Paintbrush is the original simple paint program for macOS. It provides users with a means to make simple images quickly. Accept no substitutes! When Apple released the original Macintosh in 1984, they included two applications: MacWrite and MacPaint. Twenty-five years later, every Mac still includes a basic text editor in TextEdit, but a simple paint program is a thing of the past. Enter Paintbrus
心身の健康を保つツールとして、世界各地で広がりを見せているヨガ。 ここでは、ヨガが人体に与える影響について語っていきたいと思います。 ちなみにヨガは、サンスクリット語の「ユジュ」が語源となった言葉です。 つながりや調和、バランスなどの意味があり、身体だけでなく、心や食べ物など、あらゆる面に作用をもたらしてくれるとされています。 近年はエクササイズとしてのヨガが有名ですが、古来は哲学的な面を深めるものだったそうです。 とはいえ、エクササイズのヨガにも、心の安定を目的とした瞑想を取り入れたものが多くあり、フィジカル面とメンタル面に良い影響をもたらしてくれます。 たとえば、フィジカル面では、ゆったりとした動きと深い呼吸により、血流の改善に期待できます。 血流が良くなることで、からだに血液が行き渡り、むくみや冷えの解消にもつながります。 そのほか、肩こりや腰痛、首コリ等の身体的なコリにアプローチす
Availability As of 2023, Pixel Winch is no longer available for sale due to incompatibilities with macOS Ventura. Existing users may download an experimental version of Pixel Winch. Upon first launch, you will need to locate the Mac App Store version in order to validate your purchase. If you have previously purchased Pixel Winch and require assistance, please contact me. About Pixel Winch is a sc
Give me SVG, and I'll render it. It's free! viewer for SVG Gapplin is made for SVG. It can handle also SVGZ and animation SVG. besides text editor It's the perfect way to use Gapplin as a live-previewer for SVG images besides editing them in your text editor. WebKit rendering Gapplin uses WebKit as the rendering engine. So you can get images just as you see them on web browsers. screenshots Previe
Pixen is a professional pixel art editor designed for working with low-resolution raster art, such as those 8-bit sprites found in old-school video games. Pixen packs all the tools pixel artists need in an intuitive, native interface including support for high zoom levels, animation editing, color palettes, and a lot more. Pixen for macOS Pixen has remained a truly native Mac app for over 15 years
When you choose to publish with PLOS, your research makes an impact. Make your work accessible to all, without restrictions, and accelerate scientific discovery with options like preprints and published peer review that make your work more Open. PLOS BLOGS The Official PLOS Blog PLOS is a nonprofit Open Access publisher, innovator and advocacy organization dedicated to accelerating progress in sci