This is an archive of the W3C Open Source Software release news for the year 2025. Please read the Latest News for up-to-date information.
2025-02-21 B6+, the slide framework, now includes a guide for style sheet writers, to help with making new slide styles.
2025-02-16 Version 8.7 of the HTML-XML-utils fixes a bug in hxnormalize that caused some lines in the output to be shorter than requested by the -l option.
2025-02-13 B6+, the slide framework, has two new features:
2025-01-06 B6+, the slide framework, now supports automatic slide shows, where the next slide appears after a given time. They can be paused with a key press. Running continuously in a loop is also possible.
2025-01-01 B6+, the slide framework, now has the possibility to pop up a table of contents while showing slides, to allow quickly jumping to a specific slide. The C key opens (and closes) the table of contents.
There are several other, smaller inprovements, including some to try and improve accessibility.