Fire Island Ferries Freight Portal
Welcome to the Fire Island Ferries Freight Customer site.
Here you can set up a new account for shipping freight to and from your Fire Island residence. Returning customers can print shipping labels, generate reports on shipments, modify their account information and track the freight boat.
If you do not already have a residential account, please press the "New User" button. You will be asked for your name, addresses, email address and a credit card. Your primary email address will become your account login name, and you will create a password. Please store your password safely for the future. Your credit card will be billed automatically on a regular basis.
All of your
sensitive information is encrypted using 128 bit encryption and stored in our secure servers. Fire Island Ferries
will respect the privacy of your information at all times.
If you have already setup an account with us, please press the "Existing
User" button. You will be asked for your email address and your password.
If you do not yet have a password, please call the office at (631) 647 3055 or
email us at
Freight@FireIslandFerries.com to have a password assigned for your initial
login. You can change the password at any time.
If you are a commercial customer and wish to open a commercial account, please
call (631) 665 5045