1.0.0 2267595383 2024-10-30T10:43:10Z 15 15 5 en Siege of Alexandria (47 BC) wikipedia fr Siège d'Alexandrie (47 av. J.-C.) wikipedia es Sitio de Alejandría (47 a. C.) wikipedia pt Cerco de Alexandria (47 a.C.) wikipedia ar حصار الإسكندرية (47 ق.م) wikipedia vi Cuộc vây hãm Alexandria (47 TCN) wikipedia sr Опсада Александрије (47. п. н. е.) wikipedia azb ایسكندريه موحاصیره‌سی(۴۷ ق.م) wikipedia id Pengepungan Aleksandria (47 SM) wikipedia hr Aleksandrijski rat (47. pr. Kr.) wikipedia hy Ալեքսանդրիայի պաշարում (մ․թ․ա․ 47) wikipedia it Assedio di Alessandria d'Egitto (48 a.C.) wikipedia tr İskenderiye Kuşatması (MÖ 47) wikipedia ru Осада Александрии wikipedia pl Oblężenie Aleksandrii wikipedia XX528187 sh85003378 804759 -0046-01-01T00:00:00Z -0046-01-01T00:00:00Z Point(29.916666666 31.2) /m/04mx21j 987007293790805171 XX528187 sh85003378 804759 -0046-01-01T00:00:00Z -0046-01-01T00:00:00Z Point(29.916666666 31.2) /m/04mx21j 987007293790805171 Siege of Alexandria Siege of Alexandria Siege of Alexandria Cerco de Alexandria Cerco de Alexandria Cerco de Alexandria Assedio di Alessandria Assedio di Alessandria Assedio di Alessandria حصار الإسكندرية حصار الإسكندرية حصار الإسكندرية siège d'Alexandrie siège d'Alexandrie siège d'Alexandrie Cuộc vây hãm Alexandria Cuộc vây hãm Alexandria Cuộc vây hãm Alexandria Опсада Александрије Опсада Александрије Опсада Александрије ایسكندريه محاصیره‌سی(۴۷ ق.م) ایسكندريه محاصیره‌سی(۴۷ ق.م) ایسكندريه محاصیره‌سی(۴۷ ق.م) Pengepungan Aleksandria (47 SM) Pengepungan Aleksandria (47 SM) Pengepungan Aleksandria (47 SM) Aleksandrijski rat (47. pr. Kr.) Aleksandrijski rat (47. pr. Kr.) Aleksandrijski rat (47. pr. Kr.) המצור על אלכסנדריה המצור על אלכסנדריה המצור על אלכסנדריה Ալեքսանդրիայի պաշարում (մ․թ․ա․ 47) Ալեքսանդրիայի պաշարում (մ․թ․ա․ 47) Ալեքսանդրիայի պաշարում (մ․թ․ա․ 47) Sitio de Alejandría Sitio de Alejandría Sitio de Alejandría Setge d'Alexandria (47 a.C.) Setge d'Alexandria (47 a.C.) Setge d'Alexandria (47 a.C.) Asèdio de Alessandria Asèdio de Alessandria Asèdio de Alessandria アレクサンドリア包囲 アレクサンドリア包囲 アレクサンドリア包囲 Léigear Chathair Alastair (47 BC) Léigear Chathair Alastair (47 BC) Léigear Chathair Alastair (47 BC) İskenderiye Kuşatması (MÖ 47) İskenderiye Kuşatması (MÖ 47) İskenderiye Kuşatması (MÖ 47) Осада Александрии Осада Александрии Осада Александрии Oblężenie Aleksandrii Oblężenie Aleksandrii Oblężenie Aleksandrii Sieĝo de Aleksandrio Sieĝo de Aleksandrio Sieĝo de Aleksandrio obleganje Aleksandrije (47 pr. n. št.) obleganje Aleksandrije (47 pr. n. št.) obleganje Aleksandrije (47 pr. n. št.) Assedio di Alessandria d'Egitto del 48 a.C. -47 (47 a. C.) 48-47 BC battle of the Alexandrian War, Caesar vs Ptolemy XIII batalo de 47 a.K. bitka aleksandrijske vojne Sitio de Alejandria asedio de Alejandría حصار الإسكندرية (٤٧ ق.م) アレクサンドリア攻囲戦 siege siege siege military blockade of a city or fortress instance of instance of instance of that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform) Ancient Rome Ancient Rome Ancient Rome country that began growing on the Italian Peninsula from the 8th century BC participant participant participant person, group of people or organization (object) that actively takes/took part in an event or process (subject). Preferably qualify with "object has role" (P3831). Use P1923 for participants that are teams. National Library of Spain ID National Library of Spain ID National Library of Spain ID identifier from the authority file of the National Library of Spain. Format for persons: "XX" followed by 4 to 7 digits Library of Congress authority ID Library of Congress authority ID Library of Congress authority ID Library of Congress name authority (persons, families, corporate bodies, events, places, works and expressions) and subject authority identifier [Format: 1-2 specific letters followed by 8-10 digits (see regex). For manifestations, use P1144] FAST ID FAST ID FAST ID authority control identifier in WorldCat's “FAST Linked Data” authority file Alexandria Alexandria Alexandria city in Egypt location location location location of the object, structure or event. In the case of an administrative entity as containing item use P131. For statistical entities use P8138. In the case of a geographic entity use P706. Use P7153 for locations associated with the object Alexandrian War Alexandrian War Alexandrian War Caesar's intervention in Egypt during his civil war part of part of part of object of which the subject is a part (if this subject is already part of object A which is a part of object B, then please only make the subject part of object A), inverse property of "has part" (P527, see also "has parts of the class" (P2670)) start time start time start time time an entity begins to exist or a statement starts being valid end time end time end time moment when an entity ceases to exist or a statement stops being valid coordinate location coordinate location coordinate location geocoordinates of the subject. For Earth, please note that only WGS84 coordinating system is supported at the moment Siege of Alexandria Siege of Alexandria Siege of Alexandria 1801 siege during the French Campaign in Egypt and Syria different from different from different from item that is different from another item, with which it may be confused Siege of Alessandria (1175) Siege of Alessandria (1175) Siege of Alessandria (1175) 29 October 1174 - 12 April 1175 Siege of Alexandria Siege of Alexandria Siege of Alexandria (641) Freebase ID Freebase ID Freebase ID identifier for a page in the Freebase database. Format: "/m/0" followed by 2 to 7 characters. For IDs starting with "/g/", use Google Knowledge Graph ID (P2671) J9U ID J9U ID J9U ID identifier used by the National Library of Israel English Wikipedia English Wikipedia English Wikipedia English-language edition of Wikipedia imported from Wikimedia project imported from Wikimedia project imported from Wikimedia project source of this claim's value; used in references section by bots or humans importing data from Wikimedia projects retrieved retrieved retrieved date or point in time that information was retrieved from a database or website (for use in online sources) datos.bne.es datos.bne.es datos.bne.es open data platform of the Biblioteca Nacional de España stated in stated in stated in to be used in the references field to refer to the information document or database in which a claim is made; for qualifiers use P805; for the type of document in which a claim is made use P3865 Faceted Application of Subject Terminology Faceted Application of Subject Terminology Faceted Application of Subject Terminology simplified syntax for Library of Congress Subject Headings Wikimedia import URL Wikimedia import URL Wikimedia import URL URL of source to indicate the page or revision of an import source from another Wikimedia project (except actual references, such as Wikisource source texts). Use instead of "reference URL" (P854). Permalinks are preferred. National Library of Israel Names and Subjects Authority File National Library of Israel Names and Subjects Authority File National Library of Israel Names and Subjects Authority File 31.2 29.916666666 1.0E-6 2018-03-10T00:00:00Z 11 0 -0046-01-01T00:00:00Z 9 0 2018-03-10T00:00:00Z XX528187 2018-03-10T00:00:00Z 2018-03-10T00:00:00Z