1.0.0 814678147 2023-10-23T22:26:14Z 2014-11-28T00:00:00Z +0.004 +4.8 +32 +125 image/jpeg Larissa Saud 126317119@N03 2014-11-28T00:00:00Z +0.004 +4.8 +32 +125 image/jpeg image/jpeg 3896904 3000 4352 file available on the internet file available on the internet file available on the internet value to indicate the source of an image on Wikimedia Commons source of file source of file source of file broad nature of the origin of the file creator creator creator maker of this creative work or other object (where no more specific property exists) Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic Creative Commons license copyright license copyright license copyright license license under which this copyrighted work is released copyrighted copyrighted copyrighted legal state of a work as recognised as an intellectual property of an entity copyright status copyright status copyright status copyright status for intellectual creations like works of art, publications, software, etc. inception inception inception time when an entity begins to exist; for date of official opening use P1619 Nikon D5200 Nikon D5200 Nikon D5200 digital single-lens reflex camera by Nikon captured with captured with captured with equipment (e.g. model of camera, lens microphone), used to capture this image, video, audio, or data exposure time exposure time exposure time the length of time a image sensor or photographic film is exposed to light. f-number f-number f-number ratio of the system's focal length to the diameter of the entrance pupil. Sample: 4 (generally written "ƒ/4") for a lens with 200 mm focal length using an entrance pupil diameter of 50 mm. focal length focal length focal length focal length of lens (telescope, etc.) ISO speed ISO speed ISO speed light sensitivity of film or digital sensor (e.g. ISO/ASA 100) media type media type media type IANA-registered identifier for a file type photograph photograph photograph image created by light falling on a light-sensitive surface instance of instance of instance of that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform) Flickr Flickr Flickr Flickr Flickr Flickr American image and video hosting website operator operator operator person, profession, or organization that operates the equipment, facility, or service described at URL described at URL described at URL item is described at the following URL author name string author name string author name string stores unspecified author or editor name for publications; use if Wikidata item for author (P50) or editor (P98) does not exist or is not known. Do not use both. URL URL URL location of a resource Flickr user ID Flickr user ID Flickr user ID identifier for a person or organisation, with an account at Flickr +0.004 +4.8 +32 +0.032 +125 2014-11-28T00:00:00Z 11 0