
Welcome to my user page! Every once in a while I edit English and Spanish Wikipedia articles or upload media. Feel free to edit my main user page to fix errors, but please do not vandalize or delete my main user page or any of its sub-pages. Also, if you think I have made an error or you just want to talk to me, feel free to communicate with me via my user talk page, but not in any other external form (outside Wikipedia), such as email.

Some contributions that aren’t edits

Articles created by me

Some* of the original media uploaded by me
*Some of the media above has other versions. Visit some of the media in Wikipedia Commons to reveal if the selected media has other versions.



Utility and warnings

 26 September 2024  
  4.35 RPM according to EnterpriseyBot 18:10, 27 September 2024 (UTC)change
My committed identity