Back in 2006, when I first hit “publish,” I had no idea this little blog would outlast my attention span—or that I even had an attention span. Funny how life surprises you, right? Here’s the thing: once upon a time, I read that the secret to happiness is low expectations. Maybe that’s why this blog has thrived for so long—and why you’re here, staring at a 404 page instead of the thing you wanted.
Sketch is a vector drawing app for designers and this is official channel for everything Sketch; tips, tricks, examples and tutorials. Updated regularly, we hope it’ll help you become better at Sketch and learn about its hidden depths. iOS Resource File For our inaugoral post on the new blog, we immediately have something great to show. It’s an iOS UI Kit made by Marcelo Marfil, 100% done in Sketc
Pixen is a professional pixel art editor designed for working with low-resolution raster art, such as those 8-bit sprites found in old-school video games. Pixen packs all the tools pixel artists need in an intuitive, native interface including support for high zoom levels, animation editing, color palettes, and a lot more. Pixen for macOS Pixen has remained a truly native Mac app for over 15 years
When you choose to publish with PLOS, your research makes an impact. Make your work accessible to all, without restrictions, and accelerate scientific discovery with options like preprints and published peer review that make your work more Open. PLOS BLOGS The Official PLOS Blog PLOS is a nonprofit Open Access publisher, innovator and advocacy organization dedicated to accelerating progress in sci