- Institute for Medical Biometry and Bioinformatics, Düsseldorf
- http://nopenopenope.net
Command and Conquer Tiberian Dawn
A Python package to quickly decompose weighted graphs into weights paths, under various models.
Single-header BVH construction and traversal library.
Source code for JBrowse 2, a modern React-based genome browser
an interactive visualization and interpretation framework of reference-projected pangenome graphs
Here we introduce frequency-bounded minimizers - finimizers - for indexing sets of k-mers.
ading2210 / doompdf
Forked from ozkl/doomgenericA port of Doom (1993) that runs inside a PDF file
Doom port for DOS, optimized to be as fast as possible!
A replacement engine for Ultima VII The Black Gate (and eventually Serpent Isle) that presents a new camera angle and other improvements.
Terrain rendering algorithm in less than 20 lines of code
A pure C (-std=c89) implementation of Go channels, including blocking and non-blocking selects.
A multi-threaded polyobject-aware nodes/reject/blockmap builder for Doom and other idTech1 games
Clustered Forward/Deferred renderer with Physically Based Shading, Image Based Lighting and a whole lot of OpenGL.
Cdbgtricks is a modular tool for updating a compacted de Bruijn Graph.
Another example of making virtual filesystems with Plan9 / 9Front
code snippets for the book "Introduction to Operating Systems Abstractions using Plan 9" by Francisco J Ballesteros with my notes and solutions (WIP)