2024-07-09 Platform Engineering Kaigi 2024 https://www.cnia.io/pek2024/
細胞工学Vol.21 No.7~9 2002年7~9月号[色覚の多様性と色覚バリアフリーなプレゼンテーション] ・文章に関しては、秀潤社と著者に著作権がございます。
autoscale: true Faao - ドメイン駆動設計で作るGitHub Issue Client - 自己紹介 Name : azu Twitter : @azu_re Website: Web scratch, JSer.info 過去に作ったやつ azu/GithubReader: Github Notifications Client for OS X azu/github-reader: [node-webkit] GitHub client app - Viewer for Notifications and News Feed. azu/github-issue-teev: [NW.js] GitHub Issue Manager(Viewer) Faao Faao - Feature Support Modern browser/mobile/Electron(re
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This document discusses design-driven API development using API description languages like Swagger and RAML. It recommends generating documentation and code from a single API schema to avoid inconsistencies. This approach allows server code and related resources like SDKs and tests to be generated from the schema rather than developed separately. The document provides an example using Swagger-Node