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Web Platform Dive into the web platform, at your pace.
esnip.dev - Share snippetsPlay with presetreactpreacttfjssveltevue-tsxvanillaLatest editscatalogue by 7a08c584-b2f7-4128-b3ea-1942da371f65class with proxy by tosukeMarked + React JSX Renderer Example by 7a08c584-b2f7-4128-b3ea-1942da371f65fork: input test/raf by tosukeinput bug(firefox + skk) test by tosukeinput test by tosukeinput test by tosukeinput test by tosukefork: react by Shinyaigeeknoise
はじめに こんにちは! 副業転職プラットフォーム Offers を運営している株式会社 overflow でバックエンドエンジニアをしております、さわ(@hacksaw_a_)です! 今回は(完全主観で)あまり知られて無さそうな VScode snippets のおすすめ機能を紹介していきます! ※おことわり snippets 機能自体にあまりなじみがない方への説明などは、他の方の記事がたくさんありますので今回の記事では割愛させていただきます! VScode snippets のおすすめ機能 Tabstops ($1, $2, ...) でTabを押した時のカーソルの移動位置を指定 参考 VScode 本家記事 これはスニペットファイルを作成した際にサンプルとして載っているので使われている方が多いのではないでしょうか。 これを指定するかしないかでだいぶスニペットの使い心地が変わりますよね!
In May 2023, we announced the open beta program for the Browser Rendering API. Browser Rendering allows developers to programmatically control and interact with a headless browser instance and create automation flows for their applications and products. At the same time, we launched a version of the Puppeteer library that works with Browser Rendering. With that, developers can use a familiar API o
今日は、はてなブロガーに絶対におすすめしたい、便利な拡張プラグインを紹介しますね。 そういえば、以前「はてなブログの編集 囲み枠や中央寄せがクリックで完成!」 という記事を書きましたが、今回も超便利な機能なので是非使って下さいね。 www.hoshimiru.com では、今日、紹介するものは・・・ 「Text Snippets」です。 「Text Snippets」は、前回紹介した、「Chrome Add-on for Hatena」と同様、Google Chromeの拡張プラグインです。 拡張プラグインなので、Chromeにインストールすれば、すぐに使えます。 Text Snippetsは何ができるの? Text Snippetのインストール手順 ブルーの囲み枠を登録する Rich Textに切り替えると実際見た感じの囲み枠が表示する ブログサークルのブロトピリンクを登録する Text
How I got Ruby snippets to run browser side in less than a day Over the last year I've been working on Runno, an open source library and tool for embedding code snippets that run client side in the browser. I had some time yesterday to work on Runno and decided to see if I could add another language. I'd heard on twitter that Ruby was looking into adding official WASM support, so I had a look into
AWS Compute Blog Introducing the new AWS Serverless Snippets Collection Today, the AWS Serverless Developer Advocate team introduces the Serverless Snippets Collection. This is a new page hosted on Serverless Land that makes it easier to discover, copy, and share common code that can help with serverless application development. Builders are writing serverless applications in many programming lang
In this post, we’ve rounded up a collection of useful pure CSS code snippets for elements that are commonly used when designing and developing a website. We’ve included a few that may be less common, but might be useful for you if you are looking for a way to level up or add interest in your project. From parallax to animations to tabs and accordions, this list should be helpful for you to refer t
25 min read6 CSS Snippets Every Front-End Developer Should Know In 2025 2025; I think every front-end developer should know how to enable page transitions, transition a <dialog>, popover, and <details>, animate light n' dark gradient text, type safe their CSS system, and add springy easing to animation. AI is not going to give you this CSS. This post is a theme continuation; checkout previous year
8 CSS & JavaScript Code Snippets for Creating Realistic Animation We say it all the time because it’s true: CSS and JavaScript are capable of some amazing feats. Web-based animation is a prime example. Not long ago, animation on the web was a bit rudimentary – save for add-on technology such as Flash. The movements were basic and often trended towards cartoonish. That’s not necessarily a bad thing
WebPerf Snippets A curated list of snippets to get Web Performance metrics to use in the browser console or as snippets on Chrome DevTools (opens in a new tab). How to use Requirements All the snippets are tested in Google Chrome (opens in a new tab) browser, so use this browser to garantize the correct funcionality. Run in the browser console You can copy any snippet and then paste in the browser
DevSamples contains code samples for common problems in web development and general development. Take a look at the list of samples for any code snippets that you could include in your own projects. Language samples include: HTML, CSS, Javascript, XML, Typescript, React, Redux, git, etc. All code samples and dev samples allow you to copy them to your clipboard, and paste them into your own project
You may not care for emojis, but they’re here to stay and growing in usage and choices. Emojis are frequently used on social networks like Mastodon and messaging apps like Slack to express sentiment, react to posts, and efficiently communicate without words. They are also used in email subject lines to bring more attention to messages. Where emojis aren’t frequently used are on web pages. There’s
Screenshot of the On-the-fly syntax highlighting of [contenteditable] code snippets demo with DevTools open. Thanks to Prism’s Tokenizer and the Custom Highlight API, the code is highlighted without the need for a bunch of <span> elements wrapped around each token. ~ The way syntax highlighters on the web typically work is a to wrap all tokens in <span> elements with a proper class and use CSS to
Today we are excited to announce that Cloudflare Snippets is available in alpha. In the coming weeks we will be opening access to our waiting list. Over the past two years we have released a number of new rules products such as Transform Rules, Cache Rules, Origin Rules, Config Rules and Redirect Rules. These new products give more control to customers on how we process their traffic as it flows t