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Emmylou Harris, Elite Hotel

Emmylou Harris, Elite Hotel

This article is more than 20 years old
(Warner Bros)

The first five albums Emmylou Harris made for Warner Bros launched the former high-school beauty queen as a figurehead of a new kind of country music, mixing an informed traditionalism with a free-ranging imaginative scope.

Her deceased mentor, Gram Parsons, would surely have been proud. Remarkably, she scored eight consecutive million-sellers, and this bunch showcases Emmy's inherent strengths: her clean, pure voice, impeccable choice of material and gift for picking the right musicians (for instance, guitarists James Burton and Albert Lee, pianist Glen D Hardin, talented Texan Rodney Crowell and loads more).

There are many brilliant songs, from her own Boulder to Birmingham to Don Gibson's Sweet Dreams - though if one were to identify a flaw, it might be a certain sameness of tone. But her recent career revival has proved that she has always been a woman of many facets and hidden depths.

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