This is a little tool I made in connection with the 10th Ludum Dare competition held in December 2007. Its original purpose was to provide a simple means of getting basic sound effects into a game for those people who were working hard to get their entries done within the 48 hours and didn't have time to spend looking for suitable ways of doing this. The idea was that they could just hit a few but
UnitePlayer はモバイルとゲームに特化した HTML5 な音楽再生プレイヤー UnitePlayer は、モバイルブラウザ上で動作するゲームに音をもたらします。 扱いが難しい Mobile Safari や Android ブラウザの音周りをフォーマット化し、とっても扱いやすくします。 フィーチャーフォン用のソーシャルゲームが大流行な昨今ですが、 フィーチャーフォン用のゲームって音が無いですよね? そのゲームをそのままスマートフォン向けにコンバートしても、音がならずに寂しい感じですよね? 2012年は UnitePlayer で BGM も SE も鳴らしちゃいましょう。 そして没入感や色々なものを高めちゃいましょう! PCブラウザでもそのまま動くから、横展開もお手軽に! UnitePlayer なら iPhone でも BGM と SE を擬似的に同時再生できますよ。 Unit
Jamendo’s HTML5 Audio Player is a powerful tool that provides an efficient and user-friendly way to stream music directly on your website. Integrating this player into your website not only enhances the user experience by offering seamless music playback but also connects your site with the vast library of music available through Jamendo, a platform renowned for promoting independent music artists
Digital freight forwarding and E-Freight are only two of the many innovations in the shipping industry in the last few years. However, they all have something in common: they refer to a person’s ability to think outside the box regarding transportation. E-freight will be the subject of today’s post. This method uses an Internet-based system that connects the sender, the warehouse, the vehicles, an
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Last month, I published Part 1 of my Guide To Music On The Web, which covered music recommendation sites, Web radio, independent music sites, playlists, and music visualizations. Today, in Part II we’ll take a tour of music search engines, Web players, ways to share music on Twitter, and music mixing apps. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading all of your comments and insights on my previous post and of
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