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Excelente Demo!! soy malísimo para conducir, pero me ha encantado la premisa.

dear god...

I know for a FACT that is Markiplier was to play that game he'd chose hard mode and then suffer the consequences haha

Great game! I just suck at driving..

I thought about giving up my driver's license.

The game was absolute GOLD!!!! I loved the idea and love The scares!!!!

Dude the game was awesome keep up the good work

game was great! trippy and mysterious! 

For being a demo, this was pretty damn good! Basically fnaf but on wheels and I loved that aspect! Also loved the out of bounds exploration i was allowed to do unless that was not intentional lol. Made a video on it.

playing one of my biggest fears, one of the view horror game demo making me want ot play the full release


This is God Game

Fantastic game! I was so tense the entire time! Really well done

Check out my playthrough!!! I did it in about 30 mins. lol scary as hell

no cap I think I did the best gameplay of this . I NEED THE EXCLUSIVE WHEN THE GAME DROP

I hope you won't be upset that a humorous video has been made about your game (I really enjoyed the game).

Видео русскоязычное правда

AM Gameplay: Sobreviva ao Terror nas Estradas Sombrias

Really a impressive and opressive horror game. 

Không Tệ (not bad I gooned) 


Una maravilla!!!


Why You NEED to Play this Game! | Watch below!


Omg! All I’m gonna say is… people have to try this demo! Cant wait for the full release. The Jesus flashlight cracked me up lol. Full demo gameplay below.


Interesting game overall and interesting idea. Flying zombies. I hope you put more of the lore through the radio so the player can listen in. Keep it up.

Here's my channel for other games I have played.


Such an
Such an interesting and fun gam, the endings got me really curious about the full thing. Can't wait for it!

Wow what an amazing game! Really well made, I liked the whole vibe of it! I'm glad I played it again for the other ending! There's more to this for sure and it left me confused.

One thing I would say that was a bit frustrating was the lack of a direction/map. There has been countless times that I was just circling around the same area without really a sense of direction, enemies kept spawning and flipping your car around and the flashlight giving out, going back on the road was a hassle afterwards.

I assume this is intended within the game but a small map wouldn't hurt (maybe only on easy/normal difficulty, even then give an option if the player actually wants to toggle it on), maybe don't show all the roads BUT only the one you already took behind you, or make it harder by fading out the pathway you took slowly. Maybe I'm just bad at directions but I'm sure there's more people that might feel the same way.

The game gets addicting but this kindof takes away the magic; There has to be a middle ground to this issue which I am wishing you all the best in figuring it out. I think making a very minimal UI small (even just white lines) map which shows the road you already took which slowly fades away might be it IMO, all up to you in the end.

Regardless, I am wishing you all the best with the game and I'm excited to see it in full! Thank You! ❤️


The game has a very oppressive atmosphere. The horror moments are really good.


I really enjoyed playing the game, but there were times when I got lost on the map, and the long stretches of walking slightly reduced the sense of horror. However, aside from that, the voice acting and gameplay are excellent, and the atmosphere is truly immersive. Even though I'm a new Turkish content creator, we would love to see Turkish language support in the game. I hope the full version is released soon rather than just a demo. Anyone thinking about playing it should definitely give it a try!

Very high quality game. Throughout the demo version, the game surprised me. The very idea of the game is original. Thank you very much. I'm waiting for the full release.

must play can’t believe I had to drive while being attacked by demons 

great game

Even driving into the guard rails scared me.

(2 edits) (+1)

I still can't remember that driving horror game from awhile back, but I can say this is it's own beast entirely. Ngl, call me a baby or whatever but during some of those earlier scares I def took one of my headphones off.

Before I go into some kind of review, if you are reading this and is interested in a driving horror game, where your car (the thing you can't leave mind you) is the scariest place to be in the game you should just play it.

Things that stood out:
- The first thing that got me was that weird empty menu screen section. I don't know it kind of gave me a weird feeling that change the menu from just being a menu in my menu and became apart of building tentation/atmosphere for the game, which most could argue that's what most horror games should do. Just saying this really stood out to me (32:32)

- The menu music. I scrolled and read some other comments and saw that you guys put it on your youtube page and I added to my slightly creepy playlist. I was hopping I can use it as background in like videos and stuff? I saw were you guys said it's fine but it's still best to as you know.

-The interactions with the inner workings of the car. I'm going to be honest at first I thought all of these things like the radio and the windshield rippers and stuff were going to be really gimmicky as end things to just interact with basically (like a fidget toy) or maybe it like rained or something like little stupid stuff like that. NOPE. Everything the devs let you interact with in the car is absolutely VITAL to your survival.

- Last one because I'll go on forever. I KINDA liked the car mechanics. I said kind of because they still feel a bit to sensitive. I found myself getting more and more used to it but still I don't know. I will say though I didn't get a chance to get use to it enough to use to handbrake which might change my opinion. 

- I only have one con of this game was that I got lost. I did also see that you wanted this to be a bit more about exploration but I will say. Once you get lost in a horror game and see that same things over and over again the scariness def dies and is replaced with boredom or frustration etc.

I think that is obvious though but what really makes this above point so much more obvious in this case is the fact that you have car controls and can't as easily maneur in any other way besides straight. Yea I know car. But these paired together brings this point out soon if it comes out at all.

Good to Great experience. I got more than what I was bargaining for shoutout to these devs that made a demo that feels like a full game by standards.

If you read this far sorry not sorry because I'm not going to proofread this so hopefully you can struggle bus your way through it.

and b it like the 32 min mark I died so I never finished the game... or SPOILER ALERT for the video lol.

OK I lied I read the top para and edited it.

(5 edits) (+1)

Hey this is awesome and I read the whole thing. Feedback like this helps. Also, you were SO CLOSE to beating the farm. If you would have kept going forward on the road you were on you would have beaten that area. A tip that might help is if you know where to go then start going fast and start blasting her instead of hiding. Again, thank you for your thoughts. I hope you go back in because there are things in the game that are worth experienceing first hand, spoiler free.

And feel free to use the title theme for a video. "Night Drive" is the people's menu theme.

np. I'm glad to know when the devs see actual feedback, and I may try it out again in a few days.

fumadon para ser una demo

The game got stuck on the tutorial on how to use the flashlight on a creature and I couldn't continue.

You need to hold down the right mouse button to charge up the flashlight, then release the button when the flashlight is fully charged.

yes, I understood that. However, the game crashed with the demonstration in the tutorial and I couldn't continue.
Deleted 4 days ago
Deleted 4 days ago

ok, thanks!

(2 edits)

I was able to find and resolve the issue. The newest version has the fix ( v 1.3.2 ). I'm extremely sorry that happened to you and I hope you go back in and exerience AM.

Incredible Demo! Can't wait to play the full thing.

Sigo confundido si es un demo o eso es parte del plot. Buenisimo juego

This game is awesome! Keep up the amazing work Brocbois, I'm super excited to see the finished product

W game

Haven't had a good jump scare in a while! It's like Five Nights at Freddy's on wheels. I was definitely kept on edge the entire time. I was terrified to look next or behind me. I liked the concept of the flashlight being the weapon. Good job! can't wait for more!

Nice this was really great demo so far I like that can kill monster to flashlight and its was really creepy I might play full version when is release and you did really excellent job anyway well done keep it up!

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