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垣尾 颯志 kaki005
Soshi Kakio I'm studying at Osaka University.


Minh Hoang giaminhhoang
Expert in navigation algorithms and sensor fusion

Startup Paris

Aleksi Alatalo RedknanRonin
Data Science @ Aalto university
Anton Baumann antonbaumann
student at TUM


Olivier Laurent o-laurent
PhD student at Université Paris-Saclay & @ENSTA-U2IS-AI, working on predictive uncertainty for deep learning models.

Université Paris-Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette

Thibeau Wouters ThibeauWouters
PhD candidate at Utrecht University, working on Bayesian data analysis tools for gravitational waves and multi-messenger astrophysics

Utrecht University Utrecht, Netherlands

Shichao Wu WuShichao
I'm a GW researcher and PyCBC developer at AEI, focusing on GW detection and GW parameter estimation in the LISA and ET/CE frequency band.

Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics Germany

Piotr Sokol PiotrSokol
machine learning 🤝 neuroscience

Stony Brook

Lorenzo Loconte loreloc
PhD Student @ University of Edinburgh

University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, UK

爱可可-爱生活 fly51fly
BUPT prof | Sharing latest AI papers & insights | Join me in embracing the AI revolution! #MachineLearning #AI #Innovation

PRIS BeiJing

Jiangyan Zhao Jiangyan-Zhao
Postdoctoral Fellow in Statistics, East China Normal University.

East China Normal University Shanghai, China

Ruben Dörfel RDoerfel
Interested in Machine Learning, Image Processing, and Neuroscience.

Karolinska Institutet Copenhagen, Denmark

Rasit Evduzen RasitEvduzen
Machine Learning✤Control Theory✤Reinforcement Learning✤Robotic✤Optimization✤Navigation✤SensorFusion

Ankara / Türkiye

Maura Dewey mauradewey
PhD student in Meteorology at Stockholm University, interested in ML applications for climate modeling.

Stockholm University Sweden

Bingbing Zhang zhangbb-john

Zhejiang University Hangzhou, China

Rancy Chepchirchir RancyChepchirchir
Data Analyst/Engineer/Scientist

University of Hull Sheffield, UK

Giorgos Sfikas sfikas
Bsc/Msc/PhD in Comp.Sci., BA in History&Archaeology. Currently Assistant Professor at the University of West Attica and researcher at NCSR "Demokritos".

University of West Attica Athens, Greece

Conor Hassan conorhassan

Finland, Australia, New Zealand

Zihao Zhou Zhouzihao914
Li-ion battery modelling, battery health estimation, machine learning. | Phd in Oxford
Jilu Jin CharlesJiluJin
Ph. D Student, Center of Intelligent Acoustics and Immersive Communications


Hau Phan phanthh

@realmtechnologies Helsinki

Wang Bomin DLwbm123
Hi I am Wang Bomin, a PhD student of Fudan University,Shanghai, CHINA. Majored in Data Science.

Fudan University Shanghai, China

DHANUSH N dhanush-2501
Xuan xuannadi

Freelance The world

Victor tingiskhan

Quantitative Analyst Stockholm, Sweden

Akash James James-Akash
Computational Drug Design Enthusiast

Abo Akademia University Turku, Finland

David davidrmh
Just a human being that is pretty good in turning oxygen into carbon dioxide.