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A member of the military-revolutionary committee of the Caucasian Army.

One of the 26 Baku Commissars who were Bolshevik and Left Socialist-Revolutionaries members of the Baku Soviet Commune that was established in the city of Baku after the October Revolution. The commune was led by Stepan Shahumyan until July 26, 1918 when the Bolsheviks were forced out of power by a coalition of Dashnaks, Right Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks. After the overthrow, the Baku commissars attempted to escape but were captured by the White Army and placed in a Baku prison. On September 14, Red Army soldiers broke into the prison and freed the commissars who then boarded a ship to Krasnovodsk, where they were promptly arrested, and on the night of September 20, 1918 executed by a firing squad between the stations of Pereval and Akhcha-Kuyma of the Transcaucasian Railroad.

On August 28th, 1918, while under arrest, he was elected to the counsil of Baku, as a representative of the Bolshevik party.