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rdfs:label "কমিউনিস্ট একনায়কতন্ত্র"@bn ; skos:prefLabel "কমিউনিস্ট একনায়কতন্ত্র"@bn ; schema:name "কমিউনিস্ট একনায়কতন্ত্র"@bn ; rdfs:label "kediktatoran komunis"@id ; skos:prefLabel "kediktatoran komunis"@id ; schema:name "kediktatoran komunis"@id ; rdfs:label "deachtóireacht chumannach"@ga ; skos:prefLabel "deachtóireacht chumannach"@ga ; schema:name "deachtóireacht chumannach"@ga ; rdfs:label "dictatură comunistă"@ro ; skos:prefLabel "dictatură comunistă"@ro ; schema:name "dictatură comunistă"@ro ; rdfs:label "کؤمؤنيستي ديکتاتؤري"@glk ; skos:prefLabel "کؤمؤنيستي ديکتاتؤري"@glk ; schema:name "کؤمؤنيستي ديکتاتؤري"@glk ; rdfs:label "dictatura comunista"@oc ; skos:prefLabel "dictatura comunista"@oc ; schema:name "dictatura comunista"@oc ; rdfs:label "kommunistisk diktatur"@sv ; skos:prefLabel "kommunistisk diktatur"@sv ; schema:name "kommunistisk diktatur"@sv ; rdfs:label "dîktatoriya komunîst"@ku ; skos:prefLabel "dîktatoriya komunîst"@ku ; schema:name "dîktatoriya komunîst"@ku ; rdfs:label "коммунист диктатурасы"@tt ; skos:prefLabel "коммунист диктатурасы"@tt ; schema:name "коммунист диктатурасы"@tt ; rdfs:label "độc tài cộng sản"@vi ; skos:prefLabel "độc tài cộng sản"@vi ; schema:name "độc tài cộng sản"@vi ; rdfs:label "kommunista diktatúra"@hu ; skos:prefLabel "kommunista diktatúra"@hu ; schema:name "kommunista diktatúra"@hu ; rdfs:label "ditadura comunista"@vec ; skos:prefLabel "ditadura comunista"@vec ; schema:name "ditadura comunista"@vec ; schema:description "dictatorial political system"@en, "диктаторская политическая система"@ru, "système politique dictatorial"@fr, "dyktatorski ustrój polityczny"@pl, "diktatorski politički sistem"@bs, "একনায়কতান্ত্রিক রাজনৈতিক ব্যবস্থা"@bn, "sistem politic dictatorial"@ro, "sistèma politic dictatorial"@oc, "diktatoriskt politiskt system"@sv, "hệ thống chính trị độc tài"@vi ; skos:altLabel "comunismo"@es, "dictadura socialista"@es, "socialismo"@es, "dictature"@en, "dictatorship"@en, "communist dictadure"@en, "Diktatur"@de, "dyktatura"@pl, "диктатура"@ru, "সর্বহারার একনায়কতন্ত্র"@bn . wd:Q117405789 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "one-party dictatorship"@en ; skos:prefLabel "one-party dictatorship"@en ; schema:name "one-party dictatorship"@en ; schema:description "dictatorship state where political power comes from one single party"@en . wd:P279 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "subclass of"@en ; skos:prefLabel "subclass of"@en ; schema:name "subclass of"@en ; schema:description "this item is a subclass (subset) of that item; all instances of this item are instances of that item; different from P31 (instance of), e.g.: volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform); K2 is an instance of mountain"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P279 ; wikibase:claim p:P279 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P279 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P279 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P279 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P279 ; wikibase:reference pr:P279 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P279 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P279 . p:P279 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P279 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P279 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P279 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P279 a owl:ObjectProperty . ps:P279 a owl:ObjectProperty . pq:P279 a owl:ObjectProperty . pr:P279 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdno:P279 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:55a0a46aa65f620d17fa7dc3671280d4 . _:55a0a46aa65f620d17fa7dc3671280d4 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P279 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:Q317 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "dictatorship"@en ; skos:prefLabel "dictatorship"@en ; schema:name "dictatorship"@en ; schema:description "autocratic form of government which is ruled by a sole leader"@en . wd:Q1307214 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "form of government"@en ; skos:prefLabel "form of government"@en ; schema:name "form of government"@en ; schema:description "organisational model of government"@en . wd:P31 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "instance of"@en ; skos:prefLabel "instance of"@en ; schema:name "instance of"@en ; schema:description "that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P31 ; wikibase:claim p:P31 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P31 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P31 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P31 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P31 ; wikibase:reference pr:P31 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P31 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P31 . p:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty . ps:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty . pq:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty . pr:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdno:P31 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:0b8bd71b926a65ca3fa72e5d9103e4d6 . _:0b8bd71b926a65ca3fa72e5d9103e4d6 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P31 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:Q50686 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "single-party system"@en ; skos:prefLabel "single-party system"@en ; schema:name "single-party system"@en ; schema:description "political system with only one party permanently in control"@en . wd:P1552 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "has characteristic"@en ; skos:prefLabel "has characteristic"@en ; schema:name "has characteristic"@en ; schema:description "inherent or distinguishing quality or feature of the entity. Use a more specific property when possible"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P1552 ; wikibase:claim p:P1552 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P1552 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P1552 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P1552 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P1552 ; wikibase:reference pr:P1552 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P1552 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P1552 . p:P1552 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P1552 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P1552 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P1552 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P1552 a owl:ObjectProperty . ps:P1552 a owl:ObjectProperty . pq:P1552 a owl:ObjectProperty . pr:P1552 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdno:P1552 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:d646ce684b92dfe343f574cfbd061458 . _:d646ce684b92dfe343f574cfbd061458 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P1552 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing . wd:Q6186 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "communism"@en ; skos:prefLabel "communism"@en ; schema:name "communism"@en ; schema:description "far-left political and socioeconomic ideology"@en . wd:Q6229 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "authoritarianism"@en ; skos:prefLabel "authoritarianism"@en ; schema:name "authoritarianism"@en ; schema:description "form of social organization characterized by submission to authority"@en . wd:Q233591 a wikibase:Item ; rdfs:label "communist party"@en ; skos:prefLabel "communist party"@en ; schema:name "communist party"@en ; schema:description "political party that promotes communist philosophy and values"@en . wd:P642 a wikibase:Property ; rdfs:label "of"@en ; skos:prefLabel "of"@en ; schema:name "of"@en ; schema:description "(This property is being deprecated, see details at WD:P642) qualifier stating that a statement applies within the scope of a particular item"@en ; wikibase:propertyType ; wikibase:directClaim wdt:P642 ; wikibase:claim p:P642 ; wikibase:statementProperty ps:P642 ; wikibase:statementValue psv:P642 ; wikibase:qualifier pq:P642 ; wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P642 ; wikibase:reference pr:P642 ; wikibase:referenceValue prv:P642 ; wikibase:novalue wdno:P642 . p:P642 a owl:ObjectProperty . psv:P642 a owl:ObjectProperty . pqv:P642 a owl:ObjectProperty . prv:P642 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdt:P642 a owl:ObjectProperty . ps:P642 a owl:ObjectProperty . pq:P642 a owl:ObjectProperty . pr:P642 a owl:ObjectProperty . wdno:P642 a owl:Class ; owl:complementOf _:2a127b1015667b59aad92244e4ebb227 . _:2a127b1015667b59aad92244e4ebb227 a owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty wdt:P642 ; owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .