intellij-kdl Public
Forked from kdl-org/intellij-kdlOfficial IntelliJ IDEA plugin for KDL
ses-loop Public
loops over email addresses and send the email using AWS SES
astro-react-cloudflare Public
Astro bundles `react` on a server for a simple API route
TypeScript UpdatedOct 7, 2023 -
markdown-assets Public
Markdown with relative image paths for Remix, Next.js and others
storagecast Public
Yandex Disk folders as podcasts
TawkTube Public archive
DEPRECATED. YouTube to podcast converter
kotlin-either Public
an Either type for you to fold all day
vertx-gradle-plugin Public
Forked from jponge/vertx-gradle-pluginAn opinionated Gradle plugin for Vert.x projects
kotlin-bot-template Public template
I'm using this template to build telegram, reddit, twitter bots using Kotlin
ubuntu-phoenix-docker Public
Forked from code-lever/ubuntu-phoenix-dockerUbuntu-based Phoenix Docker base image
last.fm-prepare-commit-msg Public
git prepare-commit-msg with from with last.fm now playing
sort-lines-test Public
Generate a large text file and sort it line by line