im interested as well.
also sent you a request on discord as hellblade0905.
msg me.hellblade0905 on discord.
also want to know your prices.
contact me on discord.
this was really cool.! i really liked the sound design and story.
i've contacted you as well.
as hellblade0905
i'd be interested.
im hellblade0905 on discord.
really cool game.!
i'd love it if you could add more levels and conversation options.
some more food as well.
also, a way to save/resume.
good job by the vas.!
can you make a downloadable version to play offline?
sent you a friend request on discord, as hellblade0905.
do you have discord?
my discord is hellblade0905.
sent you a request already.
actually, I meant, all these asset files seperated into different categorries in one .zip file or archive, which can be used in winrar, and extracted into one folder, to get all the assets in one place
sorry for the misunderstanding or trouble.
you have discord?
i am hellblade0905 on there.
reach out to me on discord.
i've played echoing sky, and enjoyed this one as well.
will this be finished?
also, will you be participating in the games for blind gamers jam this year as well?
pls message me on discord.
we're already on discord haha.
would you be interested to join my team?
i am also creating a visual novel.
i sent you a request on discord.
me too.
yeh, its a neat concept.
hellblade0905 on discord.
what's your discord?
also, can we hear some of your music?
if you're interested in doing this for free/voluntier, im hellblade0905 on discord.
i can't really pay, but if you're interested.
what'll be the price of the full game?
how much will the full game cost?
will the download be available here on itch as well?
will the full game be free or paid?
so, will the full release be free or paid?
i'd love to help!
for some reason, i am unable to add you on discord.
i am also looking for music.
i'll contact you on discord.
i am seeking music for my game.
if interested, i am hellblade0905 on discord.
also need an artist.
i've sent you a request.
am also looking for artists for my game.
but i can't pay.
the discord is hellblade0905.
i'd love to test the game.!
am hellbldae0905 on discord.
while i am in need of an artist myself, i'd love to help in any other way if i can!.
maybe beta-test or something.