Truth, Inspiration, Hope.


Hong Kong National Security Heightens Hunt for Overseas Activists With Lucrative Bounties
On Dec. 14, Hong Kong authorities stepped up their hunt for overseas activists by painting five targets...
China’s ‘Global Police State’: New Report Unravels the CCP’s Transnational Repression and Its Impact
According to a recent report by the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC), the Chinese...
Beijing Deploys Propaganda to Cover up China’s Rapid Economic Decline
Worsening economic figures, rising political instability, and intensifying crackdowns by the Chinese...
Italy Breaks Ranks With G7, Announces Departure From China’s Belt and Road Initiative
On Dec. 7, Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni announced that her country would withdraw from China's...
Chinese hackers backed by the PLA are engaged in many forms of cyber crime.
Chinese Military Hackers Have Compromised Dozens of America’s Key Infrastructure Assets, WAPO
According to U.S. officials and cyber security experts, hackers with China’s People’s Liberation Army...
Argentina’s Incoming Milei Administration Rebuffs Diplomatic Overtures by Beijing
News analysis Recent attempts by Communist China to stay in Argentina’s good graces following the...
China Accuses US Warship of ‘Illegally’ Entering Territorial Waters Amid Heightened Tensions
On Dec. 4, the Chinese military reported that the USS Gabrielle Giffords — an American warship — had...
Cambodia’s Ream Naval Base Expanded Allegedly With Communist Chinese Assistance
According to satellite images, throughout this year, Cambodia’s Ream Naval Base has been expanded, allegedly...
Exiled Hong Kong Activist Urged to Return Home By Questionable Online Post
On Nov. 27, exiled Hong Kong activist Nathan Law was called to return home to Hong Kong and answer to...