Bo Pan
Ph.D. student of computer science at the Zhejiang University CAD&CG lab
Formerly: ECE, B.S. UIUC; ECE, B.E. ZJU.
Jianxin Sun
Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Data Science, and Visualization
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lincoln, NE
Sebastian Weiss
Ph.D. student of computer science, now with Disney Research Studios, Zürich. Formerly with the Technical University of Munich.
Disney Research Studios Zürich, Switzerland
Sangwon Jeong
Vanderbilt University
Computer Science. Ph.D. Student 2021~
Vanderbilt University United States
Neng Shi
PhD candidate @ Ohio State University. Have worked in the State Key Lab of CAD&CG, ZJU. Interested in deep learning and its application in visualization.
The Ohio State University 786 Dreese Lab, 2015 Neil Avenue, Columbus
David Canino
My interests are in Geometry Modeling and Processing, C++ software, and new technologies.
Noli, SV, Italy