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Remixとnewsに関するefclのブックマーク (1)

  • Mixing It Up: Remix Joins Shopify to Push the Web Forward

    Opens in a new windowOpens an external siteOpens an external site in a new window We are very excited to announce that the open-source web framework Remix and its team are joining Shopify. Why? The web is always evolving—and we’re entering a new era. First, we had the document web, and then we sprinkled in richer interactivity. Most recently, we entered the world of single page apps. We’ve learned

    Mixing It Up: Remix Joins Shopify to Push the Web Forward
    efcl 2022/11/02
    ShopifyがRemixを買収し、RemixはShopifyの下で開発を継続する。 ShopifyのHydrogenにもRemixのdata loadingパターンを組み込むなどの変更をしていく予定。 また、同時にVanilla ExtractのCreatorであるMark DalgleishもRemixに参加する予定となってい
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