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Volodymyr Zelenskyy

From Wikiquote
And now - this is the most important thing. We will not give up anything. And we will fight for every meter of our land, for every person.

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy (Ukrainian:Володи́мир Олекса́ндрович Зеле́нський, pronounced [woloˈdɪmɪr olekˈsɑndrowɪtʃ zeˈlɛnsʲkɪj]; born 25 January 1978) aka Vladimir Zelensky is the 6th and current president of Ukraine (since 2019). Before entering politics, the Jewish-Ukrainian was a comedian, actor, screenwriter, film producer, and director.

The neutrality of this article is disputed.
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The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride.
In today's world, where we live, there is no longer someone else’s war. None of you can feel safe when there is a war in Ukraine, when there is a war in Europe.
You can't think of the global and close your eyes to the details.
Only one thing remains unchanged: contradictions between nations and states are still resolved not by words, but by missiles. Not by word. But by war.
Without you, Ukraine is going to be lonely.
We have proven our strengths, we have proven that as a minimum, we are exactly the same as you are.
So, do prove that you are with us, do prove that you will not let us go, do prove that you are indeed Europeans, and then life will win over death, and light will win over darkness.





Summer 2019

  • Спочатку всією країною ми довели, що маємо гідність. Не побоялися водометів і кийків. А дехто не побоявся і снайперських куль. Тоді всією країною ми дізналися, що сотня може бути небесною. А згодом на нашу землю прийшла війна. Яку ми зустріли всією країною.
    • Speech by Zelensky during the celebration of Independence Day of Ukraine (24 August 2019)
      • Transliteration: Spochatku vsiyeyu krayinoyu my dovely, shcho mayemo hidnistʹ. Ne poboyalysya vodometiv i kyykiv. A dekhto ne poboyavsya i snaypersʹkykh kulʹ. Todi vsiyeyu krayinoyu my diznalysya, shcho sotnya mozhe buty nebesnoyu. A z·hodom na nashu zemlyu pryyshla viyna. Yaku my zustrily vsiyeyu krayinoyu.
      • Translation: Throughout the country, we have proven that we have dignity. We were not afraid of water cannons and batons when they came. And some were not afraid of sniper bullets. Then across the country, we learnt what the Heavenly Hundred is. And then war came to our land, and the whole country faced it.
  • Кожен мій ранок починається з sms-повідомлення. Це sms від Генерального штабу. За минулу добу обстрілів – сім, втрат – дві. Цифри можуть бути різними, але тільки одна робить ранок добрим. Це – нуль. Обстрілів – нуль. Втрат – нуль.
    • Speech by Zelensky during the celebration of Independence Day of Ukraine (24 August 2019)
      • Transliteration: Kozhen miy ranok pochynayetʹsya z sms-povidomlennya. Tse sms vid Heneralʹnoho shtabu. Za mynulu dobu obstriliv – sim, vtrat – dvi. Tsyfry mozhutʹ buty riznymy, ale tilʹky odna robytʹ ranok dobrym. Tse – nulʹ. Obstriliv – nulʹ. Vtrat – nulʹ.
      • Translation: Every morning my day begins with an SMS from the General Staff. Over the past 24 hours there were 7 occasions of shelling and two casualties. Figures may vary, but only one figure makes the morning good. It is zero. The shelling is zero. The loss is zero.

Autumn 2019

  • In today's world, where we live, there is no longer someone else’s war. None of you can feel safe when there is a war in Ukraine, when there is a war in Europe.
    You can't think of the global and close your eyes to the details.
    Only one thing remains unchanged: contradictions between nations and states are still resolved not by words, but by missiles. Not by word. But by war.
  • Politics is like bad cinema — people overact, take it too far. When I speak with politicians, I see this in their facial expressions, their eyes, the way they squint. I look at things like a producer. I would often watch a scene on the monitor, and the director and I would yell, ‘Stop, no more, this is unwatchable! No one will believe this.’


  • Unless we make these difficult and unpopular decisions, there will be no economic growth or job creation.




Freedom must be armed no worse than tyranny.
Let Moscow not forget that the sanctions policy will only be continued and intensified. As long as there is no peace — sanctions are needed. Until Russia begins to invest as sincerely in the search for peace as it invests in the destruction of our state, sanctions will remain unalterable.
Russia calls it a "military operation", and not a war. But look what happened in Bucha. It's clear that is not even a war. It's a genocide.
They just killed people, not soldiers, people. They just shot people in the streets. People were riding bicycles, taking the bus, or just walking down the street. There were corpses lying in the streets. These were not soldiers. They were civilians.
Ukraine will be free. … The Ukrainian flag will return wherever it should be by right.
This is what Russia wants. A primitive plot in three acts for the world to make three dramatic mistakes. To get used to the war. To put up with the war. To forget about the war.
This intention should never succeed.
  • Today I initiated a phone call with the president of the Russian federation. The result was silence. Though the silence should be in Donbass. That's why I want to address today the people of Russia. I am addressing you not as a president, I am addressing you as a citizen of Ukraine. More than 2,000 km of the common border is dividing us (between Ukraine and Russia). Along this border your troops are stationed, almost 200,000 soldiers, thousands of military vehicles. Your leaders approved them to make a step forward, to the territory of another country (Ukraine). And this step can be the beginning of a big war on European continent. We know for sure that we don't need the war. Not a Cold War, not a hot war. Not a hybrid one. But if we'll be attacked by the troops, if they try to take our country away from us, our freedom, our lives, the lives of our children, we will defend ourselves. Not attack, but defend ourselves. And when you will be attacking us, you will see our faces, not our backs, but our faces. The war is a big disaster, and this disaster has a high price. With every meaning of this word. People lose money, reputation, quality of life, they lose freedom. But the main thing is that people lose their loved ones, they lose themselves. They told you that Ukraine is posing a threat to Russia. It was not the case in the past, not in the present, it's not going to be in the future. You are demanding security guarantees from NATO (The North Atlantic Treaty Organization), but we also demand security guarantees. Security for Ukraine from you, from Russia and other guarantees of the Budapest memorandum. But our main goal is peace in Ukraine and the safety of our people, Ukrainians. For that we are ready to have talks with anybody, including you, in any format, on any platform. The war will deprive (security) guarantees from everybody — nobody will have guarantees of security anymore. Who will suffer the most from it? The people. Who doesn't want it the most? The people! Who can stop it? The people. But are there those people among you? I am sure. I know that they (Russian government) won't show my address on Russian TV, but Russian people have to see it. They need to know the truth, and the truth is that it is time to stop now, before it is too late. And if the Russian leaders don't want to sit with us behind the table for the sake of peace, maybe they will sit behind the table with you. Do Russians want the war? I would like to know the answer. But the answer depends only on you, citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • On our Zmiinyi Island, defending it to the last, all the border guards died heroically.
    • (25 February 2022) quoted here regarding the attack on Snake Island
  • Without you, Ukraine is going to be lonely.
    We have proven our strengths, we have proven that as a minimum, we are exactly the same as you are.
    So, do prove that you are with us, do prove that you will not let us go, do prove that you are indeed Europeans, and then life will win over death, and light will win over darkness.
  • There can be no Russian networks in Europe that split the EU from within, those that are trying to help Russia make as much money as possible even now. Everyone knows very well who in the European Union opposes humanity and common sense, and who does nothing at all to help establish peace in Ukraine. This must stop, and Europe must stop listening to any excuses from officials in Budapest.
    • [1] (March 29, 2022)
  • The war continues. Russia is sending new forces to our land to continue to destroy us, to destroy Ukrainians. We must do more to stop the war!
    The first and most important thing is weapons. Freedom must be armed no worse than tyranny.
  • There is an ongoing negotiation process. But these are still words. So far no specifics.
    There are also other words about the alleged withdrawal of Russian troops from Kyiv and Chernihiv. About the alleged reduction of activity of occupiers in these directions. We know that this is not a withdrawal, but the consequences of exile. Consequences of the work of our defenders. But we also see that at the same time there is an accumulation of Russian troops for new strikes in Donbas. And we are preparing for this.
    We do not believe anyone - we do not trust any beautiful verbal constructions. There is a real situation on the battlefield. And now - this is the most important thing. We will not give up anything. And we will fight for every meter of our land, for every our person.
  • We are doing everything to return normal life to the de-occupied part of our Ukraine. The work of humanitarian offices has already begun in 93% of de-occupied settlements.
    We are actively demining the liberated territory. Every day several dozen settlements are added to the list of those where demining has been completed. 69% of de-occupied settlements are again with full-fledged local self-government. We are restoring electricity supply, communications, water supply and gas supply. We are doing everything to return normal medicine, educational services, access to financial institutions. We are restoring roads.
    Of course, there is still a lot of work ahead. The occupiers are still on our land and still do not recognize the apparent failure of their so-called operation. We still need to fight and direct all efforts to drive the occupiers out. And we will do it. Ukraine will be free.
    Kherson, Nova Kakhovka, Melitopol, Berdyansk, Dniprorudne and all other temporarily occupied cities and communities in which the occupiers are now pretending to be "masters" will be liberated.
    The Ukrainian flag will return wherever it should be by right. Return with a normal life, which Russia is simply unable to provide even on its own territory.

Forgiveness Sunday address (6 March 2022)

As translated in "President Volodymyr Zelensky's address on situation in Ukraine", Ukrinform (7 March 2022)
  • Ukrainians!
    Today is Forgiveness Sunday.
    A day when we always apologized. To each other. To all people. To God.
    But today, it seems, many have not mentioned this day at all.
    Have not mentioned the obligatory words: "Forgive me."
    And the obligatory answer: "God forgives, and I forgive."
    These words seem to have lost their meaning today.
    At least in part.
    After everything we went through.
    We will not forgive the destroyed houses.
    We will not forgive the missile that our air defense shot down over Okhmatdyt today. And more than five hundred other such missiles that hit our land. All over Ukraine. Hit our people and children.
    We will not forgive the shooting of unarmed people.
    Destruction of our infrastructure.
    We. Will. Not. Forgive.
    Hundreds and hundreds of victims.
    Thousands and thousands of sufferings.
    And God will not forgive.
    Not today. Not tomorrow. Never.
    And instead of Forgiveness, there will be a Day of Judgment.
    I'm sure of it.
  • There was a lot of talk about humanitarian corridors.
    Every day they talked about the opportunity for people to get out of the cities where Russia moved in, the Russian military.
    I am grateful to every Ukrainian and everyone who stays around to defend our cities, our freedom.
    But I also know that there are people who really need to flee, who can't stay, and we heard the promise that there will be humanitarian corridors.
    There are none!
    Instead of humanitarian corridors, they can only ensure bloody ones.

Address to the US Congress (16 March 2022)

The wars of the past have prompted our predecessors to create institutions that should protect us from war, but they unfortunately don’t work. We see it, you see it, so we need new ones, new institutions, new alliances and we offer them.
As translated in "Zelensky’s address to Congress, annotated" by Zachary B. Wolf, Curt Merrill and Ji Min Lee, CNN (16 March 2022)
We propose to create an association U-24 united for peace, a union of responsible countries that have the strength and consciousness to stop conflicts immediately, provide all the necessary assistance in 24 hours, if necessary, even weapons if necessary, sanctions, humanitarian support, political support, finances, everything you need to keep the peace and quickly save the world, save lives.
  • Right now the destiny of our country is being decided. The destiny of our people, whether Ukrainians will be free, whether they will be able to preserve their democracy. Russia has attacked not just us, not just our land, not just our cities; it went on a brutal offensive against our values, basic human values. It threw tanks and planes against our freedom, against our right to live freely in our own country choosing our own future.
  • Russia has turned the Ukrainian sky into a source of death for thousands of people. Russian troops have already fired nearly 1,000 missiles at Ukraine, countless bombs, they use drones to kill us with precision. This is a terror that Europe has not seen for 80 years and we are asking for our life for an answer to this terror from the whole world.
  • Ladies and gentlemen, friends, Ukraine is grateful to the United States for its overwhelming support, for everything that your government and your people have done for us, for weapons and ammunition for training, for finances, for leadership in the free world, which helps us to pressure the aggressor economically.
    I’m grateful to President Biden for his personal involvement, for his sincere commitment to the defense of Ukraine and democracy all over the world. I am grateful to you for the resolution which recognizes all those who commit crimes against Ukraine, against the Ukrainian people as war criminals. However, now, it is true in the darkest time for our country, for the whole Europe, I call on you to do more. New packages of sanctions are needed, constantly, every week until the Russian military machine stops.
  • We already became part of the anti-war coalition, a big anti-war coalition that unites many countries, dozens of countries, those who reacted in principle to President Putin’s decision to invade our country, but we need to move on and do more. We need to create new tools to respond quickly and stop the war, the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, which began on February 24th. And it would be fair if it ended in a day, that in 24 hours, that evil would be punished immediately. Today the world does not have such tools.
  • [Spoken in English]: Today the Ukrainian people are defending not only Ukraine, we are fighting for the values of Europe and the world ... in the name of the future. That’s why today the American people are helping not just Ukraine, but Europe and the world, to keep the planet alive, to keep justice in history. Now I’m almost 45 years old. Today my age stopped when the heart of more than 100 children stopped beating.
    I see no sense in life if it cannot stop the deaths. And this is my main issue as the leader of my people, great Ukrainians, and as the leader of my nation, I am addressing the President Biden, you are the leader of the nation, of your great nation. I wish you to be the leader of the world. Being the leader of the world means to be the leader of peace.

Signals from the negotiations (29 March 2022)

The enemy is still in our territory. The shelling of our cities continues. Mariupol is blocked. Missile and air strikes do not stop. This is the reality. These are the facts.
"Signals from the negotiations can be called positive, but they do not silence the explosion of Russian shells" (29 March 2022)
  • I'm sure you saw the news today that the Russian military command allegedly decided to "reduce hostilities in the directions of Kyiv and Chernihiv."
    Well, the same can be said about Chornobaivka — as if the Russian aviation simply decided to fly less, and the Russian military vehicles — to drive less. I am grateful to all our defenders, to all those who ensure the defense of Kyiv. It is their brave and effective actions that force the enemy to retreat in this direction.
    However, we should not lose vigilance. The situation has not become easier. The scale of the challenges has not diminished. The Russian army still has significant potential to continue attacks against our state. They still have a lot of equipment and enough people completely deprived of rights whom they can send to the cauldron of war.
    Therefore, we stay alert and do not reduce our defense efforts.
  • The enemy is still in our territory. The shelling of our cities continues. Mariupol is blocked. Missile and air strikes do not stop. This is the reality. These are the facts.
    That is why the Armed Forces of Ukraine, our intelligence and all those who have joined the defense of the state are the only guarantee of our survival today. As a nation. As a state.
    The guarantee that works.
  • Yes, we can call positive the signals we hear from the negotiating platform. But these signals do not silence the explosion of Russian shells.
    Of course, we see all the risks. Of course, we see no reason to trust the words of certain representatives of a state that continues to fight for our destruction. Ukrainians are not naive people. Ukrainians have already learned during these 34 days of invasion and over the past eight years of the war in Donbas that only a concrete result can be trusted.

"We will not give up anything. And we will fight for every meter of our land" (30 March 2022)

"We will not give up anything and will fight for every meter of our land, for every person - address by the President of Ukraine"
  • Yes, there is an ongoing negotiation process. But these are still words. So far no specifics. There are also other words about the alleged withdrawal of Russian troops from Kyiv and Chernihiv. About the alleged reduction of activity of occupiers in these directions. We know that this is not a withdrawal, but the consequences of exile. Consequences of the work of our defenders. But we also see that at the same time there is an accumulation of Russian troops for new strikes in Donbas. And we are preparing for this.
  • We do not believe anyone - we do not trust any beautiful verbal constructions. There is a real situation on the battlefield.
  • And now - this is the most important thing. We will not give up anything. And we will fight for every meter of our land, for every person.

Make the war crimes of the Russian military the last manifestation of this evil on earth (3 April 2022)

The world has already seen many war crimes. At different times. On different continents. But it is time to do everything possible to make the war crimes of the Russian military the last manifestation of such evil on earth.
"It is time to do everything to make the war crimes of the Russian military the last manifestation of this evil on earth" (3 April 2022)
  • Today this address will be without greetings. I do not want any extra words.
    Presidents do not usually record addresses like this. But today I have to say just that. After what was revealed in Bucha and our other cities the occupiers were expelled from. Hundreds of people were killed. Tortured, executed civilians. Corpses on the streets. Mined area. Even the bodies of the dead were mined!
    The pervasive consequences of looting. Concentrated evil has come to our land. Murderers. Torturers. Rapists. Looters. Who call themselves the army. And who deserve only death after what they did.
  • I want all the leaders of the Russian Federation to see how their orders are being fulfilled. Such orders. Such a fulfillment. And joint responsibility. For these murders, for these tortures, for these arms torn off by explosions that lie on the streets. For shots in the back of the head of tied people.
    This is how the Russian state will now be perceived. This is your image.
    Your culture and human appearance perished together with the Ukrainian men and women to whom you came.
  • We drove the enemy out of several regions. But Russian troops still control the occupied areas of other regions. And after the expulsion of the occupiers, even worse things can be found there. Even more deaths and tortures. Because this is the nature of the Russian military who came to our land. These are bastards who can't do otherwise. And they had such orders.
    All partners of Ukraine will be informed in detail about what happened in the temporarily occupied territory of our state. War crimes in Bucha and other cities during the Russian occupation will also be considered by the UN Security Council on Tuesday.
    There will definitely be a new package of sanctions against Russia. But I'm sure that's not enough. More conclusions are needed. Not only about Russia, but also about the political behavior that actually allowed this evil to come to our land.
  • We see what’s at stake in this war. We see what we are defending.
    There are standards of the Ukrainian army - moral and professional. And it is not our army that has to adjust now. These are many other armies that should learn from our military.
    And there are standards of the Ukrainian people. And there are standards of the Russian occupiers. This is good and evil. This is Europe and a black hole that wants to tear it all apart and absorb.
  • I am sure the time will come and the whole line of the state border of Ukraine will be restored.
    And for this to happen sooner, we must all be focused, ready to boldly face evil and respond to every criminal act against Ukraine, against our people, against our freedom.
    Evil will be punished.
    Glory to Ukraine!

Interview with Arnab Goswami (7 April 2022)

Interview with Arnab Goswami (7 April 2022)
  • Speaking exclusively to Republic Media Network's Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami, in a big statement of intent, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said he's ready to meet Russia's President Vladimir Putin and also simultanously carry on the diplomatic path without stressing on getting security guarantees. Zelenskyy said, "We don't want the war to continue for long and for us talks are more important than getting security guarantees ahead of dialogue," also adding he doesn't want to put any conditions before the talks begin, Zelenskyy affirmed, "We don't want to put any preconditions to talks with Putin, security guarantees can happen in parallel."
  • Zelensky in the interview with Arnab , “UN can do a lot. Simply using the words, we are concerned about it is not enough to stop the war. We have heard “concern” for 8 years.” The Ukrainian President said, adding that “they need to establish isolation against Russia. There must be a diplomatic response”.
    Heard Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky speaking to India’s Republic TV, Arnab Goswami on 07 April 2022 on day 43 of Russia Ukraine war. Highlights of the virtual Arnab-Zelenskyyinterview
    Starting off by thanking Republic for the opportunity to “talk to ordinary people through the channel”, Zelensky reiterated that he has “no other willingness but to put an end to the war – ‘Genocide’.
    “This war must end. This war is on our territory not on the territory of Russia. I don’t want to lose the citizens of Ukraine”.
    In a big statement of intent, Ukraine’s President Zelensky has said he’s ready to meet Russia’s President Vladimir Putin. “We don’t want to put any preconditions to talks with Putin, security guarantees can happen in parallel.” “Faster we meet, lesser casualties.”
    “I am ready to talk about temporarily occupied Crimea, and Donbas. I am ready for talks on any topic, but with the head of the Russian Federation, with President Putin”.
    Ukraine is seeking “security guarantees” from the world including the United States, United Kingdom, China, Turkey, Germany, and Poland. He also invited India to be one of the guarantors.
    “We are not stepping back. We will fight for all those cities under Russian occupation. We have full control of Odesa, it’s a very difficult situation in Mariupol. We will struggle till we can restore territorial integrity.”
    “If the world would like to end this war, it needs to supply us with heavy weapons. We don’t want to conquer any land of Russia; we want these on our land… We have never used weapons to attack the Russian Federation. We have used weapons to defend ourselves.”
    “Sanctions would be like weapons, sanctions should be like nuclear weapons, sanctions are like modern state of the art weapons…Impose all the sanctions, powerful sanctions…Do not pretend you are trying to support Ukraine but continue economic relations with Russia. Half measures won’t work “.
  • On India’s stance on the Russia-Ukraine war, Zelenskyy said, “I understand that it is difficult to keep a balance between relationships with Ukraine and Russia…We thank you for the humanitarian assistance, but I’d like Narendra Modi to think of being a security guarantor for Ukraine. Willing to have powerful relationship with India.”
  • This was emphasized by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky in an interview with India’s Republic Media Network, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.
    "The fact that we are not being given weapons by certain world leaders or world actors, this may prolong the war. Because we are not going to give up. And without heavy weapons, it will be a longer process of war. We will fight back, they then they can withdraw again, get new equipment, accumulate more forces and attack us again, they will occupy new cities, and we will fight again, so as long as our country remains without heavy weapons, this war will continue for a longer period ... If the world wants this war to be over, we need to be given heavy weapons very quickly. And we will be strong," said the president.
    He noted that the issue of transferring heavy weaponry to Ukraine is currently being agreed upon, which means that the Ukrainian Army does not have these weapons yet.
    Read also: Zelensky says the sooner he meets with Putin, the fewer victims there will be
    "We have weapons only once they are on our territory. And anything prior to that is just a process, not a result. So now we are in the process. And in this process it is impossible to fight. You can be powerful when you have weapons," said Zelensky.
    At the same time, the president assured that Ukraine does not intend and never intended to seize the territory of the Russian Federation, which perhaps is what the West fears.
    "We never considered this, we don't need any Russian towns, any of their people. We only fight for our land. Therefore, when these weapons arrive, we will be able to push the enemy out of our land. We only need what’s ours," the president emphasized.

We are fighting for a free future and the development of our country (16 April 2022)

The situation in Mariupol remains as severe as possible. Just inhuman. This is what the Russian Federation did. Deliberately did. And deliberately continues to destroy cities. Russia is deliberately trying to destroy everyone who is there in Mariupol.
"We are fighting for a free future and the development of our country"
  • Today I held a meeting dedicated to the reconstruction of our cities. Of course, this is a huge amount of work. But still less than defending the state in war. Than that we all — all Ukrainians, our army and all our people — are already really doing. So don't be afraid of the scale.
    What is important in our project of reconstruction of Ukraine? The task is not only to physically rebuild the houses, apartments, bridges and roads, businesses and social infrastructure that were destroyed by Russian troops. Not just to give people back everything they lost and give them a new foundation in life.
  • Everyone in Ukraine has the right to their own housing, their own home or their own apartment. The right to a safe and comfortable living space that will be designed for anyone.
    All those whose homes were destroyed by the occupiers, and all those who were waiting in line for many years. All our people who deserve to live in a modern environment.
    To implement this project, we are already involving leading architects, the full potential of the state and international support. The participation of companies, partner countries, international donors can be added. I have absolutely no doubt that we will be able to do this. It will be possible not only to restore that was destroyed, but also to restore justice for those whose right to housing has been violated.
  • I met today with servicemen of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection. I handed over awards.
    The contribution of special communications servicemen to our defense, to our path to victory and peace, cannot be overestimated. Their work should be mentioned more often, they should be thanked more loudly.
    Since the first day of the war, we have had stable communication both within our country and with Ukraine's partner states. I am sincerely grateful to everyone who provides it!
  • The situation in Mariupol remains as severe as possible. Just inhuman. This is what the Russian Federation did. Deliberately did. And deliberately continues to destroy cities. Russia is deliberately trying to destroy everyone who is there in Mariupol.
    There are only two ways to influence this. Or the partners will give Ukraine all the necessary heavy weapons, planes, and, without exaggeration, immediately. So that we can reduce the pressure of the occupiers on Mariupol and unblock it. Or — a negotiating path, in which the role of partners should also be decisive.
    I want to be heard right now: there has not been a single day since the blockade of Mariupol that we have not sought a solution. Military or diplomatic — anything to save people. But finding this solution is extremely difficult. So far, there is no one hundred percent valid option. This applies to both military options and the negotiation process.
    Although we have heard many intentions from those who wanted to help and who really in positions of international influence, none of them have been realized yet. However, we will not abandon these efforts. And every day either I, or Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Valeriy Zaluzhny, or other military, or head of our negotiating team David Arakhamia — in touch with our defenders of Mariupol. Every day.

We, the world and history will take from Russia much more than Russian missiles will take from Ukraine (18 April 2022)]

"We, the world and history will take from Russia much more than Russian missiles will take from Ukraine" (18 April 2022) video
  • The world and history will take from Russia much more than Russian missiles will take from Ukraine. Every lost life is an argument for Ukrainians and other free nations to perceive Russia exclusively as a threat generation after generation.
  • It can now be stated that Russian troops have begun the battle for Donbas, for which they have been preparing for a long time. A very large part of the entire Russian army is now focused on this offensive.
    No matter how many Russian soldiers are driven there, we will fight. We will defend ourselves. We will do it daily. We will not give up anything Ukrainian, and we do not need what’s not ours.

Ukraine is already a full-fledged part of the free world and a united Europe (8 May 2022)

I am grateful to Justin for visiting our country. Exactly now, exactly on this day. A powerful sign of support and faith in the future of our people.
Full text online
Russia has forgotten everything that was important to the victors of World War II. But Ukraine and the whole free world will remind it.
  • Today is an important day, very important. For us. For our people. For our freedom. It was here, at the Mariyinsky Palace, that I held talks today with my friend, Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau.
    I am grateful to Justin for visiting our country. Exactly now, exactly on this day. A powerful sign of support and faith in the future of our people.
  • For the first time, Ukraine took part in a meeting of G7 leaders. The world's largest democracies. I outlined our vision of what needs to be done for freedom to win and to guarantee Ukraine's security.
    I called for increasing sanctions on Russia and creating conditions for Ukraine so that the war ends as soon as possible with the liberation of our land and our people.
  • Russia has forgotten everything that was important to the victors of World War II. But Ukraine and the whole free world will remind it.
    So that then no one will forget. So that really important words — "never again" — which are repeated all over the free world every year on the days of remembrance of the victims of World War II regain their weight again.
    I am grateful to all our defenders who are defending and saving Ukraine from the modern descendants of that old evil.
    Eternal glory to all our heroes! Eternal glory to all our warriors!
    I am grateful to all the friends of Ukraine and freedom!
    Glory to Ukraine!

Russian war against Ukraine and the entire free Europe began with Crimea and must end with it (9 August 2022)

"Russian war against Ukraine and the entire free Europe began with Crimea and must end with it" (9 August 2022)
From the Kharkiv region to Kherson, from Donetsk to Enerhodar, from Stanytsia Luhanska to Yalta, from Berdyansk to Novofedorivka — these are all parts of our country, this is Ukraine, which will be completely free.
  • We will not forget that the Russian war against Ukraine began with the occupation of Crimea.
    Russia has turned our peninsula, which has always been and will be one of the best places in Europe, into one of the most dangerous places in Europe.
    Russia brought large-scale repression, environmental problems, economic hopelessness and war to Crimea. War.
    Perhaps historians will one day determine how many people were killed as a result of Russia's use of Crimea for terror. Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands? From Ukraine and Georgia to Syria and more remote regions.
  • The presence of Russian occupiers in Crimea is a threat to the entire Europe and to global stability. The Black Sea region cannot be safe as long as Crimea is occupied. There will be no stable and lasting peace in many countries on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea as long as Russia is able to use our peninsula as its military base.
    This Russian war against Ukraine and against the entire free Europe began with Crimea and must end with Crimea — with its liberation. Today it is impossible to say when this will happen. But we are constantly adding the necessary components to the formula of liberation of Crimea.
  • The history of the global response to Russia's seizure of Crimea, or rather the lack of such a response, is now one of the best arguments for strengthening sanctions against Russia. The world is beginning to recognize that it made a mistake in 2014 when it decided not to respond with full force to Russia's first aggressive steps.
    And, of course, we pay due attention to the struggle for rights and historical justice for the indigenous peoples of Ukraine — the Crimean Tatar people, Karaites and Krymchaks. Today, on the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, we really have something to say.
    Last summer, the fundamental law on indigenous peoples of Ukraine was adopted. This law recognizes the rights of indigenous peoples and representative bodies of indigenous peoples.
  • We are preparing new solutions for the protection and assistance in the realization of the rights of the indigenous peoples of Ukraine. We are also preparing programs for the economic recovery of our Crimea after its liberation from the occupiers.
    Well, the main thing is to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine, our intelligence and everyone who is fighting to liberate our land and repel the Russian colonial invasion.
    From the Kharkiv region to Kherson, from Donetsk to Enerhodar, from Stanytsia Luhanska to Yalta, from Berdyansk to Novofedorivka — these are all parts of our country, this is Ukraine, which will be completely free.
  • I thank everyone who defends Ukraine!
    Eternal glory to all who fight for freedom!
    Glory to Ukraine!

Address to those who have been bravely standing for 200 days (11 September 2022)

Today, everyone sees and notes your actions in the north, south and east of Ukraine. The world is impressed. The enemy is panicking. Ukraine is proud of you, believes in you, prays for you, and is waiting for you.
The path to victory is a difficult one. But we are sure: you are capable of it.
"I want to dedicate this address to those who have been bravely standing for 200 days, being the exact reason why Ukraine stands" (11 September 2022)
  • Today is 200 days of our resistance. Our struggle. Our people’s war. For freedom, for independence, for the right to be. In these 200 days, we have achieved a lot, but the most important, and therefore the most difficult, is ahead. And I want to dedicate this address to those who are ahead. Who are having the hardest time now, as they are doing the most important thing.
    These are all defenders of Ukraine. All those who have been courageously standing for 200 days, being the exact reason why Ukraine stands.
  • To everyone who in 200 days destroyed more than 2,000 enemy tanks, 4,500 armored combat vehicles, more than 1,000 enemy artillery systems, 250 aircraft and 200 helicopters, almost 1,000 drones, 15 ships and boats, thousands of other enemy equipment units.
    Liberated hundreds of our towns and villages. Who broke the plans of the enemy, because they did not break themselves. All those who held the defense and defended Kyiv. Saved our capital, and thus preserved our faith in our victory. … All those who liberated, liberate and will liberate all temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. … The enemies said that they got lost, that they were going to an exercise. You taught them a lot. The ability to quickly get dressed and get out of our land, and the understanding that, by abandoning equipment and weapons, it can be done much faster and easier.
    Many of them have forever learned that it is correct to say not "on Ukraine" but "in Ukraine". I am talking about all those who set foot on our land and stayed in it. Many will forever remember what awaits all uninvited guests in Ukraine. Our warriors.
    Today, everyone sees and notes your actions in the north, south and east of Ukraine. The world is impressed. The enemy is panicking. Ukraine is proud of you, believes in you, prays for you, and is waiting for you.
    The path to victory is a difficult one. But we are sure: you are capable of it.
    You will reach our border, all its sections. You will see our frontiers and the enemies’ backs. You will see the shining of the eyes of our people and of the occupiers’ heels. They will call it "goodwill gestures". We'll call it a victory.
    We believe in you, in those who have been doing their job, risking their lives, defending their country for all these 200 days at -15°C or +35°C, at 2 am or 6 am, on an ordinary Monday or on Independence Day, despite fatigue, tension and danger.
    All who were definitely ready. Who do not pay attention to rumors and gossip. Who do not read fakes on the Internet, but write the history in real life. The history of independence. The history of victory. The history of Ukraine. Our warriors, our fighters, our defenders. For us, you are definitely the first army of the world.
    Glory to you!
    Glory to Ukraine!

We still need to strengthen our cooperation (12 September 2022)

Russian missiles hit precisely those objects that have absolutely nothing to do with the infrastructure of the Armed Forces of our country.
On the one hand, this is a sign of the desperation of those who invented this war. This is how they react to the defeat of Russian troops in the Kharkiv region.
"We still need to strengthen our cooperation with partners to overcome Russian terror" (12 September 2022)
  • Ukrainians!
    All Europeans!
    And everyone in the world who believes that terror should have no place on earth.
    Why is the biggest source of terror in the world — Russia — still able to wage this war? And why can it wage the war so cruelly and cynically? There is only one reason — insufficient pressure on Russia. The response to the terror of this state is insufficient.
  • Yesterday and today, the Russian army struck the Ukrainian energy infrastructure. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians found themselves in the dark — without electricity. Houses, hospitals, schools, communal infrastructure … Russian missiles hit precisely those objects that have absolutely nothing to do with the infrastructure of the Armed Forces of our country.
    On the one hand, this is a sign of the desperation of those who invented this war. This is how they react to the defeat of Russian troops in the Kharkiv region. They can't do anything to our heroes on the battlefield, and that's why Russia is directing its vile strikes against civilian infrastructure.

Address to US Congress (21 December 2022)

Against all odds and doom-and-gloom scenarios, Ukraine didn’t fall. Ukraine is alive and kicking.
"Full Transcript of Zelensky’s Speech Before Congress" (21 December 2022) - video
This struggle will define in what world our children and grandchildren will live, and then their children and grandchildren.
It will define whether it will be a democracy of Ukrainians and for Americans — for all.
Ukrainian courage and American resolve must guarantee the future of our common freedom, the freedom of people who stand for their values.
  • Against all odds and doom-and-gloom scenarios, Ukraine didn’t fall. Ukraine is alive and kicking. Thank you. And it gives me good reason to share with you our first, first joint victory: We defeated Russia in the battle for minds of the world. We have no fear, nor should anyone in the world have it. Ukrainians gained this victory, and it gives us courage which inspires the entire world.
    Americans gained this victory, and that’s why you have succeeded in uniting the global community to protect freedom and international law. Europeans gained this victory, and that’s why Europe is now stronger and more independent than ever. The Russian tyranny has lost control over us. And it will never influence our minds again.
  • This battle cannot be frozen or postponed. It cannot be ignored, hoping that the ocean or something else will provide a protection. From the United States to China, from Europe to Latin America, and from Africa to Australia, the world is too interconnected and interdependent to allow someone to stay aside and at the same time to feel safe when such a battle continues.
    Our two nations are allies in this battle. And next year will be a turning point, I know it, the point when Ukrainian courage and American resolve must guarantee the future of our common freedom, the freedom of people who stand for their values.


It is very important that the world sees: a fair and honest end to Russian aggression will benefit everyone in the world.
  • The scariest thing is that part of the world got used to the war in Ukraine. Exhaustion with the war rolls along like a wave. You see it in the United States, in Europe. And we see that as soon as they start to get a little tired, it becomes like a show to them: ‘I can’t watch this rerun for the 10th time.

Address to the World Economic Forum (18 January 2023)

Mobilization of the world must outpace the next military mobilization of our joint enemy (18 January 2023)
  • Tragedies are outpacing life. The tyranny is outpacing the democracy. 
    Russia needed less than one second to start the war. The world needed days to react with first sanctions.
    The time the free world uses to think is used by the terrorist state to kill.
    Ukraine and its allies have been resisting it for almost a year. This period proved all our prompt actions brought positive results: the opening of European borders for Ukrainians; the grain deal; the energy unity. Together they saved millions of lives, not only in Ukraine. 
    It is not only Ukraine – but the whole world needs exactly this pace of decisions and actions.
    The world was hesitant in 2014 when Russia without hesitation occupied Crimea. The world was hesitant in 2022 when Russia without hesitation made the war full-scale. The world must not hesitate today and ever. 
    When the evil seeks revanche, the world needs resolve and speed. Russia is exporting terror. Russia is spreading the strain of war across the world. Ukraine offers the world a Peace formula. Please.Ten steps that the world must make faster than Russia makes its new moves. 
    Mobilization of the world must outpace the next military mobilization of our joint enemy.
    The supplying of Ukraine with air defense systems must outpace Russia’s next missile attacks. The supplies of Western tanks must outpace another invasion of Russian tanks. The restoration of security and peace in Ukraine must outpace Russia’s attack on security and peace in other countries. A tribunal for military crimes must prevent new ones.
    The expansion of NATO and the EU must outgo the spread of Russian aggression. We routinely defend values which some of the allies take for granted – as a fact of life. 
    For us, the fact of life is the world in need of resolute and prompt steps.
  • The world overcame nazism, the apartheid, pandemics, the indifference to climate changes, financial crises, and the Kremlin strain. The world will overcome again.
    This is how much can be said in a matter of minutes. This is how much can be understood in a matter of minutes. The world will overcome again. The time is high to make it happen faster.

The year of invincibility (24 February 2023)

The year of invincibility (24 February 2023)
  • A year ago, on this day, from this very place, at about seven in the morning, I addressed you with a short statement. It lasted only 67 seconds. It contained the two most important things, then and now. That Russia started a full-scale war against us. And that we are strong. We are ready for anything. We will defeat everyone. Because we are Ukraine!
    That is how February 24, 2022 began. The longest day of our lives. The hardest day of our modern history. We woke up early and haven't fallen asleep since.
    Some people were afraid, some were shocked, some did not know what to say, but everyone felt what to do. There were traffic jams on the roads, but many people were going to get weapons. Queues were forming. Some people stood at the borders, but many went to military registration and enlistment offices, and territorial defense units.
  • We did not raise the white flag, and began to defend the blue and yellow. We were not afraid, we did not break down, we did not surrender. The symbol of this was the border guards of Zmiinyi Island and the route they told the Russian warship.
    Our faith has grown stronger. Our morale has been reinforced. We endured the first day of a full-scale war. We didn't know what would happen tomorrow, but we realized for sure: every tomorrow is worth fighting for!
    And we fought. And we fiercely fought for every day. And we endured the second day. And then - the third. Three days that we were predicted to last. They threatened that in 72 hours we would not exist. But we survived the fourth day. And then the fifth. And today we have been standing for exactly one year. And we still know: every tomorrow is worth fighting for!
  • Ukraine has surprised the world. Ukraine has inspired the world. Ukraine has united the world. There are thousands of words to prove it, but a few will suffice. HIMARS, Patriot, Abrams, IRIS-T, Challenger, NASAMS, Leopard.
    I thank all of our partners, allies and friends who have stood side by side with us throughout the year. I am glad that the international anti-Putin coalition has grown so much that it requires a separate address. I will deliver it shortly. Definitely.
    I also thank our foreign policy army. Divisions of our diplomats, ambassadors, representatives in international organizations and institutions. All those who are fighting the occupiers with fire and sword of international law, achieving new sanctions and recognition of the terrorist state as a terrorist state.
    The war changed the fate of many families. It rewrote the history of our families. It changed our customs and traditions. Grandfathers used to tell their grandchildren how they beat the Nazis. Now grandchildren tell their grandfathers how they beat the Rashists. Mothers and grandmothers used to knit scarves, now they weave camouflage nets. Children used to ask Santa for smartphones and gadgets, but now they give pocket money and raise money for our soldiers.
    In fact, every Ukrainian has lost someone in the past year. A father, a son, a brother, a mother, a daughter, a sister. A loved one. A close friend, colleague, neighbor, acquaintance. My condolences.
    Almost everyone has at least one contact in their phone who will never pick up the phone again. Will never answer a text message "How are you?". These simple words have acquired a new meaning during the year of war. Every day, millions of Ukrainians have written or spoken this question to their loved ones millions of times. Every day, someone did not receive an answer. Every day, the occupiers killed our relatives and friends.
    We will not erase their names from the phone or from our own memory. We will never forget them. We will never forgive that. We will never rest until the Russian murderers face deserved punishment. The punishment of the International Tribunal. The judgment of God. Of our warriors. Or all of them together.
  • In their memories of their first feelings on February 24, 2022, people mention shock, pain, and uncertainty. A year after the full-scale invasion, the faith in victory is 95%. The main emotion we feel when we think about Ukraine is pride.
    For every Ukrainian man, every Ukrainian woman. Pride for us. We have become one big army. We have become a team where someone finds, someone packs, someone brings, but everyone donates.
    I am grateful to our people, grateful to our multi-million army of volunteers and citizens who do care, who can collect and get everything necessary.
    We have become one. Our journalists and media are a united front fighting against lies and panic.
    We have become one family. There are no more strangers among us. Ukrainians today are all fellows. Ukrainians have sheltered Ukrainians, opened their homes and hearts to those who were forced to flee the war.
    We withstand all threats, shelling, cluster bombs, cruise missiles, kamikaze drones, blackouts, and cold. We are stronger than that.
    It was a year of resilience. A year of care. A year of bravery. A year of pain. A year of hope. A year of endurance. A year of unity.
    The year of invincibility. The furious year of invincibility.
    Its main result is that we endured. We were not defeated. And we will do everything to gain victory this year!

Address at the United for Justice conference in Lviv (3 March 2023)

The world needs a real embodiment of the rule of law, which is guaranteed to protect humanity from the "right of force" — from the source of all aggressions.
Address at the United for Justice conference in Lviv (3 March 2023)
  • Every shot that takes an innocent life must result in a legal and fair sentence that punishes murder.
    Every violence that destroys a person's life must result in a legal and fair judicial decision that protects human dignity.
    These are constants for civilized and democratic countries. For the countries in which the rule of law is consistently ensured.
    But it is time to make it constant for international relations as well.
    The constants that will act universally and most importantly — irrevocably in relation to any violator of international law.
    Especially when it comes to the crime of aggression.
    The world needs a real embodiment of the rule of law, which is guaranteed to protect humanity from the "right of force" — from the source of all aggressions.

Address at the Hiroshima Summit (21 May 2023)

Everyone in the world must care about life.
Everyone in the world must take peace as their duty.
Address at the Hiroshima Summit (21 May 2023)
  • We need to unite and make Russia the last aggressor. So that only peace reigns after the defeat of its invasion of Ukraine.
    We, people, have different cultures, different views, different national flags. But we equally want security for ourselves, our children and grandchildren. And our lives are equally burned to ashes if, God forbid, war comes.
    Everyone in the world must do everything possible to ensure that wars leave only shadows on the stones of history and that this can only be seen in museums.
    Everyone in the world must respect other nations.
    Everyone in the world must recognize state borders.
    Everyone in the world must defend justice.
    Everyone in the world must care about life.
    Everyone in the world must take peace as their duty.
    Thank you, Hiroshima, for every blue and yellow flag on the streets these days. When there is a Ukrainian flag, it is evidence that there is faith in freedom, faith in life, faith in our people. Thank you!

Address to the UN Security Council

Most of the world recognizes the truth about this war. It is a criminal and unprovoked aggression by Russia against our nation, aimed at seizing Ukraine's territory and resources. But it is not just that. With its aggression, the terrorist state is willing to undermine all the dams of international norms meant to protect the world from wars.
"The use of veto power requires reform, and this can be a key reform in the UN" (20 September 2023)
  • Five hundred seventy-four days of pain, losses, and struggle have already passed since the start of the full-scale aggression launched by the state, which, for some reason, is still present here among the permanent members of the UN Security Council. Russia has killed at least tens of thousands of our people and turned millions into refugees by destroying their homes.
    Most of the world recognizes the truth about this war. It is a criminal and unprovoked aggression by Russia against our nation, aimed at seizing Ukraine's territory and resources. But it is not just that. With its aggression, the terrorist state is willing to undermine all the dams of international norms meant to protect the world from wars.
    And I am grateful to all those who have recognized the Russian aggression as a violation of the UN Charter.
  • All in the world see what makes the UN incapable unfortunately. This seat in the Security Council, which Russia occupied illegally, through backstage manipulations following the collapse of the Soviet Union, has been taken by liars whose job is to whitewash the aggression and genocide being carried out by Russia. And all the UN actions – either by the Security Council or the General Assembly – that could have stopped this aggression, are shattered by the privilege granted by this seat to the aggressor. Veto power in the hands of the aggressor is what has pushed the UN into a dead end.
  • Today, no matter what nation you might be… A nation with hundreds of millions of people or a small nation… A nation that bravely defends its independence or a country whose long history of independence can help others… A state in need of help or a nation that can provide genuine support… A state that relies on its army, or a state for which the UN Charter, not its army, is the first and last line of defense… Regardless of who you are, the current UN system still makes you less influential than the veto power possessed by a few and misused by one – Russia – to the detriment of all other UN members.

Our unity must and can stop the evil (October 2023)

Address at the session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (9 )October 2023)
  • We live in times when evil is trying to open a chasm between all of us and our desire for peace — our common desire!
    This chasm is growing every day. It is deepened by terror. And the more blood and pain there is in different parts of the world, the more countries are destabilized by evil, the more losses nations suffer, the more people find themselves in the midst of the rising tide of new migration and other crises, the more difficult it will be to maintain international order — a rules-based order. The only thing that can guarantee peace and serenity to all nations — rules, international law.
    We see who in the world is trying to replace the power of international law with the horror of blood and disasters. We see whose deliberate investments in terror are destroying the lives of different peoples in a vast area from Belarus to Mali.
    We see this. And we must act. United!
  • These days, our attention is focused on the Middle East. No one can ever forget what the terrorists did in Israel. Thousands of missiles against peaceful cities. Shooting people in cars on the roads. Men, women, children. No one was spared. Streets covered in blood. Hostages. The terrorists themselves gave the world footage of the atrocities, and were proud of them. Women who were beaten. Elderly people who were kidnapped from their homes. Abducted children. And we do not yet know how many people were captured and brutally taken away by the terrorists. They even tried to humiliate the dead by mocking their bodies.
    We saw all of this in Israel.
    And the Israelis themselves — Israeli journalists who were here in Ukraine, who were in Bucha, are now saying that they saw the same evil where Russia came. The same evil, and the only difference is that there is a terrorist organization that attacked Israel, and here is a terrorist state that attacked Ukraine. The intentions declared are different, but the essence is the same. You see it. You see the same blood on the streets. You see the same civilian cars shot up. You see the same bodies of people who have been tortured.
  • How far can such evil go? No further than we allow it to. Our unity must and can stop the evil. Our desire for peace, not their desire for blood, should determine how the world lives. Our rules-based international order, and not their attempts to make death a rule.
  • Now everyone in the world who values life and international peace needs to be as active as possible. This is not the time to withdraw from the international arena into internal disputes. This is not the time to isolate ourselves. This is not the time to remain silent or pretend that terror on one continent does not affect global affairs.
    Everyone can help prevent the chasm between the world and peace from widening. Europe should be active. The United States should be active. China. India. Arab states should feel how much can collapse if they allow terrorists to achieve their goals. Türkiye. Brazil and all of Latin America. Japan. Australia. Canada. African countries. Central Asian countries. Korea. Pakistan. Indonesia. The Caribbean. The Pacific states. Everyone should be active in the defense of life and international law! We must not give terror a single chance.
  • If there are real global sanctions for any sponsorship of terror, terror will lose. If the world unites whenever someone takes women hostage and kidnaps the children of another nation, terror will have no allies. If the one attacked by terrorists receives all the weapons it needs to protect its people, international law will be the only force that will determine how the world lives. And the world will live in peace. This is our common goal.


We are expanding the area of active operations. … Hundreds of Russian servicemen have already surrendered, and all of them will receive humane treatment — they did not experience such treatment even in their own Russian army. … And now all of us in Ukraine should act as unitedly and efficiently as we did in the first weeks and months of this war, when Ukraine took the initiative and began to turn the situation to the benefit of our state.

We Have Proven Once Again That Ukrainians Are Capable of Achieving Their Goals in Any Situation (2024)

"We Have Proven Once Again That Ukrainians Are Capable of Achieving Their Goals in Any Situation" (13 August 2024)
  • We are expanding the area of active operations. The Commander-in-Chief reported that our forces control 74 settlements in the Kursk region. I thank every soldier, every commander who ensures this. Once again, I thank all our guys who are replenishing the exchange fund — this is very important for our state. Hundreds of Russian servicemen have already surrendered, and all of them will receive humane treatment — they did not experience such treatment even in their own Russian army.
  • I am grateful to everyone who is helping. And now all of us in Ukraine should act as unitedly and efficiently as we did in the first weeks and months of this war, when Ukraine took the initiative and began to turn the situation to the benefit of our state. Now we have done the exact same thing — we have proven once again that we, Ukrainians, are capable of achieving our goals in any situation — capable of defending our interests and our independence. And we must make full use of our achievements. And we will.
  • Special attention is paid to the Kursk region, and thus to the protection of all our border communities nearby. The more the Russian military presence in the border area is destroyed, the closer peace and real security will be for our country. The Russian state must be held accountable for what it has done. And it is.
    I am proud of our people!
    Glory to Ukraine!

Quotes about Zelenskyy

  • The elections after the second Maidan were won by Pyotr Poroshenko, who promised peace with Russia in a week.
    Thus, he was elected as a peacemaker president.
    Nevertheless, he became a president of war, failed to implement the Minsk Agreements, and miserably lost the next election.
    He was replaced by Vladimir Zelensky, who also promised peace, but became the personification of war.
    So, the Ukrainian people were twice promised peace and then deceived.
    Having gained power under the rhetoric of peacemaking, Zelensky is the second Ukrainian leader who has taken an extremely radical position.
  • His belief in Ukraine’s ultimate victory over Russia has hardened into a form that worries some of his advisers. It is immovable, verging on the messianic. “He deludes himself,” one of his closest aides tells me in frustration. “We’re out of options. We’re not winning. But try telling him that.”

See also

Volodymyr Zelenskyy at Wikiquote's sister projects:
Article at Wikipedia
Media from Commons
News stories from Wikinews
Source texts from Wikisource
Database entry #Q3874799 on Wikidata