Homo Ratiocinator (Reckoning Human)
After 40,000 years of making tools for computing and reasoning, it is time for Homo Ratiocinator to live up to its traditional name, Homo Sapiens.
Homo Ratiocinator (Reckoning Human)
After 40,000 years of making tools for computing and reasoning, it is time for Homo Ratiocinator to live up to its traditional name, Homo Sapiens.
I Was Wrong about the Ethics Crisis
Anxiety about the ills brought on by computing has risen dramatically.
What Is Theoretical Computer Science?
As computer scientists, we should look for inspiration from physics rather than from mathematics.
For linear optimization problems, the optimum is found in an extremal point. But this is not the case for non-linear problems.
Is Computing a Discipline in Crisis?
One of our professional societies should act as convenor and moderator for a community-wide conversation about the future of AI.
More Is Different, in Social Media Too
What Do Computing and Economics Have to Say to Each Other?
Computing, You Have Blood on Your Hands!
What Came First, Math or Computing?
To Regulate Tech, Nullify Click-Through Contracts
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