the useSWR() function call during SSR, when we change Object.assign({}, a, b) to { ...a, ...b }.

Details can be found in #2249.

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Full Changelog: 2.0.0-rc.0...2.0.0-rc.1


05 Oct 21:13
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2.0.0-rc.0 Pre-release

The SWR 2.0 release candidate. This RC has one breaking change, a new option for mutation APIs, and some bug fixes & improvements.

Highlights & Breakings

A failed mutation will not cause useSWR's error to be updated:

const { error, mutate } = useSWR('/api/user', getUser)

return <button onClick={async () => {
  try {
    await mutate(updateUser)
  } catch (mutationError) {
    // `mutationError` will not cause `error` to be updated.
}}>Update User</button>

In 2.0, with the example above, error will only be coming from getUser and will be shared across all useSWR('/api/user') hooks. And mutation errors (mutationError) will be coming from mutations like updateUser calls, they will be separated from fetcher errors.

There is also a new option throwOnError for useSWRMutation to disable the default throwing behavior of trigger:

const { trigger } = useSWRMutation('/api/user', updateUser)

try {
  await trigger()
} catch (err) {
  // ... it throws when failed to trigger the mutation so you can
  // easily change the flow here
const { trigger, error } = useSWRMutation('/api/user', updateUser, {
  throwOnError: false

// You don't need to try-catch here, you can instead handle errors
// on the component level in a declarative way
await trigger()

Read more about this change in #2182.

What's Changed

  • chore: fix missing husky warning by @huozhi in #2160
  • fix: Remove downlevelIteration and traverse iterator manually by @huozhi in #2181
  • fix: re-render when returned data and fallbackData is the same and keepPreviousData is enabled by @koba04 in #2169
  • breaking: Change the error broadcasting behavior in mutations and add throwOnError option by @shuding in #2182
  • docs: Add JSDoc comments to useSWRMutation by @shuding in #2183

Full Changelog: 2.0.0-beta.7...2.0.0-rc.0


12 Sep 17:38
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2.0.0-beta.7 Pre-release

Most changes in this release are maintenance related, as we are finalizing everything for the upcoming 2.0 stable version.

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Full Changelog: 2.0.0-beta.6...2.0.0-beta.7


04 Jul 22:31
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2.0.0-beta.6 Pre-release

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Full Changelog: 2.0.0-beta.5...2.0.0-beta.6


26 Jun 22:25
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2.0.0-beta.5 Pre-release

Highlights & Breakings

Mutate Multiple Keys (#1946, #1989)

You can now pass a filter function to the global mutate API to match any keys and mutate them together:

import { mutate } from 'swr'
// Or from the hook if you customized the cache provider:
// { mutate } = useSWRConfig()

  key => typeof key === 'string' && key.startsWith('/api/item?id='),
  data => update(data),

This action will match all keys starting with '/api/item?id=', and replace their data with update, then re-fetch after the mutation. The signature is the same as the current mutate API:

  data => update(data),

The only difference is if you pass a function instead of a specific key, SWR will use it to match and mutate all the data in the cache. It will be convenient to use this to batch updates, or mutate keys by pattern.

Worth noting that it works with any key types, too:

useSWR(['item', 123], ...)
useSWR(['item', 124], ...)
useSWR(['item', 125], ...)

  key => Array.isArray(key) && key[0] === 'item',

The mutation above will match all 3 keys and set the values to undefined (clear them), and skip the revalidation at the end. So another technique is to clear everything with this (e.g. when logging out):

  () => true,

More use cases and discussions can be found in the original RFC: #1946.

What's Changed

  • feat: Mutate multiple keys by @huozhi in #1989
  • fix: Avoid preloading the resource multiple times by @shuding in #2036
  • fix: isLoading and isValidating should always respect cache value by @promer94 in #2048
  • chore: Fix TS type generation by @huozhi in #2038

Full Changelog: 2.0.0-beta.4...2.0.0-beta.5


18 Jun 13:39
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2.0.0-beta.4 Pre-release


Preload API (#2026)

SWR now has a preload API that you can call programmatically to kick off the request early. For example, you can do preload('/api/user', fetcher) even outside of React:

import { useState } from 'react'
import useSWR, { preload } from 'swr'

const fetcher = (url) => fetch(url).then((res) => res.json())

// Preload the resource before rendering the User component below,
// this prevents potential waterfalls in your application.
// You can also start preloading when hovering the button or link, too.
preload('/api/user', fetcher)

function User() {
  const { data } = useSWR('/api/user', fetcher)

export default function App() {
  const [show, setShow] = useState(false)
  return (
      <button onClick={() => setShow(true)}>Show User</button>
      {show ? <User /> : null}

So at the moment of clicking the button and actually rendering the User component, the resource is likely loaded already. If the request depends on some props or states, you can also preload it when hovering the button:

function App({ userId }) {
  const [show, setShow] = useState(false)
  return (
        onClick={() => setShow(true)}
        onHover={() => preload('/api/user?id=' + userId, fetcher)}
        Show User
      {show ? <User /> : null}


Function as SWRConfig value (#2024)

A new way to extend the SWR global configuration:

<SWRConfig value={{ revalidateOnFocus: false, dedupingInterval: 5000 }}>
    <SWRConfig value={config => ({ ...config, dedupingInterval: 1000 })}>
      <Main />

Where you can inherit the parent configuration and override the dedupingInterval value, but reuse the other options.


SWRConfig.default โ†’ SWRConfig.defaultValue (#2023)

This is a currently undocumented API, but planned to go stable with the 2.0 release. You can access to SWRโ€™s default options via the SWRConfig.defaultValue static and read-only property.

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Full Changelog: 2.0.0-beta.3...2.0.0-beta.4


15 May 18:12
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2.0.0-beta.3 Pre-release


Better React 18 Support (#1962)

This is a change of SWR's internal implementation detail. For developers that use SWR, it will just work out of the box without any changes in their apps.

Brought to you by @promer94 and @shuding, this release includes a core refactoring that improves React 18 support by adopting APIs like useSyncExternalStore and startTransition internally. Especially when rendering UIs concurrently with React 18, this new SWR version ensures stronger UI consistency.

Worth note that the current stable 1.x version of SWR still works well in React 18.

This core change isn't breaking and does not affect React <=17 apps.


Avoid using Suspense on the server-side (#1931)

When using suspense: true with SWR on the server-side (including pre-rendering in Next.js), it's now required to provide the initial data via fallbackData or fallback. This means that you can't use Suspense to fetch data on the server side as of today, but either doing fully client-side data fetching, or fetch the data via the framework (such as getStaticProps in Next.js).

While Suspense for libraries is still experimental, this behavior might change before the 2.0 stable release. More discussions can be found here: #1906.

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Full Changelog: 2.0.0-beta.1...2.0.0-beta.3