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wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P1433 wd:Q680640 . wd:Q24292828 p:P478 s:Q24292828-6D633325-3624-4BF5-BDDF-7F3D0A3D5CB1 . s:Q24292828-6D633325-3624-4BF5-BDDF-7F3D0A3D5CB1 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P478 "11" . wd:Q24292828 p:P433 s:Q24292828-A2C18AC8-2A0D-43C6-AF9F-B1260B7B73FA . s:Q24292828-A2C18AC8-2A0D-43C6-AF9F-B1260B7B73FA a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P433 "5" . wd:Q24292828 p:P577 s:Q24292828-A4135F26-5D94-4C20-9A49-54687A7CD701 . s:Q24292828-A4135F26-5D94-4C20-9A49-54687A7CD701 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P577 "2014-05-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; psv:P577 v:fc97c34ea5ab04a49398329beb153550 . wd:Q24292828 p:P304 s:Q24292828-D2B863E2-C27F-4285-A625-F3CB33005BFC . s:Q24292828-D2B863E2-C27F-4285-A625-F3CB33005BFC a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P304 "585-92" . wd:Q24292828 p:P2093 s:Q24292828-DE0F9308-9CB1-4048-90A6-CF4AFF81BFC5 . s:Q24292828-DE0F9308-9CB1-4048-90A6-CF4AFF81BFC5 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P2093 "Julia Petschnigg" ; pq:P1545 "1" . wd:Q24292828 p:P2093 s:Q24292828-28487A9F-71ED-47D7-A68C-1466F36F6E25 . s:Q24292828-28487A9F-71ED-47D7-A68C-1466F36F6E25 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P2093 "Bella Groisman" ; pq:P1545 "2" . wd:Q24292828 p:P2093 s:Q24292828-A9B76035-88F3-44FE-A999-663827FC926A . s:Q24292828-A9B76035-88F3-44FE-A999-663827FC926A a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P2093 "Max Kotlyar" ; pq:P1545 "3" . wd:Q24292828 p:P2093 s:Q24292828-482590B4-3599-4127-8883-A38A3FCE0AA8 . s:Q24292828-482590B4-3599-4127-8883-A38A3FCE0AA8 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P2093 "Yong Zheng" ; pq:P1545 "5" . wd:Q24292828 p:P2093 s:Q24292828-88381059-5553-4C61-B729-B048F45C9D32 . s:Q24292828-88381059-5553-4C61-B729-B048F45C9D32 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P2093 "Christoph F Kurat" ; pq:P1545 "6" . wd:Q24292828 p:P2093 s:Q24292828-0CDDCD4A-D0F0-4051-970D-72999B62CD41 . s:Q24292828-0CDDCD4A-D0F0-4051-970D-72999B62CD41 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P2093 "Azin Sayad" ; pq:P1545 "7" . wd:Q24292828 p:P2093 s:Q24292828-A4737A51-A13B-4B43-8B32-F6DB1E67292D . s:Q24292828-A4737A51-A13B-4B43-8B32-F6DB1E67292D a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P2093 "J Rafael Sierra" ; pq:P1545 "8" . wd:Q24292828 p:P2093 s:Q24292828-02E1CC84-8771-4373-A445-99F74EA2E1E6 . s:Q24292828-02E1CC84-8771-4373-A445-99F74EA2E1E6 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P2093 "Mojca Mattiazzi Usaj" ; pq:P1545 "9" . wd:Q24292828 p:P2093 s:Q24292828-2F75577E-EABF-4BF4-A540-37B685372CDA . s:Q24292828-2F75577E-EABF-4BF4-A540-37B685372CDA a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P2093 "Jamie Snider" ; pq:P1545 "10" . wd:Q24292828 p:P2093 s:Q24292828-75EEDF11-ECA7-46A9-8A92-99D8DDDA878C . s:Q24292828-75EEDF11-ECA7-46A9-8A92-99D8DDDA878C a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P2093 "Alex Nachman" ; pq:P1545 "11" . wd:Q24292828 p:P2093 s:Q24292828-B368DCFB-AE2B-4D99-850F-63F0A06D6037 . s:Q24292828-B368DCFB-AE2B-4D99-850F-63F0A06D6037 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P2093 "Jason Moffat" ; pq:P1545 "14" . wd:Q24292828 p:P2093 s:Q24292828-E279D2E5-545D-415F-8FF3-73B744D18F06 . s:Q24292828-E279D2E5-545D-415F-8FF3-73B744D18F06 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P2093 "Igor Stagljar" ; pq:P1545 "18" . wd:Q24292828 p:P3181 s:Q24292828-3523D546-9DB8-4F60-9186-8445FDCF212E . s:Q24292828-3523D546-9DB8-4F60-9186-8445FDCF212E a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P3181 "897018" ; psn:P3181 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:308082f8ad2bf2bc29f458697326b0dfc0016b79 . wd:Q24292828 p:P50 s:Q24292828-A6B2B8D2-3123-481F-8759-E17825ADF63B . s:Q24292828-A6B2B8D2-3123-481F-8759-E17825ADF63B a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; 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ps:P50 wd:Q47492209 ; pq:P1932 "Ming-Sound Tsao" ; pq:P1545 "13" . wd:Q24292828 p:P50 s:Q24292828-4A1CF86F-4EE6-4066-83E5-CE01370A4FE5 . s:Q24292828-4A1CF86F-4EE6-4066-83E5-CE01370A4FE5 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P50 wd:Q23883510 ; pq:P1545 "17" ; pq:P1932 "Igor Jurisica" . wd:Q24292828 p:P356 s:Q24292828-970D0E4D-1A65-4ED4-917F-A80AFD744E7F . s:Q24292828-970D0E4D-1A65-4ED4-917F-A80AFD744E7F a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P356 "10.1038/NMETH.2895" ; psn:P356 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:308082f8ad2bf2bc29f458697326b0dfc0016b79 . wd:Q24292828 p:P2860 s:Q24292828-3DD2A6AB-F70D-4049-8A04-47C56DAF01A9 . s:Q24292828-3DD2A6AB-F70D-4049-8A04-47C56DAF01A9 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P2860 wd:Q24293746 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:159cec02ce92039d987f9c28bde7d9f8c7b9d77d . wd:Q24292828 p:P2860 s:Q24292828-51792D18-4E67-4897-975B-786DF5A3BEB1 . s:Q24292828-51792D18-4E67-4897-975B-786DF5A3BEB1 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P2860 wd:Q24672516 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:159cec02ce92039d987f9c28bde7d9f8c7b9d77d . wd:Q24292828 p:P2860 s:Q24292828-5439303E-19AE-4F74-8BBD-066FD6929F99 . s:Q24292828-5439303E-19AE-4F74-8BBD-066FD6929F99 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P2860 wd:Q28270992 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:159cec02ce92039d987f9c28bde7d9f8c7b9d77d . wd:Q24292828 p:P2860 s:Q24292828-C92D7914-4B61-4E86-80E8-437CE1016B6E . s:Q24292828-C92D7914-4B61-4E86-80E8-437CE1016B6E a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P2860 wd:Q24569545 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:159cec02ce92039d987f9c28bde7d9f8c7b9d77d . wd:Q24292828 p:P2860 s:Q24292828-58BE6645-AD46-43E7-85E2-A430753501E9 . s:Q24292828-58BE6645-AD46-43E7-85E2-A430753501E9 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P2860 wd:Q24293197 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:159cec02ce92039d987f9c28bde7d9f8c7b9d77d . wd:Q24292828 p:P2860 s:Q24292828-E18C874C-8B90-4568-B528-48B69F6A5739 . s:Q24292828-E18C874C-8B90-4568-B528-48B69F6A5739 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; 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wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P5875 "261033858" . wd:Q24292828 p:P6179 s:Q24292828-32EEFAEA-58B5-456D-B1C1-027FB8BEF3B7 . s:Q24292828-32EEFAEA-58B5-456D-B1C1-027FB8BEF3B7 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P6179 "1051400798" . wd:Q24292828 p:P921 s:Q24292828-17C6E89F-307C-4A74-8957-133E08AD8175 . s:Q24292828-17C6E89F-307C-4A74-8957-133E08AD8175 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P921 wd:Q423042 ; prov:wasDerivedFrom ref:0723282bb80042897ca697416c050b4bf7fb5428 . wd:Q24292828 rdfs:label "The mammalian-membrane two-hybrid assay (MaMTH) for probing membrane-protein interactions in human cells"@en ; skos:prefLabel "The mammalian-membrane two-hybrid assay (MaMTH) for probing membrane-protein interactions in human cells"@en ; schema:name "The mammalian-membrane two-hybrid assay (MaMTH) for probing membrane-protein interactions in human cells"@en ; rdfs:label "The mammalian-membrane two-hybrid assay (MaMTH) for probing membrane-protein interactions in human cells"@nl ; skos:prefLabel "The mammalian-membrane two-hybrid assay (MaMTH) for probing membrane-protein interactions in human cells"@nl ; schema:name "The mammalian-membrane two-hybrid assay (MaMTH) for probing membrane-protein interactions in human cells"@nl ; rdfs:label "The mammalian-membrane two-hybrid assay (MaMTH) for probing membrane-protein interactions in human cells"@en-gb ; skos:prefLabel "The mammalian-membrane two-hybrid assay (MaMTH) for probing membrane-protein interactions in human cells"@en-gb ; schema:name "The mammalian-membrane two-hybrid assay (MaMTH) for probing membrane-protein interactions in human cells"@en-gb ; rdfs:label "The mammalian-membrane two-hybrid assay (MaMTH) for probing membrane-protein interactions in human cells"@ast ; skos:prefLabel "The mammalian-membrane two-hybrid assay (MaMTH) for probing membrane-protein interactions in human cells"@ast ; schema:name "The mammalian-membrane two-hybrid assay (MaMTH) for probing membrane-protein interactions in human cells"@ast ; schema:description "scientific article"@en, "wetenschappelijk artikel (gepubliceerd in 2014-05)"@nl, "vědecký článek publikovaný v roce 2014"@cs, "article scientifique (publié 2014-05)"@fr, "articolo scientifico (pubblicato il 2014-05)"@it, "videnskabelig artikel (udgivet 2014-05)"@da, "vedecký článok (publikovaný 2014-05)"@sk, "artigo científico (publicado na 2014-05)"@pt, "2014 թվականի մայիսին հրատարակված գիտական հոդված"@hy, "wissenschaftlicher Artikel (veröffentlicht in Mai 2014)"@de, "مقالة علمية (نشرت في مايو 2014)"@ar, "2014년 논문"@ko, "мақолаи илмӣ"@tg-cyrl, "научни чланак"@sr, "article científic"@ca, "научна статия"@bg, "artículo científico publicado en 2014"@es, "mokslinis straipsnis"@lt, "bài báo khoa học"@vi, "научная статья"@ru, "artículu científicu espublizáu en 2014"@ast, "სამეცნიერო სტატია"@ka, "2014年论文"@zh-my, "artikull shkencor"@sq, "научни чланак"@sr-ec, "מאמר מדעי"@he, "мақолаи илмӣ"@tg, "2014 nî lūn-bûn"@nan, "vetenskaplig artikel"@sv, "2014年論文"@zh-hant, "naučni članak"@sr-el, "scienca artikolo"@eo, "2014年論文"@yue, "2014年论文"@zh-hans, "vitskapeleg artikkel"@nn, "artigo científico (publicado na 2014)"@pt-br, "tudományos cikk"@hu, "2014年論文"@zh-hk, "teaduslik artikkel"@et, "2014年論文"@zh-tw, "article scientific"@oc, "επιστημονικό άρθρο"@el, "bilimsel makale"@tr, "2014年论文"@zh-cn, "vitenskapelig artikkel"@nb, "2014年論文"@zh-mo, "artigo científico"@gl, "artykuł naukowy"@pl, "บทความทางวิทยาศาสตร์"@th, "artikulong pang-agham"@tl, "articol științific"@ro, "2014年论文"@zh-sg, "наукова стаття, опублікована в травні 2014"@uk, "2014年论文"@zh, "2014年の論文"@ja, "2014年论文"@wuu, "tieteellinen artikkeli"@fi, "2014 թուականի Մայիսին հրատարակուած գիտական յօդուած"@hyw, "ശാസ്ത്ര പ്രബന്ധം"@ml, "২০১৪-এ প্রকাশিত বৈজ্ঞানিক নিবন্ধ"@bn, "مقالهٔ علمی"@fa, "سائنسی مضمون"@ur . wd:P698 a wikibase:Property ; 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owl:complementOf _:b031acc4c46aca4c83feb5878a7c4a6a . _:b031acc4c46aca4c83feb5878a7c4a6a a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P50 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:Q573751 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Anthony Pawson"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Anthony Pawson"@en ; schema:name "Anthony Pawson"@en ; schema:description "British-Canadian scientist (1952-2013)"@en . wd:Q57452742 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Irina Krykbaeva"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Irina Krykbaeva"@en ; schema:name "Irina Krykbaeva"@en ; schema:description "researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-1380-7607"@en . wd:Q37828873 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Mikko Taipale"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Mikko Taipale"@en ; schema:name "Mikko Taipale"@en ; schema:description "researcher"@en . wd:Q47492209 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Ming-Sound Tsao"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Ming-Sound Tsao"@en ; schema:name "Ming-Sound Tsao"@en ; schema:description "researcher"@en . wd:Q23883510 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Igor Jurišica"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Igor Jurišica"@en ; 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skos:prefLabel "Selected reaction monitoring mass spectrometry reveals the dynamics of signaling through the GRB2 adaptor"@en ; schema:name "Selected reaction monitoring mass spectrometry reveals the dynamics of signaling through the GRB2 adaptor"@en ; schema:description "scientific article"@en . wd:Q28239249 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "High-throughput mapping of a dynamic signaling network in mammalian cells"@en ; skos:prefLabel "High-throughput mapping of a dynamic signaling network in mammalian cells"@en ; schema:name "High-throughput mapping of a dynamic signaling network in mammalian cells"@en ; schema:description "scientific article (publication date: 11 March 2005)"@en . wd:Q24297748 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Quantitative analysis of HSP90-client interactions reveals principles of substrate recognition"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Quantitative analysis of HSP90-client interactions reveals principles of substrate recognition"@en ; schema:name "Quantitative analysis of HSP90-client interactions reveals principles of substrate recognition"@en ; 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schema:description "scientific article"@en . wd:Q35849562 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Split ubiquitin as a sensor of protein interactions in vivo"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Split ubiquitin as a sensor of protein interactions in vivo"@en ; schema:name "Split ubiquitin as a sensor of protein interactions in vivo"@en ; schema:description "scientific article published in October 1994"@en . wd:Q37604636 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Mammalian two-hybrids come of age."@en ; skos:prefLabel "Mammalian two-hybrids come of age."@en ; schema:name "Mammalian two-hybrids come of age."@en ; schema:description "scientific article published on 26 September 2009"@en . wd:Q39148977 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "The ShcA PTB domain functions as a biological sensor of phosphotyrosine signaling during breast cancer progression"@en ; skos:prefLabel "The ShcA PTB domain functions as a biological sensor of phosphotyrosine signaling during breast cancer progression"@en ; schema:name "The ShcA PTB domain functions as a biological sensor of phosphotyrosine signaling during breast cancer progression"@en ; schema:description "scientific article published on 21 May 2013"@en . wd:Q36864053 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Universal strategies in research and drug discovery based on protein-fragment complementation assays"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Universal strategies in research and drug discovery based on protein-fragment complementation assays"@en ; schema:name "Universal strategies in research and drug discovery based on protein-fragment complementation assays"@en ; schema:description "scientific article published on July 2007"@en . wd:Q37329543 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Mapping the functional yeast ABC transporter interactome"@en ; skos:prefLabel "Mapping the functional yeast ABC transporter interactome"@en ; schema:name "Mapping the functional yeast ABC transporter interactome"@en ; schema:description "scientific article published on 07 July 2013"@en . wd:Q33943421 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "Oncogenic mutant forms of EGFR: lessons in signal transduction and targets for cancer therapy"@en ; 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owl:complementOf _:e011110d3fc77cb743b2b08b63c4f19a . _:e011110d3fc77cb743b2b08b63c4f19a a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P887 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:Q105771503 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "inferred from DOI database lookup"@en ; skos:prefLabel "inferred from DOI database lookup"@en ; schema:name "inferred from DOI database lookup"@en ; schema:description "heuristic for sourcing Wikidata statements using a database lookup using a DOI"@en . wd:Q69652283 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "inferred from title"@en ; skos:prefLabel "inferred from title"@en ; schema:name "inferred from title"@en ; schema:description "inferring a statement for a work item from the title"@en . v:fc97c34ea5ab04a49398329beb153550 a wikibase:TimeValue ; wikibase:timeValue "2014-05-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; wikibase:timePrecision "10"^^xsd:integer ; wikibase:timeTimezone "0"^^xsd:integer ; wikibase:timeCalendarModel . v:2e2821a076ebf3d68a7ee7ad7b5628b4 a wikibase:TimeValue ; wikibase:timeValue "2017-04-20T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; wikibase:timePrecision "11"^^xsd:integer ; wikibase:timeTimezone "0"^^xsd:integer ; wikibase:timeCalendarModel . v:d0931b31b1c31ffa1325777f65b723db a wikibase:TimeValue ; wikibase:timeValue "2020-12-12T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; wikibase:timePrecision "11"^^xsd:integer ; wikibase:timeTimezone "0"^^xsd:integer ; wikibase:timeCalendarModel . v:d40cb13acf8001d779efbb0c45cb42f0 a wikibase:TimeValue ; wikibase:timeValue "2021-01-07T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; wikibase:timePrecision "11"^^xsd:integer ; wikibase:timeTimezone "0"^^xsd:integer ; wikibase:timeCalendarModel . ref:308082f8ad2bf2bc29f458697326b0dfc0016b79 a wikibase:Reference ; pr:P248 wd:Q30068043 ; pr:P3181 "897018" ; prn:P3181 . ref:159cec02ce92039d987f9c28bde7d9f8c7b9d77d a wikibase:Reference ; pr:P248 wd:Q5188229 ; pr:P854 ; pr:P813 "2017-04-20T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; prv:P813 v:2e2821a076ebf3d68a7ee7ad7b5628b4 . ref:1811f8d2ed3b0df224a6bc233b5594a36d872f1c a wikibase:Reference ; pr:P248 wd:Q5188229 ; pr:P854 ; pr:P813 "2017-04-20T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; prv:P813 v:2e2821a076ebf3d68a7ee7ad7b5628b4 . ref:b3b68c63da38a39a412403767c8e237973903831 a wikibase:Reference ; pr:P248 wd:Q180686 ; pr:P854 ; pr:P813 "2020-12-12T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; prv:P813 v:d0931b31b1c31ffa1325777f65b723db ; pr:P887 wd:Q105771474 . ref:057ea0c3c02fdf4433ad829aefdc6ed4293700cd a wikibase:Reference ; pr:P248 wd:Q5188229 ; pr:P854 ; pr:P813 "2021-01-07T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; prv:P813 v:d40cb13acf8001d779efbb0c45cb42f0 ; pr:P887 wd:Q105771503 . ref:0723282bb80042897ca697416c050b4bf7fb5428 a wikibase:Reference ; pr:P887 wd:Q69652283 .