
関連タグで絞り込む (2)


pluginとsoftwareに関するkosukemのブックマーク (3)

  • MailFollowup Home Page

    Usage Similar to the "Reply" and "Reply All" funcionality built into Mail, once the plugin is installed (see instructions below) you should be able to select one or more messages and then choose either "Follow Up" or "Follow Up All," from either the Message or contextual menus. You can also use the keyboard shortcuts -Shift-W and -Shift-O respectively. If you initially select a portion of the text

    kosukem 2011/07/16
    Mail.app で返信する時、Cc/Bcc 欄をそのままにして返信できるようにするツールバー項目やメニューを追加するアドオン
  • CODE2K:LABS - MailPluginFix

    MailPluginFix is a free tool which will help you to fix any incompatible Mail.app plugin (GrowlMail for example) after an update of Mac OS X. Just start the application and you will see a list of all incompatible plugins for your current Mail.app installation. Just select the ones you would like to fix and press the start button in the toolbar. All selected plugins will get patched with the UIDs o

    kosukem 2011/06/23
    OS のアップデートなどで Apple Mail の更新があった際に互換性のなくなったサードパーティのプラグインを再度有効にしてくれる
  • MailRecent Home Page

    Usage Once installed (see instructions below) as you drag or option-drag a message to a mailbox, that mailbox should then appear under "Copy to Recent" and "Move to Recent" submenus under the "Messages" menu, and a "Go to Recent" submenu under the "Mailboxes" menu. Similarly if you use Mail's built-in "Move To" or "Copy To" menus to move a message to a mailbox, that mailbox should then appear in t

    kosukem 2011/03/23
    Mail.app にいろいろな「最近使用した…」メニューを追加するプラグイン
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