Salje, E. (Ekhard)
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ekhard K.H. Salje, Avadh Saxena, Antoni Planes, editors
Springer c2017 Springer complexity , Understanding complex systems / founding editor, J.A. Scott Kelso
: hard
Available at 4 libraries
edited by E.K.H. Salje, A.S. Alexandrov and W.Y. Liang
Cambridge University Press 1995
Available at 17 libraries
Ekhard K.H. Salje
Cambridge University Press 1993 Student ed. Cambridge topics in mineral physics and chemistry 1
Available at 10 libraries
Cambridge University Press 1990 Cambridge topics in mineral physics and chemistry 1
Available at 29 libraries
edited by Ekhard K.H. Salje
Springer Science+Business Media c1988 NATO ASI series ser. C . Mathematical and physical sciences ; v. 225
Available at 1 libraries
S. Ghose, J.M.D. Coey, E. Salje, editors ; with contributions by O. Ballet ... [et al.]
Springer-Verlag c1988 Advances in physical geochemistry v. 7
: us , : gw
Available at 26 libraries
D. Reidel c1988 NATO ASI series ser. C . Mathematical and physical sciences ; v. 225
Available at 20 libraries