The Faber Web3 Hackathon is a one-month virtual event run in collaboration with Protocol Labs.
Faber and Protocol Labs will be looking for talented teams working on hard engineering such as cryptography, blockchain technologies, or distributed systems to build new protocols, tools, infrastructure services, or applications to drive Web3 use cases.
Join us for a two days kick-off summit on the 17th and 18th of February where you will learn about the tools and frameworks needed to build your solutions for the Web3, as well as inspirational talks on some of the most significant challenges today in the world of DAOs, the Metaverse or DeFi.
The 10 top teams will be able to present their projects at the final awards ceremony closing the hackathon.
Let us help you build the future of the decentralized web!
1. Project Description
- The name and summary of the project.
- Names/pseudonyms of team members and contact info (e.g., GitHub handle, mail address, or other).
- How the project uses IPFS and/or Filecoin and/or decentralized storage services that build on top of either with example links to where in code those technologies are used.
2. Link to the publicly visible source code repository
- Provide comprehensive README, incl. a clear description of the work and mention of how our tech is used in the Technologies Used section of README.
- Include a link to the working demo or provide a testing guide.
3. Showcase
- 2-3 minute video that presents the idea, including a brief demo that demonstrates the use of IPFS and/or Filecoin or anything that builds on top of them. Videos must be uploaded to YouTube, Vimeo, or Facebook Video and made public.
- To be eligible for the business award, the project should present a simple one-pager presenting the team, confirming that at least one member is resident in the European Union and describing the business opportunity, potential market, and go-to-market strategy.
- Submitting the same project across multiple hackathons will lead to disqualification.
- Only projects or features (preferably in a separate branch) built specifically for the respective hackathon will be considered for prizes.
- Broken links may disqualify the project from the judging process.
- Using an IPFS HTTP gateway doesn’t count as building on top of IPFS. Exclusively basing your submission on that does not make you eligible for prizes.
1st place
€20,000 paid in FIL
2nd place
€15,000 paid in FIL
3rd place
€10,000 paid in FIL
Business Award
€5,000 paid in FIL + Opportunity to be fast-tracked for the Filecoin Faber Accelerator.
Across the Line Award
€15,000 paid in FIL split by all valid submissions.
Devpost Achievements
Submitting to this hackathon could earn you:
Carlos Silva
Partner @ Faber
David Dias
Research Director @ Protocol Labs
Danilo Bernardineli
Senior Engineer @ BlockScience
Konstantin Tkachuk
Startup Operator @ Protocol Labs
Thomas Naegele
Managing Partner @ NÄGELE Attorneys
Diogo Mónica
Co-Founder & President @ Anchorage
Judging Criteria
Potential Impact
Does it fill a gap in the universe, and have the potential to be used frequently by a large, growing and diverse audience or market? Does it address a challenging Web3 infrastructural technical issue in an elegant and innovative way? -
Does it have unique and novel features or combine features of other products or services in a unique and novel way? -
Technical Accomplishment
Is the code elegant, clean, and technically interesting? Is the project complete? Does the project interact with IPFS/Filecoin under-the-hood (i.e., more than simply retrieve a CID from a gateway)? -
Is it easy to use? Does the visual design delight you? If targeting developers, is the experience smooth and intuitive? -
Is it creative and put a smile on people’s faces?
Questions? Email the hackathon manager
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