tag:github.com,2008:https://github.com/haxpor/evmscan/releasesTags from evmscan2022-05-01T15:01:44Ztag:github.com,2008:Repository/464229659/v0.6.02022-05-01T15:01:44Zv0.6.0: Release 0.6.0<p>Release 0.6.0</p>
<br />* migrate to be generic in support EVM-based chains i.e. BSC, Ethereum,
<br />and Polygon
<br />* crate name changed to evmscan
<br />* Test cases are filled for all relevant chains in support
<br />* Context added support in easier in creating a context, and ChainType
<br />also added to differentiate between chain
<br />* Inconsistency handled internally as noticed from upstream API platforms e.g.
<br />inconsistency in field name, optional field not present in returned JSON
<br />API data</p>haxportag:github.com,2008:Repository/464229659/v0.5.12022-04-21T06:47:05Zv0.5.1: Release 0.5.1<p>Release 0.5.1</p>
<br />- fix left-over uncleaned characters, and no newline taken into effect
<br />for returned result from JSON-based smart contract code as returned from
<br />API. Now it ensures that cleaning operations are taken in order
<br />properly.</p>haxportag:github.com,2008:Repository/464229659/v0.5.02022-04-20T22:14:44Zv0.5.0: Release version 0.5.0<p>Release version 0.5.0</p>
<br />* add support for querying code which is in JSON format as seen at
<br /><a href="https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/v0.5.8/using-the-compiler.html#compiler-input-and-output-json-description">https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/v0.5.8/using-the-compiler.html#compiler-input-and-output-json-description</a>
<br />for API getting verified contract code. Test with
<br />0x1befe6f3f0e8edd2d4d15cae97baee01e51ea4a4 which has mutiple files and
<br />is in JSON format.</p>
<p>PS: Be careful and be vigilant not to interact with above contract
<br />address as it is attacked due to
<br /><a href="https://twitter.com/BlockSecTeam/status/1512832398643265537?s=20&t=n5hETJrbgTAANKTpiwiMeg">https://twitter.com/BlockSecTeam/status/1512832398643265537?s=20&t=n5hETJrbgTAANKTpiwiMeg</a>.
<br />Reason is that it's not that easy to find such smart contract that has
<br />multiple files. We will change to safer contract address if we find
<br />better one.</p>haxportag:github.com,2008:Repository/464229659/v0.4.02022-04-19T20:22:39Zv0.4.0: Release 0.4.0<p>Release 0.4.0</p>
<br />* add 2 APIs support
<br /> * get verified source code from contract address
<br /> * get contract ABI from contract address
<br />* refactor and fulfill tests for newly added 2 APIs support</p>haxportag:github.com,2008:Repository/464229659/v0.3.32022-04-15T08:24:02Zv0.3.3: Release version of 0.3.3<p>Release version of 0.3.3</p>
<br />- include error text of 'result' field for API query for balance and
<br />multi-balance i.e. NOTOK error message will now be more clear of what has happened
<br />specifically.</p>haxportag:github.com,2008:Repository/464229659/v0.3.22022-04-12T10:20:38ZRelease v0.3.2<p>Release v0.3.2</p>
<br />- add optional error message for BscError::ErrorSendingHttpRequest. So
<br />now error as shown would be more descriptive.</p>haxportag:github.com,2008:Repository/464229659/v0.3.12022-03-16T13:35:08ZRelease v0.3.1<p>Release v0.3.1</p>
<br />- refactor match-arm for returning Url's parsing in src/api/{stats.rs,
<br />accounts.rs}
<br />- explicitly set to use HTTP2 to make requests (also ensure checking for
<br />response's HTTP version is HTTP2)</p>haxportag:github.com,2008:Repository/464229659/v0.3.02022-03-15T13:05:23Zv0.3.0: Release 0.3.0<p>Release 0.3.0</p>
<br />- correct Getting BNB balance for a single address by block number to be
<br />maked with 'PRO API' in README.md
<br />- refactor, improve and fix src/test.rs to properly use Mutex locking
<br />(previously the lock immediately unlocks itself due to usage of `let _ =
<br />...` which should be `let _guard = ...`)
<br />- add Stats's Getting BNB last price API support</p>haxportag:github.com,2008:Repository/464229659/v0.2.12022-03-14T02:40:43ZRelease v0.2.1<p>Release v0.2.1</p>
<p>Hot fix for API - Getting BNB balance (multi) to properly deserialize
<br />its 'balance' field which has type U256.</p>
<p>Before this, it will always be 0.</p>haxportag:github.com,2008:Repository/464229659/v0.2.02022-03-13T20:51:56ZRelease v0.2.0<p>Release v0.2.0</p>
<br />- add support of getting BNB balance for multiple addresses</p>haxpor